Jasper MVC is a lightweight JavaScript MVC framework for single page applications. Inspiration for Jasper comes from ASP.NET MVC, and if you are familiar with ASP.NET MVC Jasper will likely feel very natural to you.
Controllers are the entry points for your application. All controllers are made up of action methods.
The following example shows how to create a basic controller with a "list" action.
// Create a Controller named 'todo', with a 'list' action.
JasperMvc.Controller.create("todo", {
list: function () {
var todos = [
{ description: "Feed the dog", id: 1 },
{ description: "Feed the cat", id: 2 }
return JasperMvc.View.render("#todoListTemplate", todos);
Actions are the entry points for anything that you do. Actions such as the 'list' method above in return a rendering of a view based on a template jQuery selector as the first argument, and the model data as the second.
Actions will generally get/manipulate your data and indicate what should display after that happens, most commonly either returning a view or executing another action.
Rendering in Jasper MVC is handled by client side templating.
Similar to ASP.NET MVC, the concept of automated model binding can simplify working with modified data and route argument considerably.
Jasper uses the JSON Binder jQuery plugin to automatically map any form elements to a JSON object, and subsequently passes them into the action methods as an argument:
<script type="text/template" id="todoItemTemplate">
@if (!model.isEditing) {
<input data-action="change:todo/update/@model.id"
name="isComplete" @(model.isComplete ? "checked" : "")
<a class="destroy" data-action="click:todo/remove/@model.id"></a>
@if (model.isEditing) {
<input name="title" type="text" data-action="enter:todo/update/@model.id" value="@model.title" />
JasperMvc.Controller.create("todo", {
update: function (args) {
// By convention, "id" will be passed from the route defined in the "data-action",
// and "model" will be mapped from any <form> elements via the JSON Binder jQuery plugin
var current = repository.get(args.id),
updated = $.extend(current, args.model);
updated.isEditing = false;
return JasperMvc.Controller.executeAction({ controller: "app", action: "index" });