cp cfg/vilebot.conf.example cfg/vilebot.conf
$EDITOR vilebot/cfg/vilebot.conf
Install m2e
yum install eclipse-m2e-core
Reopen Eclipse if it is open, then use File > Import > Existing Maven Projects > Root Directory:
Import the maven source style definitions by downloading
and then use it with
Project > Properties > Java Code Style > Formatter > Enable Project Specific Settings > Import ...
Install redis server
yum install redis
redis-server is run with the local config file automatically by server-control.sh
Download fonts for !ascii
cd vilebot
Maven is used to get dependencies and to build. This command will generate a jar in target/
mvn package
Use the start script to start Vilebot:
./vilebot/server-control.sh start
This section describes how the local redis-server configuration was created.
Copy and edit redis.conf
cp /etc/redis.conf ./cfg/
vim redis.conf
Make sure redis.conf has the following (some may be there already), and that no exiting lines contradict:
daemonize no
port 6300
logfile ../log/redis.log
databases 1
save 900 1
save 300 10
save 60 10000
rdbcompression yes
dbfilename vb-dbdump.rdb
dir db/
appendonly no
vm-enabled no
activerehashing yes
If redis on Fedora upgrades to a more recent verison it's possible that virtual memory will be completely removed. We don't use it anyway, so remove/comment out the virtual memory options if they start being unrecognised after an upgrade.
Create a new application at https://apps.twitter.com
Under the API Keys tab, create a new set of access tokens.
Once generated, copy the API key, API secret, Access Token, and Access Token Secret into the appropriate variables in the UrlTweetAnnouncer class. Do not, at any point in time, commit these values.
All external files should be placed inside the "files" folder.
For example, our "wordlist.txt" file used by our Omgword feature is stored there.