Implementation and experiments of graph embedding algorithms.
Chinese NewsTitle Generation Project by GPT2.带有超级详细注释的中文GPT2新闻标题生成项目。
中文文本生成(NLG)之文本摘要(text summarization)工具包, 语料数据(corpus data), 抽取式摘要 Extractive text summary of Lead3、keyword、textrank、text teaser、word significance、LDA、LSI、NMF。(graph,feature,topic model,summarize to…
yukuotc / SIFRank_zh
Forked from sunyilgdx/SIFRank_zh基于预训练模型的中文关键词抽取方法(论文SIFRank: A New Baseline for Unsupervised Keyphrase Extraction Based on Pre-trained Language Model 的中文版代码)
Easy-to-use CPM for Chinese text generation(基于CPM的中文文本生成)
Chinese version of GPT2 training code, using BERT tokenizer.
一款面试刷题的 Spring Cloud 开源系统。零碎时间利用小程序查看常见面试题,夯实Java基础。 该项目可以教会你如何搭建SpringBoot项目,Spring Cloud项目。 采用流行的技术,如 SpringBoot、MyBatis、Redis、 MySql、 MongoDB、 RabbitMQ、Elasticsearch,采用Docker容器化部署。
Use Google's BERT for named entity recognition (CoNLL-2003 as the dataset).
Tensorflow solution of NER task Using BiLSTM-CRF model with Google BERT Fine-tuning And private Server services
Simple and Efficient Tensorflow implementations of NER models with tf.estimator and
Named Entity Recognition (LSTM + CRF) - Tensorflow
Chinese Named Entity Recognition with IDCNN/biLSTM+CRF, and Relation Extraction with biGRU+2ATT 中文实体识别与关系提取
Must-read papers on neural relation extraction (NRE)
An Open-Source Package for Neural Relation Extraction (NRE)
A very simple BiLSTM-CRF model for Chinese Named Entity Recognition 中文命名实体识别 (TensorFlow)