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Neovim/LazyVim integrated development environment in a docker container (fedora).

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My configuration files and scripts for a Neovim/LazyVim integrated development environment in a docker container (fedora).

  • Clipboard solution relying on OSC52
  • UI solution based on X11, mainly used for browser preview using xdg-open under the hood
  • Install and configure everything as a non-root user
  • Docker in Docker (dnd)
  • Tested on macOS Sonoma



Create your ssh keys

felix@macos ~ % ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "[email protected]"
felix@macos ~ % ssh-add --apple-use-keychain ~/.ssh/id_ed25519

Test your github access

felix@macos ~ % ssh -T [email protected]
Hi sysadmin4j! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.

Make sure the ssh-agent is used

felix@macos ~ % ssh-add -l



Setting up the git config ~/.gitconfig, creating the IDE_WORKSPACE folder, and cloning the dotfiles repository

felix@macos ~ % git config --global "Mona Lisa"
felix@macos ~ % git config --global [email protected]
felix@macos ~ % mkdir Repos
felix@macos ~ % cd Repos
felix@macos Repos % git clone [email protected]:sysadmin4j/dotfiles.git
felix@macos Repos % cd dotfiles
felix@macos dotfiles % git status





Nerd Fonts

Install the fonts MesloLGL Nerd Font Mono in the macOS user Library folder

felix@macos dotfiles % ./scripts/

The script can be usefull to test your fonts installation in the ide container we will use later on


Apply the Kitty configuration ~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf as well as the startup session configuration ~/.config/kitty/startup.session on the masOS host

felix@macos dotfiles % ./scripts/

Make sure the Nerd font is available for kitty

felix@macos ~ % kitty +list-fonts | grep "MesloLGL Nerd Font Mono"


The following script will create the folder ~/.local/state/zsh used to share the .zsh_history file and copy the .zshrc.macos to ~/.zshrc on the macOS host

felix@macos dotfiles % ./scripts/

Neovim/LazyVim (within docker)


The following script will simply copy the script ./scripts/ to ~/.local/bin/ide on the macOS host so you can use the ide command

felix@macos dotfiles % ./scripts/

Note: You can also use the install-ide alias


Don't forget to rebuild the ide docker image to apply Neovim configuration changes

felix@macos dotfiles % ./scripts/

Note: You can also use the build-ide alias

ENV Default value (in ./scripts/ Description
IDE_USERNAME felix username of the docker image non-root user
IDE_GROUPNAME staff groupname of the docker image non-root user
IDE_UID 501 uid of the docker image non-root user, must match the uid of the user running the ide command on the docker host
IDE_GID 20 gid of the docker image non-root user, must match the primary gid of the user running the ide command on the docker host
IDE_HOME_DIR /Users/${IDE_USERNAME} home directory of the docker image non-root user, must match the your $HOME folder of the user runnung the ide command on the docker host


To find the loaded LazyVim configuration within neovim


To reload the current lua configuration within neovim

:source %

See the config files:

  • ~/.config/nvim/lua/config/options.lua

Expose a service, example the dev port 3000

For docker-desktop on macOS make sure the Enable host networking option is enable


ENV Default value (in ./scripts/ Description
IDE_IMAGE_NAME ide image name to use
IDE_IMAGE_VERISON latest image version to use
IDE_X11 false start a x11 session, used mainly for browser preview <Leader>cp
IDE_DEBUG false print debug messages at the console
IDE_WORKSPACE ${HOME}/Repos your workspace directory, the location of your git repositories

The following command will start a shell in the ide container.

without X11 (default)


with X11

export IDE_X11=true; ide