A project to illuminate and inform the people in the office(s). Uses WS2812 LED strips connected to Tinkerforge bricks.
This project is under heavy development and further documentation is forthcoming.
- Reads configuration from JSON files.
- Outputs statuses on LED strips.
- Outputs statuses of Jenkins build jobs, updated every 60 seconds.
- Adjusts brightness of LED strips based on ambient illuminance.
- Outputs arbitrary pixels and sprites on LED strips.
- Does this via a HTTP API.
To run or deploy the server you need bricks.json
, ledstrips.json
, illuminances.json
and jenkins.json
, and jenkinsservers.json
in /home/sybil/
See docs/configfiles
for examples and simplified schemata.
The locations of these configuration files can be configured in src/main/resources/config.properties
Note that all the names used in the configuration files must be lowercase.
To run the server:
gradlew appRun
gradlew buildProduct
and it will produce a self-contained web-app with all the required dependencies in build/output/sybil
, that can run
on any computer that has Java 8 installed.
Copy this directory to wherever you want to deploy Sybil and run
or start.bat
or restart.bat
to restart the server or
or stop.bat
to stop the server.
gradlew build
and copy the war file from build/libs/
to an application server of your choice.
First run
gradlew appStartDebug
Now connect your debugger to port 5005.
e.g. in IntelliJ IDEA create a Run Configuration of type Remote
, leave all the defaults.
Now you can run this Configuration with the Debug command.
When you are done, run
gradlew appStop
docs/ Documentation sources.
| +-configfiles/ Examples and simple schemata for the config files.
| +-staticwebsite/ Sources of the sybil website.
src/ Source code.
+-test/ Unit tests.
+-main/ Main.
+-resources/ Resources.
| +-logback.xml Configures the logback logging engine.
| +-config.properties Contains the path to the config files.
+-java/org/synyx/sybil/ Java code base package.
+-AppInitializer Found by Servlet 3.0 container, starts app.
+-LoadFailedException Exception for when loading a file fails.
+-brick/ Brick-specific classes.
| +-persistence/ Data persistence for bricks.
| | +-Brick Configuration data for Tinkerforge bricks.
| | +-BrickRepository Repository for brick configurations.
| |
| +-service/ Services and their utility classes.
| +-BrickConnectionExcepti… Exception for connection errors.
| +-BrickNotFoundException Exception for non-existent bricks.
| +-BrickService Service for communicating with bricks.
+-bricklet/ Bricklet-specific classes.
| +-input/ Bricklets that input data.
| | +-illuminance/ Ambient Illuminance sensor bricklets.
| | +-persistence/ Data persistence for illuminance sensors.
| | | +-Illuminance Configuration data for illuminance sensors.
| | | +-IlluminanceRepo… Repository for illuminance sensor configs.
| | |
| | +-service/ Services and their utility classes.
| | +-BrickletAmb…Wrapper Wrapper for Tinkerforge ill. sensor objects.
| | +-BrickletAmb…Service Service for providing said objects.
| | +-I…ConnectionExcept… Exception for connection errors.
| | +-I…NotFoundException Exception for non-existent ill. sensors.
| | +-IlluminanceService Service for communicating with ill. sensors.
| |
| +-output/ Bricklets that output data.
| +-ledstrip/ LED strip bricklets.
| +-api/ API-controller & helpers for LED strips.
| | +-APIError Object for returning errors.
| | +-BadRequestException Exception for incorrect input to the API.
| | +-DisplayController MVC Controller for interacting w/ LED strips.
| |
| +-dto/ Data Transfer to the outside world.
| | +-LEDStripDTO Data Transfer Object for LED strips.
| | +-LEDStripDTOService Service for communicating with outside world.
| |
| +-persistence/ Data persistence for LED strips.
| | +-LEDStrip Configuration data for LED strips.
| | +-LEDStripRepository Repository for LED strip configs.
| |
| +-service/ Services and their utility classes.
| | +-BrickletLED…Wrapper Wrapper for Tinkerforge LED strip objects.
| | +-BrickletLED…Service Service for providing said objects.
| | +-L…ConnectionExcept… Exception for connection errors.
| | +-L…NotFoundException Exception for non-existent LED strips.
| | +-LEDStripService Service for communicating with LED strips.
| | +-Sprite1D Sprite object, for LED strips.
| |
| +-Color Color object, for LEDs.
+-config/ Configuration classes.
| +-SpringConfig Spring configuration.
| +-WebConfig Configures the web app.
+-jenkins/ Jenkins-specific classes.
+-persistence/ Data Persistence for Jenkins configs.
| +-JenkinsConfigRepository Repository for Jenkins configs.
| +-JobConfig Configuration for Jenkins jobs.
| +-ServerConfig Configuration for Jenkins servers.
+-service/ Services and their utility classes.
| +-JenkinsService Polls Jenkins servers and feeds statuses to LEDs.
+-JenkinsJob Object for a single returned Jenkins job.
+-JenkinsProperties Object for Jenkins jobs returned from Jenkins API.
+-Status Enum for statuses (OKAY, WARNING & CRITICAL)
+-StatusInformation Status with additional information.
The Servlet Container loads the configurations from AppInitializer, since it extends a ServletInitializer.
This then loads:
- The WebConfig class.
- Which in turn loads all the *Controller classes, since they're annotated with @RestController
- The Spring configuration in SpringConfig, which loads:
- All the *Service classes, since they're annotated with @Service, etc.
The JenkinsService has a runScheduled method, which is annotated with @Scheduled which means it is run every 60
seconds. This method gets a list of all jobs from the Jenkins server(s), compares it to the list loaded from
and then instructs the associated LED strips to show the jobs' statuses.
If so configured, the LED strips will adjust their brightness depending on the ambient illuminance measured by their
associated sensors.
A direct API for reading the LED strips' state and for writing to it (i.e. displaying things on it) is provided at
For further information on this see the wiki.
If you want to extend Sybil's functionality, here's how you operate it "manually":
The DisplayController communicates with the LEDStripDTOService, which communicates with the LEDStripService which reads the LED strip configuration from the LEDStripRepository and communicates with the Tinkerforge API, the BrickService and the IlluminanceService, who each communicate with their own *Repositorys.
If you want to add support for further hardware, try to replicate this pattern.