An interpreted programming language written in Go for idiots.
There are only tags, values, constant values, commands (statements), variables and scope. Well, for now.
./ <File>
This bash script will build the engine and run it.
It works like a function.
It will execute when the engine ready.
It will execute after XX seconds.
It will execute every time until you exit the program.
Your own named tags! This type of tag can be called by your code.
ProTip: If you want to end a tag, just use ``` ~ ```
"This is a string"
key1 = <Any>,
key2 = <Any>
#[<Any>, <Any>]
Yeah scope is a value.
write <Any> to console;
define variable $[variable];
assign value <Any> to $[variable];
delete variable $[variable];
make variable $[variable] global;
add <Number> by <Number>;
sub <Number> by <Number>;
divide <Number> by <Number>;
multiply <Number> by <Number>;
is <Any> equal with <Any>;
is <Any> not equal with <Any>;
not <Bool>;
is <Number> less than <Number>;
is <Number> less than or equal with <Number>;
is <Number> more than <Number>;
is <Number> more than or equal with <Number>;
<Bool> and <Bool>;
<Bool> or <Bool>;
Protip: You can use commands within commands like
command1 @(command2);
if <Bool> {
this is scope
if <Bool> {
this is scope
} else {
this is scope
call tag @[CustomTagName] with args <Array>;
To get the arguments in the custom tag, the custom tag just need to get the variable $args
get property <Number> from <Array>;
get property <String> from <Object>;
set <Any> as property <Number> from <Array>;
set <Any> as property <String> from <Object>;
get type of <Any>;
run scope {