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A 'lispy' grammar for a Programming Language

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PLLispy - experimental

This package defines a grammar for an experimental Programming Language.

This grammar is reversible meaning it can be executed both 'forward' and 'backward'. This means it can be interpreted both as a parser that transforms text into the PL AST and as a pretty printer which formats PL AST into text.

Parsing and printing through this grammar has a roundtrip property in that parse . print . parse === parse and print . parse . print == print. This does not guarantee that the input remains unchanged, only that printing does not parse back to a different AST or vice versa. In practise, this is used to normalise whitespace, parenthesis and line breaks.

The Grammar defined in this package is 'lispy' in that nested expressions/ types etc are grouped by surrounding parenthesis.

Example Syntax

Below are examples of the Grammars this package defines for parsing/ printing PL code. Most examples show the grammar as defined by PLGrammar and some example strings that could be parsed.

Both code fragments and grammars are likely to become out of date. The test cases under /tests/*Spec.hs can be run with stack test and validate Grammars defined under PLLispy/*.


  • The following syntax may appear where an expression is expected.
  • Each expression can always contain extra surrounding parenthesis.
  • Expressions can always contain extra preceeding (and following) space without altering their parse.
  • When printing, single or no spaces are prefered. Printing currently leans towards inserting parenthesis.
  • In some cases preceeding spaces or parenthesis are required.

Simplified Grammar:

  [ lambdaExpr
  , bigLamdaExpr
  , appExpr
  , bigAppExpr
  , sumExpr
  , productExpr
  , unionExpr
  , bindingExpr
  , caseAnalysis
  , betweenParens expr


Lambdas abstract over expressions.

Simplified Grammar:

-- A token lambda character followed by an abstraction then an expression
"λ" */ (lamIso \$/ type \*/ spaceRequired */ expression)

lamIso :: Iso (Type,Expr) Expr

Example parses:

Parses Description
λBool (0) A function accepting an expression of type Bool and returns that expression. Types must only be annotated on the abstracted variable. Variables are referenced by an index f how many abstractions away they appear
λBool (λNat 1) Parentheses are used to nest expressions. This is a function accepting an expression of type Bool that returns a function that accepts an expression of type Nat and returns the first Bool-typed expression.


Refer to expressions bound by a lambda expression.

Simplified Grammar:

longestMatching1 isDigit

Example parses:

Parses Description
0 The nearest expression bound by a Lambda abstraction. I.E. Inside λBool (0) would refer to the expression typed Bool.
1 The expression not the 0th, but the first binding away. I.E. Inside λBool (λNat (1)) would refer to the expression typed Bool.

Function application

Apply regular Lambdas to expressions.

Simplified Grammar:

-- A token 'at' character followed by two expressions.
"@" */ (appIso \$/ exprI \*/ spaceRequired */ exprI)

appIso :: Iso (Expr,Expr) Expr

Example parses:

Parses Description
@ 0 1 Apply the expression bound 0 lambdas away to the expression bound one lambda away
@ (λBool (0)) (*) Apply an identity function to the zero-product

Sum expressions

An sum expression has an index within some larger some type, in which it is one alternative.

Simplified Grammar:

-- A token '+' character followed by an index into the overall sum type,
-- the expression itself, then zero or many of the constituent sum types.
"+" */ (sumIso \$/ token natural \*/ (spaceRequired */ expression) \*/ (spaceRequired */ type))

sumIso :: Iso (Int, (Expr, [Type])) Expr

Example parses:

Parses Description
+0 (*) (*) Nat) A value of a sum type. The index within the greater sum is 0. The value is (*) - the empty product type. The first type in the sum is (*) - the type of empty products. The second type in the sum is Nat.

Product expressions

A product expression combines many expressions into one where the order is fixed.

Simplified Grammar:

-- A token 'star' followed by zero or many expressions.
"*" */ productIso \*/ rmany (spaceRequired */ expression)

productIso :: Iso [Expr] Expr

Example parses:

Parses Description
* 0 1 2 A product of expressions bound 0, 1 and 2 abstractions away.
(*) The empty product
* (*) (*) A product of two empty products.

Union expressions

A union expression has a type index into some larger type, in which it is one alternative. This differs from a sum type which has an order and where values are indexed by their position.

Simplified Grammar:

-- A token 'union', a type index into the overall union, the individual expression,
-- then zero or many types the union is part of.
"" */ (unionIso \$/ type
                 \*/ spaceRequired */ expression
                 \*/ (setIso \$/ rmany (spaceRequired */ type)))

unionIso :: Iso (Type, (Expr, Set Type)) Expr
setIso   :: Ord a => Iso [a] (Set a)

Example parses:

Parses Description
∪ Bool 0 Bool Nat Unit A value of a Union type. The index within the greater union is the type Bool. The value is 0 - a binding to an abstraction. The types that form the union are Bool Nat and Unit.

Big Lambdas

Big Lambdas abstract over types, but still produce expressions.

Simplified Grammar:

-- A token big lambda followed by a kind and and expression.
"Λ" */ (bigLamdaIso \$/ kind \*/ (spaceRequired */ expression))

bigLamdaIso :: Iso (Kind, Expr) Expr

Example parses:

Parses Description
ΛKIND λ(?0) 0 A function accepting a type of kind KIND that produces a function that accepts an expression with the previously bound type to produce that expression

Type binding

Refer to types bound by a big lambda expression.

Simplified Grammar:

"?" */ natural

Example parses:

Parses Description
?0 The nearest type bound by a Big Lambda abstraction. I.E. Inside ΛKIND (?0) would refer to the type kinded KIND.
?1 The type not the 0th, but the first binding away. I.E. Inside ΛKINDA (ΛKINDB (?1)) would refer to the type kinded KINDA.

Big application

Apply Big Lambdas - which abstract over types - to types to produce an expression.

Simplified Grammar:

-- A token 'big at' followed by an expression and a type.
"#" */ bigAppIso \$/ expression \*/ spaceRequired type

bigAppIso :: Iso (Expr, Type) Expr

Example parses:

Parses Description
# (Λ KIND λ(?0) 0) Bool Apply the type Bool to a Big Lambda which takes types of kind KIND.


This syntax may appear anywhere a type is expected. The same rule for expressions apply to types regarding parenthesis and whitespace.


A Named type is associated with some 'externally' defined type definition. This is 'external' in that the (current) expression/ type language provides no syntax for creating these associations. Type names are currently an upper case character followed by zero or more lower case characters.

Simplified Grammar:

-- An upper case character followed by zero or more lower case characters.
namedIso \$/ upper \*/ longestMatching isLower

namedIso :: Iso (Char, Text) Type

Example parses:

Parses Description
Bool The type associated with the name Bool


An arrow is the type of regular Lambda functions and denotes the type the function accepts and the type of the expression produced.

Simplified Grammar:

-- An arrow followed by two types.
"" */ arrowIso \$/ type \*/ (spaceRequired */ type)

arrowIso :: Iso (Type, Type) Type

Example parses:

Parses Description
→ (*) Bool The type of a Lambda which binds the empty product and produces an expression with the named type Bool

Sum types

Denotes the type of sum expressions as a left-to-right ordering of the constituent expression types.

Simplified Grammar:

-- A plus followed by zero or many types
"+" */ sumTIso \$/ rmany (spaceRequired */ type)

sumTIso :: Iso [Type] Type

Example parses:

Parses Description
+ Bool Nat Unit The type of sum expressions that may be individually typed either Bool, Nat or Unit
+ The empty sum type with no alternatives

Product types

Denotes the type of product expressions as a left-to-right ordering

Simplified Grammar:

-- star followed by zero or many types.
"*" */ productIso \*/ rmany (spaceRequired type)

productTIso :: Iso [Type] Type

Example parses:

Parses Description
* Bool Nat Unit The type of product expressions that are typed Bool, Nat, Unit in order
* The empty product type with no sub-expressions

Union types

The type of union expressions.

Simplified Grammar:

-- A union followed by zero or more types
"" */ unionIso . setIso \$/ rmany (spaceRequired */ type)

unionIso :: Iso (Set Type) Type
setIso :: Ord a => Iso [a] (Set a)

Example parses:

Parses Description
∪ Bool Nat Unit The type of union expressions that may individually be either Bool, Nat or Unit and are indexed by type rather than order
The empty union type with no alternatives

Big arrow

The type of big lambdas.

Simplified Grammar:


bigArrowIso :: Iso (Kind, Type) Type

Example parses:

Parses Description

Type lambda

A type level lambda corresponds is a lambda that abstracts over types to produces types.

Simplified Grammar:

-- A big lambda followed by a kind and a type
"Λ" */ typeLambdaIso \$/ kind \*/ (spaceRequired */ type)

typeLambdaIso :: Iso (Kind, Type) Type

Example parses:

Parses Description
Λ KIND Bool A type function that abstracts over a type with kind KIND and produces the type Bool.
Λ KIND ?0 A type function that abstracts over a type with kind KIND and produces that type.

Type application

Apply a type lambda to a type to produce a type.

Simplified Grammar:

-- A big 'at' followed by two types
"#" */ typeAppIso \$/ type \*/ (spaceRequired type)

typeAppIso :: Iso (Type, Type) Type

Example parses:

Parses Description
# (Λ KIND ?0) Bool Apply the type Bool (kinded KIND) to the type lambda which returns the bound Bool

Case analysis

Expressions (and not types) can be pattern matched by case analysis.

An entire case statement starts with "CASE" followed by a scrutinee expression then the case branches. Zero or many case branches can exist, followed by a default branch. Branches have two components, the pattern they match (which may contain pattern bindings) and an expression in which any bindings are accessible as if bound by lambda abstraction.

Branches are denoted by a | character. Abstractions are denoted by ? character.

Example case statement:

CASE expression          -- Case analysis on some expression
    (|? (0))             -- The first branch matches anything and returns it.
    (|? (*))             -- The second branch will not be reached, but would
                         -- return an empty product.
  (+)                    -- The default branch will not be reached but returns the empty sum

Sums, products and unions can be pattern matched upon. Lambdas and other forms of expression can not. Wherever an expression is allowed within a pattern, so is a ? which acts to bind that expression.

Simplified match grammar:

  [ bind
  , matchBinding
  , matchSum
  , matchProduct
  , matchUnion
  , betweenParens match


A bind matches the entire expression and binds it to be referenced as if abstracted by a lambda. If a bind appears at the top level, the entire expression is bound. If it appears as a sub expression, that sub-expression is bound.

Example parses:

Parses Description
? Match any expression value. Sums, Products, etc
+0 ? If the sum expression is matched index 0, bind its expression
* ? ? Match both expressions in a product expression


A sum pattern matches a sum expression. The index matches the sum expressions alternatives left to right starting at 0.

Example parses:

Parses Description
+0 ? Matches when a sum expression is at index 0 within its sum type.
+0 (+1 ?) Matches when a sum expression is at index 0 within its sum type and that contained expression is at index 1 within its sum type.


A product pattern matches a product expression. All contained expressions must match for the product to match as a whole.

Parses Description
* ? ? Matches any two expressions within a product type
* (+0 ?) (+1 ?) Matches only when both nested sum expression match


A union pattern matches a union expression. A type is used as the index into the union.

Parses Description
∪ Bool ? Matches when the expression has the Bool type within the union.


A 'lispy' grammar for a Programming Language







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