.NET Standard fork of Amazon MWS client
The Education library from the Xbox Live Indie games repository, valuable for MonoGame Developers for advanced samples
d2bot game manager by D3STROY3R with kolbot libs by kolton for d2bs
Reusable code snippets for the Universal Windows Platform.
Extensions to make MonoGame more awesome
C# library for parsing and importing TMX and TSX files generated by Tiled, a tile map generation tool
Bitmap & tilemap generation from a single example with the help of ideas from quantum mechanics
Quick start game for Fireball
A launcher used to manage Project Cartographer for Halo 2.
A tutorial for creating a complete application using .NET on Google Cloud Platform
API samples for the Universal Windows Platform.
Reads your xbox one gamer tag video rss feed and displays the videos and screenshots onto your website. You can now save images and videos now
Small application to get the battery level of your Xbox Controller as a UWP app.
Sample code to read Xbox one gamepad controller on a Universal Windows Platform (UWP)
An NTR CFW streaming client targeting UWP (Xbox One, Hololens, Windows 10, and Windows Phone 10) and WPF (.NET v4.5.2)
Universal Windows Platform (UWP) samples and showcases
A framework for building native Windows apps with React.
The Microsoft Xbox Live Developer Tools enables game developers to create their own tools for the Xbox Live service and access ones created by Microsoft.