This role managed an CloudStack Advanced Zone setup similar to SWISS TXT cloud.
See for a up to date guide about setup and dependencies.
# Which cloudstack zone to use, default: None (first zone found).
cs_zone: null
# Which cloudstack project to use, default: None
cs_project: null
# Which cloudstack domain to use, default: None
cs_domain: null
# Which cloudstack region to use, default: cloudstack
cs_region: "cloudstack"
# How the VM should be named, default: inventory_hostname_short
cs_instance_name: "{{ inventory_hostname_short }}"
# What display name to be used, default: null
cs_instance_display_name: null
# Group the VM should be added, default: null
cs_group: null
# What user data template should be used, default: cloud-init.j2
cs_instance_userdata_template: 'cloud-init.j2'
# Which IP should be assigned to the VM, default: None
cs_public_ip: ""
# When cs_public_ip is set and cs_portforwarding_rules is not empty, port
# forwarding are configured instead of a static NAT, e.g.:
# cs_portforwarding_rules:
# NOTE: if procotol is not set, "tcp" will defaulted, choices [ tcp, udp ].
# - { public_port: 21, private_port: 21 }
# - { public_port: 53, private_port: 53, procotol: upd }
cs_portforwarding_rules: []
# When cs_public_ip is set configure these firewall rules, e.g.:
# cs_firewall_rules:
# NOTE: if procotol is not set, "tcp" will defaulted, choices [ tcp, udp, icmp ]
# - { start_port: 21, end_port: 21, cidr: }
# NOTE: if cidr is not set, "" will defaulted
# - { start_port: 53, end_port: 53, procotol: upd }
# - { icmp_type: 8, icmp_code: 0, protocol: icmp }
# NOTE: if icmp_type or icmp_code is not set, "-1" (all) will defaulted
# - { protocol: icmp, cidr: }
cs_firewall_rules: []
# What networks to use
cs_networks: null
cs_ip_networks: null
# If a change would need to restart the VM,
# "cs_force: true" would restart the VM
cs_force: false
# What offering to use
cs_offering: 1cpu_1gb
# What template to use
cs_template: CentOS-7-x86_64
# Set "cs_disk: true" for additional data disk
cs_disk: false
cs_disk_offering: "Perf STXT"
cs_disk_size: 100
# Check for SSH reachabilty using this host.
cs_jumphost: localhost
# Override cloud-init defaults.
# NOTE: Don't set this variable if you don't need to override anything!
# Enable the root account (default is disabled)
#enable_root: yes
# Disable network autoconfiguration by cloud-init
# (default is to overwrite /etc/sysconf/network-scripts/ifcfg-*)
#disable_network: yes
# Disable resetting the hostname to the Cloudstack default
#disable_hostname: yes
[jump] cs_public_ip= ansible_host=
[webservers] cs_public_ip=
Webservers group variables:
# file: group_vars/webservers
- { public_port: 80 }
- { public_port: 443 }
- { public_port: 2322, protocol: udp }
- { start_port: 80, end_port: 80, protocol: tcp }
- { start_port: 443, end_port: 443, protocol: tcp }
- { start_port: 2322, end_port: 2322, protocol: udp, cidr: }
- { icmp_type: 8, icmp_code: 0, protocol: icmp, cidr: }
- Server Network
- Storage Network
Jump host group variables:
# file: group_vars/jump
- { public_port: 22 }
- { start_port: 22, end_port: 22, protocol: tcp, cidr: }
The cloud playbook:
# file: cloud.yml
- name: install jump hosts in the cloud
hosts: jump
gather_facts: no
- cloud-infra
- name: install VMs in the cloud
hosts: all:!jump
gather_facts: no
- cloud-infra
René Moser, SWISS TXT