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WebSocket Server

A lightweight WebSocket Server library in C, written from the ground up to implement RFC6455, using BSD sockets API. This library can handle multiple clients in a single thread using I/O Multiplexing.

Compatible with ESP32 (primary development target), Linux, Mac, and Windows.

You may want to limit the number of concurrent clients in an embedded device due to memory constraints.


Here's a basic Echo Server using WebSockets.

#include "ws_server.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>

#define PORT 8081

static int exitServer = 0;

void sig_handler(int signo) {
    if (signo == SIGINT) {
        exitServer = 1;

static void onConnect(Endpoint_t* client) {
    // A new client is connected
    if(client) {
        printf("WS Client connected: %p\n", client);
        // Send a ping to the client
        if(ws_server_SendPing((WsEndpoint_t*) client, NULL, 0) != LWS_ERR_OK) {
            printf("Could not send ping\n");

static void onMessage(Endpoint_t* client, void* payload, size_t size) {
	(void) size;
    // A new message has been received from a client.
    WsMessage_t* message = (WsMessage_t*) payload;
	if(message->opcode == OP_TEXT) {
        printf("Echoing Text Message: %.*s\n", (int) message->length, message->buffer);
    } else {
        printf("Echoing Binary Message: ");
        for(size_t i = 0; i < message->length; i++) {
            printf("%02X ", message->buffer[i]);
    // Echo the message back to the client.
    ws_server_SendMessage((WsEndpoint_t*) client, message->opcode, message->buffer, message->length);

static void onDisconnect(Endpoint_t* client) {
    // A client has been disconnected from the peer end.
    if(client) {
        printf("WS Client disconnected: %p\n", client);

static void onServerError(Server_t* server, const unsigned char* payload, size_t size) {
	(void) server;
    // Encountered an error in WS Server
    fprintf(stderr, "WS SERVER ERROR: %.*s\n", (int) size, payload);

static void onEndpointError(Endpoint_t* client, const unsigned char* payload, size_t size) {
    (void) client;
	// Encountered an error in WS Client
    fprintf(stderr, "WS CLIENT ERROR: %.*s\n", (int) size, payload);

int main() {

    if (signal(SIGINT, sig_handler) == SIG_ERR)
      fprintf(stderr, "===\ncan't catch SIGINT\n===\n");

    WsServerConfig_t server_config = { 0 };
    server_config.onConnect = onConnect;
    server_config.onDisconnect = onDisconnect;
    server_config.onMessage = onMessage;
    server_config.onServerError = onServerError;
    server_config.onEndpointError = onEndpointError;

    WsServer_t* server = ws_server_Init(&server_config, NULL);
    if(!server) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Exited WS Server!\n");
        return 1;

    ws_server_Bind(server, PORT);

    printf("Websocket Server listening on Port: %d\n", PORT);

    while(1) {
        if(ws_server_Tick(server) != LWS_ERR_OK || exitServer) {


    fprintf(stderr, "Exited WS Server!\n");

    return 0;

Other examples to create TCP, TLS, WS, WSS libraries can be found in the examples directory.

API Documentation

WebSocket Server

  • typedef void (*ConnectCallback)(Endpoint_t*);
  • typedef void (*DisconnectCallback)(Endpoint_t*);
  • typedef void (*MessageCallback)(Endpoint_t*, void* message, size_t size);
  • typedef void (*ServerErrorCallback)(Server_t*, const unsigned char* message, size_t size);
  • typedef void (*EndpointErrorCallback)(Endpoint_t*, const unsigned char* message, size_t size);
struct WsServerConfig_t {
    ConnectCallback onConnect; // Handler for a new WebSocket endpoint connection
    DisconnectCallback onDisconnect; // Handler for a WebSocket endpoint disconnection
    MessageCallback onMessage; // Handler for a WebSocket endpoint message
    ServerErrorCallback onServerError; // Handler for a WebSocket server error
    EndpointErrorCallback onEndpointError; // Handler for a WebSocket endpoint error

Create a WebSocket Server

WsServer_t* ws_server_Init(WsServerConfig_t* config, CertificateData* certs);

Initialize the WebSocket server and allocate resources.

  • param config: Instance of WsServerConfig_t with event handlers.
  • param certs: Certificate data for WSS server. Pass NULL for WS server.
  • returns an instance of WsServer_t on success, or NULL otherwise.

Dispose the WebSocket Server

Err_t ws_server_DeInit(WsServer_t* server);

Deinitialize the WebSocket server and free up resources.

  • param server: Pointer to WsServer_t instance.
  • returns WS_OK on success.

Bind the server to a port

Err_t ws_server_Bind(WsServer_t* server, int port);

Bind the WebSocket server to the given port.

  • param server: WsServer_t instance.
  • param port: Port number to bind to.
  • returns WS_OK on success.

Send text message to a client

Err_t ws_server_SendTextMessage(WsEndpoint_t* endpoint, unsigned char* buffer, size_t length);

Send a text message to a WebSocket endpoint.

  • param endpoint: Recipient WsEndpoint_t.
  • param buffer: Buffer to send.
  • param length: Length of buffer.
  • returns WS_OK on success.

Broadcast text message to all clients

Err_t ws_server_BroadcastTextMessage(WsServer_t* server, unsigned char* buffer, size_t length);

Broadcast a text message to all WebSocket endpoints connected to the server.

  • param server: WebSocket server.
  • param buffer: Buffer to send.
  • param length: Length of buffer.
  • returns WS_OK on success.

Send binary message to a client

Err_t ws_server_SendBinaryMessage(WsEndpoint_t* endpoint, unsigned char* buffer, size_t length);

Send a binary message to a WebSocket endpoint.

  • param endpoint: Recipient WsEndpoint_t.
  • param buffer: Buffer to send.
  • param length: Length of buffer.
  • returns WS_OK on success.

Broadcast binary message to all clients

Err_t ws_server_BroadcastBinaryMessage(WsServer_t* server, unsigned char* buffer, size_t length);

Broadcast a binary message to all WebSocket clients connected to the server.

  • param server: WebSocket server.
  • param buffer: Buffer to send.
  • param length: Length of buffer.
  • returns WS_OK on success.

Send Disconnect message to client

Err_t ws_server_SendCloseMessage(WsEndpoint_t* endpoint, WsCloseReason_t reason);

Send a close message to a WebSocket endpoint.

  • param endpoint: Recipient WsEndpoint_t.
  • param reason: Reason for closing the connection.
  • returns WS_OK on success.

Tick Function

Err_t ws_server_Tick(WsServer_t* server);

Tick function for the WebSocket server. Call this function repeatedly for the server to process its events.

  • param server: WsServer_t instance.
  • returns WS_OK on success.

Drop a Connection

Err_t ws_server_CloseConnection(WsEndpoint_t* endpoint);

Close the connection to a WebSocket endpoint.

  • param endpoint: WsEndpoint_t instance.
  • returns LWS_ERR_OK on success.


Left Trim

char* string_ltrim(char* s);

Trim whitespace from the beginning of the string

  • param s Pointer to string with whitespace
  • returns Pointer to trimmed string, NULL if s is NULL

Right Trim

char* string_rtrim(char* s);

Trim whitespace from the end of the string

  • param s Pointer to string with whitespace
  • returns Pointer to trimmed string, NULL if s is NULL


char* string_trim(char* s);

Trim whitespace from the both ends of the string

  • param s Pointer to string with whitespace
  • returns Pointer to trimmed string, NULL if s is NULL