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Implementation of Lamport's Distributed Mutual Exclusion Algorithm (CS 6378)

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Lamport's Mutual Exclution Algorithm Project

Code Overview


The class LamportClock implements the logical clock functionality. Node has an instance variable for its own LamportClock. Node calls local_event and msg_event(msg) methods on its LamportClock whenever necessary. LamportClock can be declared with a custom 'd' value. with new LamportClock(d).

LamportMutex Algorithm

This class implements the mutex algorithm. Node has an instance variable for its own mutex and node passes along request,reply,release messages to its mutex. Mutex has a modified ArrayList to store sorted request messages. A priority queue works better but I went with an ArrayList so that I can follow the execution by printing the queue at every request/release. and anticipate critical section execution based on release message sequence.

In order to change to a PriorityQueue, just change the instance variable, requestList and inside the way to pop the requestList in release_request method. and the same code works fine with a Priority Queue.

When a node requests critical section to its mutex, the mutex initializes a pending_replies list. The node execution blocks meanwhile, but the node does accept all the messages sent to it. The node goes into a while loop until its granted critical section, this only happens when node's own request is at the top of the requestList and there are no pending replies in the pending_replies list.


Node class extends thread and has a run method, which does the processing. Based on a random number generations, node decides to either multicast application message, or request critical section.

Node has a listener thread to listen for incoming messages. This thread has a reference to node and upon receipt of any message it calls the deliver_message method of the node_ref. So even when the main thread of node is busy executing or waiting for critical section, all the incoming messages are delivered.

when node sends a message it opens a socket and stores this sockets in a HashMap chan_map. Every message sends reuses these sockets, if the socket is closed then node creates a new socket and puts it in the HashMap

Node's own mutex is stored in an instance variable. All protocol messages are passed on to the mutex and mutex does the corresponding action depending upon the type of the message.


The message class is serializable. The messages sent are serialized objects, containing receiver, sender, timestamp, type and optionally content (which in this implementation is not used). Message class has its own instance methods to get sender, receiver, timestamp and type.

Messages are 'comparable' and the comparision is done based on the clock value in the messages, if the clock is same the tie is broken based on pid of the senders

public int compareTo(Message that) {
    if      (this.clock > that.getClock()) return +1;
    else if (this.clock < that.getClock()) return -1;
    else { //Break ties with pid;
        if(this.getSender() > that.getSender()) return +1;
        else return -1;

Config File

Config file format is like this:

  • pid ipaddress port clockValue

The clock value at the end is optional. If it is absent then the default clock value is 1 for that node.

Log Files

Each node generates a log file. For example node with pid 1 generates, node1.log. This logfile contains total number of protocol messages per critical section and corresponding time. All nodes also write to a shared logfile called shared.log.

How to compile and run each version?

The code is in a git repository. It has two branches, master branch contains version 1 implementation and Ver2 branch contains version 2.

swair-ThinkPad:~/work/systems/LamportMutex/src > git branch -v
* master ae0c125 incorporate custom time increment changes in Node class
  ver2   683a068 version 2,

Checkout any of the branch and compile the project from an IDE (Intellij-Idea is preferred, as project was created in the same, thus its straightforward to import it in Idea IDE), or change the classpath to the src folder and run


On any node, config file contains the IP address and pid.

To run, for example node with pid 2:

java -jar LamportMutex.jar 2 <configfile>


java Node 2 <configfile>

Data Collection and Analysis of Version 1 and 2

Version 1 and 2 Implementations

In Version 1, for each received request message, the node immediately sends a reply back.

For version 2, we maintain a map of pid and latest sent message timestamp to the node with that pid. At every request message, check this map if the latest timestamp is greater than that of the request message, don't send a reply.

In case when the node is the requestor, it considers all messages sent to it after its request, as potential reply message and informs the mutex.

Data Collection

The code snippet for data collection is below:

long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
int proto_messages_before = this.total_protocol_msgs;

//multicast("request"); -- do that inside LamportMutex
while(!mutex.request_crit_section()) {
    //keep checking if we can enter crit or not.
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long duration = (endTime - startTime);
int proto_messages_after = this.total_protocol_msgs;
this.delay_per_crit = duration;
this.count_per_crit = proto_messages_after - proto_messages_before;

we start a time counter just before requesting critical section. and keep track of total protocol messages exchanged before this instance.

just after exiting critical section, we check the difference in time and the difference in exchanged protocol messages and log that to the node's personal log. Example:

proto_msgs delay_duration
27 7719
26 12157
27 8525

Data collection code is same in Version 1 and Version 2.


In version 1, per critical section execution, for an N-node cluster we expect,

  • (n-1) Request Message sent by the node +
  • (n-1) Replies from other nodes +
  • (n-1) Releaes Messsages sent by the node = 3(n-1) messages

In version 2, any application message or protocol message sent by other nodes after the request is made, can act as a reply. So the number of messages are expected to be less than 3(n-1).

for i in {0..9}
do tail -21 node$i.log | head -20 | awk '{sum+=$1} END {print sum/NR}'
done | awk '{sum+=$1} END {print sum/NR}'

Running the version 2 5 times on a cluster of 10 nodes, and getting the average messages per node, and averaging each result gives less than 30. The observed averages in 5 runs were as follows:

  1. 26.94
  2. 26.81
  3. 26.79
  4. 26.78
  5. 26.86

The average of 5 runs is 26.83, which is less than 27 (the average in Version 1) as expected.

The shared.log has enter and exit times for critical sections for each node. It is evident that no two nodes have intersecting times and subsequent timestamps are in increasing order as expected.


Implementation of Lamport's Distributed Mutual Exclusion Algorithm (CS 6378)






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