install csvkit (sudo apt install csvkit) convert the excel files to csv (in2csv kpa-songs.xlsx > songs.csv) so we don't need spreadsheet kit.
git clone [email protected]:survos/kidpanalley.git kpa && cd kpa
git checkout tac
composer install
bin/console d:d:drop --force
bin/console d:d:create
bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force --complete
bin/console app:load-data
bin/console grid:index
symfony server:start -d
symfony open:local --path=/song
Tools for KPA
Load the exists assets (youtube and songs) via
bin/console app:load-data
Database Tables
- Videos: from youtube now, eventually from Dropbox too.
- Photos: Eventually from Dropbox
- Schools: residencies
- Songs: 5K from the spreadsheet. Talented Clementine and Best Friends could be added.
- User: for permissions
// if it were a generalized video / transcript research site