Centralized cooperative reinforcement learning
UnrealTracking / mate
Forked from XuehaiPan/mateMATE: the Multi-Agent Tracking Environment.
An OpenAIGym-based framework allowing to test Delay-Aware Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithms for cooperative multi-UAV systems in fully customizable scenarios (e.g., coverage maximization, trac…
"MimicPlay: Long-Horizon Imitation Learning by Watching Human Play" code repository
[ICDE 2023] Exploring both Individuality and Cooperation for Air-Ground Spatial Crowdsourcing by Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning
A goal-driven autonomous exploration through deep reinforcement learning (ICRA 2022) system that combines reactive and planned robot navigation in unknown environments
Autonomous UAV Navigation without Collision using Visual Information in Airsim
This is a new repo used for training UAV navigation (local path planning) policy using DRL methods.
A ROS2-based framework for TurtleBot3 DRL autonomous navigation
Mujoco Control Suite for Bimanual Manipulation
Gym-Styled UR5 arm with Robotiq-85 / 140 gripper in Bullet simulator
Codebase for CoRL 2022 paper "Modularity through Attention: Efficient Training and Transfer of Language-Conditioned Policies for Robot Manipulation"
🤖 The Full Process Python Package for Robot Learning from Demonstration and Robot Manipulation
The implementation and supplementary material for our RA-L work "An Affordance Keypoint Detection Network for Robot Manipulation".
[RAL & IROS 2021] Efficient learning of goal-oriented push-grasping synergy in clutter
Train robotic agents to learn to plan pushing and grasping actions for manipulation with deep reinforcement learning.
[T-ITS'23] Sim-to-real goal-oriented mapless autonomous navigation (DRL navigation).
Robot Navigation in a Crowd by Integrating Deep Reinforcement Learning and Online Planning
Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Crowd Navigation with Perceived Risk of the Moving Crowd for Mobile Robots
[ICRA'22] A Deep Reinforcement Learning Environment for Particle Robot Navigation and Object Manipulation
Deep Reinforcement Learning for mobile robot navigation in ROS Gazebo simulator. Using Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (TD3) neural network, a robot learns to navigate to a random g…
Target-driven Visual Navigation in Indoor Scenes using Deep Reinforcement Learning implemented in PyTorch
[ICRA 2021] Decentralized Structural-RNN for Robot Crowd Navigation with Deep Reinforcement Learning
[ICRA19] Crowd-aware Robot Navigation with Attention-based Deep Reinforcement Learning
Simulate the iteration of a UR5 robot with Lego bricks
Code for "Multi-task Reinforcement Learning with Soft Modularization"
A curated list of awesome NVIDIA Issac Gym frameworks, papers, software, and resources
Learning Chinese Character style with conditional GAN