Hi there! I'm Mohammad Sumon, a passionate MERN Stack Developer with a solid background in building modern, scalable web applications. I specialize in creating robust back-end solutions and dynamic front-end user experiences using the powerful MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js) stack.
- 🚀 Enthusiastic about building full-stack applications using cutting-edge JavaScript technologies.
- 💡 Committed to continuous learning and improvement, contributing to open-source projects, and staying up-to-date with industry trends.
- 🌐 Dedicated to ensuring seamless user experiences and optimized web performance through efficient coding practices..
I’m always open to networking, collaboration, and discussing innovative ideas in web development and technology. Feel free to connect with me through any of the platforms below:
Explore my open-source contributions, code repositories, and project collaborations. -
Let’s connect professionally to discuss opportunities, industry insights, and career development. -
View my problem-solving skills and algorithm challenges on Leetcode. -
Discover my front-end experiments and UI/UX design components on Codepen. -
Follow me for industry trends, tech insights, and personal updates. -
For inquiries, collaborations, or just to say hello, reach me directly via email.