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StrikeGoldd is a sandbox Julia package for analyzing structural identifiability of dynamical models described by ordinary differential equations (ODEs).

StrikeGoldd is (to an extent) a direct port of the MATBLAB package STRIKE-GOLDD. The package STRIKE-GOLDD is licensed under the GNU GPL Version 3.


To install StrikeGoldd, execute this command in the Julia REPL

import Pkg; Pkg.add(url="")

Usage Example

StrikeGoldd provides two functions: find_some_identifiable_functions and find_some_symmetries.


StrikeGoldd provides the function find_some_identifiable_functions, which can be applied to polynomial ODE models to find some at least locally identifiable functions of parameters. For example, you can run in Julia:

using StrikeGoldd     # load the package

ode = @ODEmodel(      # create the ODE
    x1'(t) = x1*x2 + a*b,
    x2'(t) = x2 + a*c,
    y(t) = x1

funcs = find_some_identifiable_functions(ode)

Running this code will print:

[ Info: Searching for some (at least locally) identifiable functions
┌ Info: Constructing the observability matrix with respect to parameters:
└ Nemo.QQMPolyRingElem[a, b, c]
[ Info: The observability matrix of size (3, 3) has rank 2
┌ Info: Searching for identifiable functions of degree 2 of the form:
│     a^2*r5 + a*b*r6 + a*c*r7 + a*r2 + b^2*r8 + b*c*r9 + b*r3 + c^2*r10 + c*r4 + r1        
└ where Nemo.QQMPolyRingElem[r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10] are the unknown coefficients.
┌ Info: Constructed the following system in Nemo.QQMPolyRingElem[r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10]:-2*a^2*r5 - a*r2 + 2*b^2*r8 + 2*b*c*r9 + b*r3 + 2*c^2*r10 + c*r4 = 0
┌ Info: Transformed into a linear system:
│       r4 = 0-2*r5 = 02*r8 = 0-r2 = 0
│       r3 = 02*r9 = 02*r10 = 0
┌ Info: There are 3 independent solutions
│   solutions =3-element Vector{Dict{Nemo.QQMPolyRingElem, Nemo.QQFieldElem}}:Dict(r9 => 0, r10 => 0, r1 => 1, r4 => 0, r3 => 0, r2 => 0, r5 => 0, r6 => 0, r7 => 0, r8 => 0)
│     Dict(r9 => 0, r10 => 0, r1 => 0, r4 => 0, r3 => 0, r2 => 0, r5 => 0, r6 => 1, r7 => 0, r8 => 0)
└     Dict(r9 => 0, r10 => 0, r1 => 0, r4 => 0, r3 => 0, r2 => 0, r5 => 0, r6 => 0, r7 => 1, r8 => 0)
[ Info: Constructing the identifiable functions, normalizing the coefficients to 1
3-element Vector{Any}:


StrikeGoldd provides the function find_some_symmetries, which can be applied to polynomial ODE models. For example, you can run in Julia:

using StrikeGoldd   # load the package

ode = @ODEmodel(    # create the ODE
    x1'(t) = x1(t) + p1 + p2,
    y(t) = x1(t)

symmetries = find_some_symmetries(ode)

Running this code will print, among other things, the following:

[ Info: Start searching for symmetries
[ Info: Creating the infinitesimal generator
┌ Info: ODE has 1 states and 2 parameters.
└ Creating univariate infinitesimals of degree 2.
┌ Info: Introducing 9 unknown coefficients:
└ [r10,r11,r12,r20,r21,r22,r30,r31,r32].
[ Info: Extending the infinitesimal generator
[ Info: Constructing the linear system to solve
[ Info: Constructed the linear system with 11 equations
[ Info: Solving the system
[ Info: The dimension of the right-kernel is 1.
┌ Info: Found 1 infinitesimal generators:
└ (1)   (0)∂/∂x1 + (-1)∂/∂p2 + (1)∂/∂p1
[ Info: Integrating infinitesimal generator (1)
[ Info: Found 1 symmetries
[ Info: The search for symmetries concluded in 5.571 seconds
1-element Vector{Any}:
 Dict{Any, Any}(p1 => p1 + ε, p2 => p2 - ε, x1 => x1)


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