A Data Science enthusiast who loves to work on building models that can help translate data points into actionable business insights. Now eager to apply the same to real-world business problems.
An inspired Data Analyst having total 1.7 years of experience and 1.2 years of relevant experience in SQL. Have done projects on analysis, Participated in Kaggle competition, done Data Viusalization and created Interactive Dashboard on different Datasets.
- Having hands on experience in Python, SQL, Spreadsheet, and MysqlDatabase.
- Extensive knowledge in BI tools such as PowerBI, Tableau. Strong Data Visualization and Dashboard Reporting Skills.
- Have good insights on Analytics and Pattern recognition.
- Possess great knowledge in Statistics, Machine Learning such as Supervised and Unsupervised Learning, Classification, Clustering and Regression.
Done data analysis and modelling of a dataset "Titanic-Spaceship" a Kaggle competition and got an accuracy score of 0.80173. It is a classification problem. Also did the visualization using Tableau Public.
Did analysis and visualization using Python Matplotlib and Seaborn on "Amazon Seller-Order Status Prediction" dataset in Jupyter Notebook.
Rendered code on a classification problem of "Heart Disease Predicition" dataset with EDA and data mdoelling with an accuracy score of 0.88524.
Have done data visualization and created and interactive dashboard using Tableau of "Supermarket Store Branch Sales Analysis".
Executed visualization and dashboard using PowerBI on "UCL 2021-22 | Players Data".