I'm Sujay, a 20 year old student currently studying at SSN College of Engineering, Chennai. I'm pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Engineering. I'm also an Undergraduate Research Assistant at Solarillion Foundation, where I'm currently working on project related to Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing. I really like coding and I'm experienced (slightly) in programming languages like Python, C++ and Java, to name a few.
I'm really interested in trying to automate loads of tasks I do daily using the simplest scripts I can, and I'm proud to say that I've succeeded in doing so (only for a few tasks though xD).
I built an advanced (sort of) Python script that attends your online classes and answers very basic questions for you in your place! Check it out here. (By the way, I am in no way responsible if someone does, in fact, use this to attend online classes. That's on them.)
I'm highly interested in contributing to any open-source project I can. If you want to work together, or show me a place/repository to contribute to, contact me!