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🪄 Markdown To Telegram Markdown Converter Python| No more worrying about formatting.


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🪄 Python Telegram Markdown Converter | No more formatting headaches.

Convert Raw Markdown to Telegram's MarkdownV2 Style

Introducing a robust Python library that enhances Markdown formatting support in Telegram. This library automatically processes various Markdown inputs, preserving the original formatting without requiring manual escaping. It simplifies your Markdown interactions on Telegram with seamless auto-processing.

Before this library, sending and rendering unknown Markdown content (like GitHub's README files) required complex parsing and reconstruction. Now, you can easily handle this and customize it for better results!

Utilizing a custom renderer, the library has been tested in a real server environment to ensure its efficacy.

For those interested, there is also a Node.js version of the library with the same name: npm:telegramify-markdown


To install the library, run:

pip install telegramify-markdown

or, if you use pdm:

pdm add telegramify-markdown

Supported Input

  • Headings (Levels 1-6)
  • Links [text](url)
  • Images ![alt](url)
  • Lists (Ordered and Unordered)
  • Tables |-|-|
  • Horizontal Rules ----
  • Text Styles *Italic* and **Bold**
  • Underline __Underline__ (if customize.strict_markdown is False)
  • Code Blocks
  • Inline Code
  • Block Quotes >
  • Strikethrough ~~Strikethrough~~
  • Task Lists
  • Strikethrough ~Strikethrough~
  • Spoilers ||Spoiler||
  • Telegram Emojis
  • Telegram User Mentions


Since mistletoe doesn't parse - [ ] TODO or Spoilers, we can't implement them.
Despite ~Strikethrough~ being mentioned in Telegram's official documentation, it can't be parsed as strikethrough.

Use case

import telegramify_markdown
from telegramify_markdown import customize

customize.markdown_symbol.head_level_1 = "📌"  # If you want, Customizing the head level 1 symbol = "🔗"  # If you want, Customizing the link symbol
customize.strict_markdown = True  # If you want to use __underline__ as underline, set it to False or it will be converted to bold.
markdown_text = """
'\_', '\*', '\[', '\]', '\(', '\)', '\~', '\`', '\>', '\#', '\+', '\-', '\=', '\|', '\{', '\}', '\.', '\!'
_ , * , [ , ] , ( , ) , ~ , ` , > , # , + , - , = , | , { , } , . , !
**bold text**
*bold text*
_italic text_
~no valid strikethrough~
*bold _italic bold ~~italic bold strikethrough ||italic bold strikethrough spoiler||~~ __underline italic bold___ bold*
__underline italic bold__
- [ ] Uncompleted task list item
- [x] Completed task list item
> Quote
print("Hello, World!")
This is `inline code`
1. First ordered list item
2. Another item
    - Unordered sub-list.
1. Actual numbers don't matter, just that it's a number
converted = telegramify_markdown.markdownify(
    max_line_length=None,  # If you want to change the max line length for links, images, set it to the desired value.
# export Markdown to Telegram MarkdownV2 style.

output as follows:
