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Gre Prep

When I was mugging up words for preparation of GRE, I clustered words with similar meanings and It really helped. Here, are the clusters I made:

To make angry:

Word Meaning
Rankle(v) gnaw into, make angry
Peevish(adj) Easily irritated or annoyed
Splenetic(adj) Very irritable
Exasperate(v) To irritate intensely
Irk(v) irritate or vex
Incense(v) Make furious
Rile(v) Cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations
Irascible(adj) Quickly aroused to anger
Fractious(adj) Irritable and is likely to cause disruption
Arch(adj) To be deliberately teasing
Umbrage(n) A feeling or anger caused by being offended
Chagrin(n) Annoyance or distress at having failed or been humiliated
Noisome(adj) Having an extremely bad smell

To make someone less angry:

Word Meaning
Appease(v) To make someone pleased by speaking desired things
Propitiate(v) Win or regain the favor of, by doing something that pleases them
[Provocate(v)] Make angry or stir up sexual desires
Conciliate(v) To make peace with
Anodyne(adj, n) Not likely to cause offense or disagreement and somewhat dull, painkiller

To make better

Word Meaning Comments
Ameliorate, Meliorate
Mitigate To make less severe
Extenuating (adj) Making less guilty
Augment(v) improve
Surge(v) Move very quickly, sudden increase to high level
Resurge(v) Rise again
Wax(v) To gradually increase in size
{Complacent(adj)} self satisfaction Com + placere(to please)
Relent(v) Become less severe or harsh/ abandon or mitigate a severe or harsh attitude, especially by finally yielding to a request
Coalesce(v) To come together to form one group or mass
Redress(n) An act of making something right
Buttress(v) To make stronger or defensible
Parvenu(n) A person who has suddenly become wealthy but not socially accepted per- "through" + venire "to come,"
Afford(v) Provide with an opportunity

To degrade someone's reputation, To play down

Word Meaning Comments
Calumny Untrue statement to damage someone's reputation
Denigrate Charge falsely, attack the good name of
Vilify To say very harsh things about someone
Malign Intend to cause harm
Slander(n) The action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation
Calumniate To utter false statements about
{Sinister} Harmful
{Indict} Formally charge or accuse
{Vindicate} Clear someone of blame or acquisition
Spurn(v) Reject with contempt
Derisive(adj) Abusing vocally, expressing contempt or ridicule
Snide(adj) Mocking, Derogatory in an indirect way
Contempt, disdain, scorn(n) Feeling that person or thing is worthless
Disparage(v) Regard as being or little worth
Vituperate(v) To criticize harshly, bitter and abusive
Sneer(v) A contemptuous or mocking smile
Connive(v) Taking part in immoral plots
Tarnish(v) Make dirty or spotty
Belittle(v) To degrade reputation of someone
Besmirch(v) damage( someone's reputation ) be + smirch (to stain)
Execrate(v) To curse and hiss at exe + secrare
Deride(v) Treat with or speak of with contempt
Relegate(v) Assign an inferior rank or position to
Sordid(adj) Involving ignoble actions and motives
Lascivious(adj) Lecherous, sexually perverted
Palimpsest(n) Something reused or altered but still bearing visible traces of its earlier form from palin - again
Mudslinging(n) The use of insults and accusations, especially unjust ones, with the aim of damaging the reputation of an opponent
Mordant(adj) Biting and caustic in thought, manner or style Caustic: sarcastic in scathing and bitter way
Impute(v) Represent as being done or possessed by someone
Recrimination(n) Mutual accusations
Impugn(v) Attack as false or wrong in(towards) + pugnare(fight), see Pugnacious
Sardonic(adj) Disdainfully or ironically humorous; scornful and mocking
Pillory(v) Ridicule or expose to public scorn

To hold back:

Word Meaning
Militate(v) (of a fact or circumstance) be a powerful or conclusive factor in preventing
Impede(v) Delay or prevent by obstructing
Encumber(v) Restrict or impede (someone or something) in such a way that free action or movement is difficult
Thwart(v) Hinder
Buck(v) Resist
Deter(v) Discourage (someone) from doing something by instilling doubt or fear of the consequences.
Perturb(v) Disturb in mind or cause to be worried or alarmed
Hamper(v) Prevent the progress or free movement of
Hobble(v) To hold back progress of something
Stymie(v) Hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of
Quail(v) Draw back, as with fear or pain
Apprehension(n) Anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen
Ineluctable(adj) Impossible to avoid or evade
Ominous(adj) Giving the worrying impression that something bad will happen
Portent(n) A sign or warning that something momentous or calamitous event is likely to happen
Redoubtable(adj) Inspiring fear or awe
Immure(v) To enlose, usually in walls
Officus(adj) Intrusive in a meddling(interfering) or offensive way

Self Satisfied, Proudy:

Word Meaning Comment
Complacent Uncritical satisfaction with oneself com- + -plac : you are pleased with yourself
Smug Having or showing excessive pride in oneself
Sanctimonious making a show of being morally superior to other people
Sententious(adj) To be moralizing, usually in a pompous sense Full of meaning, addicted to pompous moralizing
Sybarite(n) A person who indulges in luxury
Peremptory(adj) Bossy and domineering
Vanity(adj) Excessive pride in or admiration of one's own achievements, appearance
Gradiloquent(adj) Puffed up with vanity
Hubris(n) Overbearing pride or presumption
Hauteur(n) Overbearing pride evidenced by superior manner towards inferiors
Pontificate(v) To express one's opinion in a pompous and dogmatic way
Turgid(adj) Pompous and tedious(monotonous)


Word Meaning Comments
Acerbic Harsh in tone
Admonitory/Admonish To warn severely, even till criticism
Rebuke Criticize
Censure(v) Criticize severely
{Censor, Expurgate(v)} To remove objectionable scenes
Bowdlerize(v) Remove objectionable material From the name of Dr Thomas Bowdler (1754–1825), who published an expurgated edition of Shakespeare in 1818
Lacerate(v) Deeply hurt the feelings of To tear into pieces
{Screed(n)} An abusive rant
Excoriate(v) To criticize very harshly ex "out, out of, off" + corium "hide, skin"
Vitriolic(adj) Harsh and corrosive in tone


Word Meaning Comments
Detrimental(adj) Causing harm
Menace(n) Person/Thing that is likely to cause harm
Impend(v) To hover threateningly in+pendere(to hang) - pendant, pending, dependent
Devolve(v) Pass on (your work) to others, grow worse
Vicissitude(n) A change of circumstances or fortune, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant
Expunge(v) Remove completely from ex (out) + pungere (to prick)
Conflagration(n) A very intense and uncontrolled fire
Bastardization(n) An act that debases or corrupts


Word Meaning Comments
Obstreperous Noisily and stubbornly defiant, willfully difficult to control
Obstinate Resistant to guidance, Stubbornly persistent
{Dogged(adj)} Determined, showing grim persistence
Obdurate(adj) Unable to be persuaded
Steadfast Marked by firm determination Steadly + Fasten(firmed, tight)
Implacable Unyielding to request, relentless
{Docile(adj)} Easily handled or managed


Word Meaning Comments
Espouse(v) To adopt or support
Commendable(adj) Worthy of high praise
Approbatory(adj) Expressing praise or approval Approbation- from approve, proven effectiveness, excellence
Panegyric(n) A formal expression of praise
Vaunted(adj) Boast about or praise something, especially excessively
Exalt Think or speak very highly of
Enthrall(v) Hold spellbound
Apotheosis(n) Exaltation to divine status; the highest point of development Apo (change) + theo(god)
Veneration\ Reverence Great respect
Reverent(adj) Feeling or showing deep respect
Estimable(adj) Deserving of esteem or respect
Accolade Award, praise granted as special honor
Creditable(adj) (of a performance, effort, or action) deserving public acknowledgement and praise but not necessarily outstanding or successful
Lionize Assign great social importance to
Enamored(adj) Strongly attracted to or in love with
Eponym(n) The name derived from a person
Simulacrum(n) A representation of a person; bad imitation(imitate: take or follow as a model)


Word Meaning
Equivocate(v)/Prevaricate(v) Equivocal(adj) To talk in evasive way, without taking any single stand
Disingenuous(adj) Not straightforward; giving a false appearance of frankness
Hedge(v) To limit or qualify a statement; to avoid making a direct statement
Perplexity(n) State of bafflement(not sure what to do)
Flux(n) Not certain what to do
Bewilder(v) Cause someone to become perplexed and confused
Flummox(v) Perplex(someone) greatly, bewilder
Quandary(n) State of perplexity in a difficult situation
Hotch Potch/ Hodgepodge Confused Mixture
Moot(adj) Open to argument, debatable, undecidable
Intermittent(adj) Stopping and starting at irregular interval
Confound(v) To cause confusion, mistake one thing for another
Malapropism(n) A confusion of word with another word that sounds similar
Imbroglio(n) A confusing and potentially embarrassing situation
Nuance(n) A very small difference between color, tone, meaning etc.
Conflate(v) Mix together different elements or concepts
Facile(adj) Lacking depth, ignoring the true complexities of an issue, superficial
Discursive(adj) Tending to depart from the main point

Hard to understand:

Word Meaning Comments
Abstruse Difficult to understand
Recondite Little known, Abstruse
Arcane Require secret knowledge
Inscrutable Impossible to understand
Esoteric Only taught to/ understood by small group
Dialect(n) a particular form of a language which is peculiar to a specific region or social group
Elude(v) Escape understanding
Elusive(adj) Difficult to capture/ remember
Convoluted(adj) Highly complex or intricate Based on Convolve: To rotate
Conundrum(n) A difficult problem
Protean(adj) Tending or able to change frequently or easily, versatile From Proteus, sea god, capable of changing its forms
Denouement(n) The final part of a play, film, or narrative in which the strands of the plot are drawn together and matters are explained or resolved.

Explain in detail:

Word Meaning Comments
Expound(v) To give details
Delineate (v) To clearly describe
Cogent(adj) Clear and persuasive
Lucid(adj) Expressed clearly, transparently Pellucid(adj): TRANSLUCENTLY clear
Limpid(adj) Having clarity in terms of expression
Crystallize(v) Cause to take on a definite and clear shape
Pithy(adj) Concise and full of meaning
Savvy(n, v, adj) A perceptive understanding, get the meaning of something
Perspicacious(adj) Acutely insightful and wise , having a ready insight into and understanding of things
Exegesis(n) Critical explanation or analysis (of text)
Epigram(n) A witty saying
Quip(n) A witty saying or remark
Maxim(n) A short saying expressing a general truth

Wise :

Word Meaning Comment
Cerebral Cerebrum (brain)
Sangfroid(n) Composure or coolness shown in danger or under trying circumstances sang-froid: cold blooded, equanimity, composure
Aplomb(n) Great coolness and composure under strain
Unflappable(adj) Not easily perturbed or excited or upset, marked by extreme calm and composure
Sagacious(adj) Having or showing clean mental judgement and acute insight
Percipient(adj) Highly perceptive, having good insight or understanding;
Trenchant(adj) Vigorous or incisive in expression or style
Incisive(adj) Intelligently analytical and clear thinking

Completely obvious:

Word Meaning
Patent(adj) Glaringly obvious

Forward or bold or rude

Word Meaning
Impertinent Rude or showing lack of respect
Acerbic Harsh in tone
Insolent Rude and arrogant
Brazen Acting in open way without shame
Audacious Showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks
Effrontery(n) Audacious(even arrogant) behaviour that you have no right to
Impudent Failing to show respect
Candid Straightforward and Honest
Brusquely(adverb) In a blunt, direct manner
Forthright(adj) Characterized by directness in manner or speech
Snub(v) Refuse to acknowledge; reject bluntly
Overweening(adj) Over confidence
Juggernaut(n) A force that cannot be stopped
{Intimation(n)} An indirect suggestion

Sycophants, flatter:

Word Meaning
Obsequious (adj) Obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree
Ingratiate (v) Bring oneself into favor by flattering
Servile (adj) Excessive willingness to serve or please
Fulsome (adj) Excessive praise or ingratiating flattery
Fawn(v) Try to gain favor by extreme flattery
Factitious(adj) Artificial, man-made
Solicitous(adj) Showing hovering attentiveness

Trick, Betrayal:

Word Meaning Comments
Gullible(adj) Easily tricked or convinced
{Credulity(adj)} Tendency to believe readily Credit, Credulance, Credibility, Credential: All are related to belief
Fleece(v) To deceive
Renege(v) Fail to fulfill a promise
Entice(v) Attract or tempt by offering pleasure or advantage
Illicit(adj) Contrary to law
Complicit(adj) Involved with others in an activity that is unlawful or morally wrong
Deceit(n) Dishonest behavior
Dissemble(v) Conceal one's true motives usually through deceit Resemble: re(intensive prefix)+sembler(to appear)
Artifice(n) Cunning tricks used to deceit others
Subterfuge(n) Something intended to misrepresent the true nature of something, deceit used in order to achieve one's goal
Semblance(n) The outward appearance or apparent form of something, especially when the reality is different Assemble, Resemble, from semblant "likeness, appearance"
Veneer(n) Covering consisting of a thin superficial layer that hides the underlying substance
Canard(n) A deliberately misleading fabrication
Finagle(v) Achieve something by means of trickery
Ersatz, Phony, Phoney(adj) Not genuine; fraudulent
Mulct(v) Extract money from someone by fine or taxation
Discord(n) Lack of agreement or harmony based on cord (heart), accord: agreement
Quisling(n) A traitor
Disabuse(v) To persuade somebody that his/her belief is not valid
Inequity(n) Lack of fairness or justice
Malingerer(n) Someone shirking their duty by pretending to be sick or incapacitated Shirker(n)


Word Meaning Comments
Loquacious(adj) People who love to talk so much that you wish that they could stop for a breathe and provide you a turn to speak From loquor: to speak
Glib (adj) fluent but insincere and shallow
Affable(adj) Easy to talk to
Genial(adj) Agreeable, friendly
Verbosity(n) The fact or quality of using more words than needed; wordiness
Prolixity(n) Boring verbosity, Extended to great, unnecessary length
Garrulous(adj) Excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters
Palaver(v) speak( about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly


Word Meaning Comments
Laconic(adj) Expressed in few words
Foible(n) A minor fault in someone's character or behavior from feeble
Aphoristic(adj) A short phrase that expresses true or wise idea Aphorism
Maxim(n) A well known phrase that expresses general truth about life or behavior
Apothegm(n) A concise saying or maxim; an aphorism
Taciturn(adj) Reserved nature; Abnormal disinclination to conversation; Permanent, habitual and temperamental(habitual) disinclination to talk From verb taceo: to be silent, tacit: an unspoken agreement, reticent: unwilling to share feeling, shy
Unforthcoming(adj) Uncooperative, not willing to give up information
Callous(adj) Insensitive/emotionally hardened
Stolid(adj) Having or revealing little emotions, not easily aroused
Sullen(adj) Ill tempered
Surly(adj) Ill tempered, menace
Curmudgeon(n) A bad tempered or surly person
Morose(adj) Ill tempered, not inclined to talk
Tawdry(adj) tasteless showy, cheap, showdy

Lacking manners:

Word Meaning Comment
Churlish(adj) Lacking manners
Solecism(n) A socially awkward or tactless act, a grammatical mistake in speech or writing
Asperity(n) Harshness of manners
Antic(adj) Ludicrously odd


Word Meaning
Amateur(n, adj) Doing for pleasure, not skillful
Dilettante Amateur but pretends to have knowledge
Fledgling(adj) Young, amateur
Slapdash(adj) Done in hurry and carelessly


Word Meaning Comments
Iconoclast(n) A person who attacks or criticizes cherished beliefs or customs
Radical(adj) Characterized by departure from tradition, very new and different
Heretic(n) A person who believes against established norms
Subversive(v) Undermine the power and authority
Gainsay(v) To deny or contradict (a fact or statement)
Repudiate(v) Refuse to accept
Abjure(v) Formally reject or give up (a belief, cause or claim) ab(away) + jurare(swear)
Maverick(n) An unorthodox or independent minded person
Polemic(n), Diatribe(n) A strong verbal or written attack on someone or something
Broadside(n) A fierce verbal attack
Invective(n) Abusive or denunciatory language
Assail(v) Attack in speech or writing
Resignation(n) The acceptance of something unpleasant that can't be avoided
Pariah(n) An outcast
Remonstrate(v) To demonstrate, protest
Abrogate(v) Revoke or relinquish formally
Bridle(v) The headgear used to control a horse; To show one resentment's or anger
Countermand(v) A contrary command cancelling or reversing a previous command

Repeated too often, boring:

Word Meaning Comments
Hackneyed(adj) Repeated too often to become dull
Banal(adj) Boring or ordinary
Desiccate(adj) Remove the moisture from (in order to preserve); lacking interest, passion or energy
Trite(adj) (of a remark or idea) lacking originality and freshness Bromide(n): a trite or obvious remark
Mundane(adj) lacking interest or excitement
Inure(v) Accustomed to something (that is unpleasant)
Litany(n) A tedious recital or repetitive series, any long and tedious amount of something
Humdrum(adj) Dull and lacking excitement
Insipid(adj) Dull and uninteresting
Jejune(adj) Dull, lacking flavor, immature, childish
Puerile(adj) Of a characteristic of a child, displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity
Perfunctory(adj) Done routinely and with little interest
Stultify(v) Cause to lose enthusiasm and initiative, especially as a result of tedious or restrictive routine

Large Amount

Word Meaning Comments
Prodigal (adj) Spending money or using resources freely and recklessly; wastefully extravagant
Profligate(adj) Recklessly extravagant or wasteful in the use of resources
Dissipate(v) Squander or spend money frivolously
Lavish(v, adj) Giving or using large amount of something, rich
Extravagant(adj) Exceeding what is reasonable or appropriate; excessive or elaborate
Profuse(adj) Very plentiful, abundant
Myriad(n, adj) Countless or extremely great in number
Inundate(v) To flood or overwhelm
Raft(n) A large number
Surfeit(n) An excessive amount of something
Flush(adj) A large Number
Incessant(adj) Uninterrupted in time (something unpleasant)
Perennial(adj) Eternal
Cornucopia(n) An abundant supply of something good
Squander(v) Spend thoughtlessly, waste time, money or opportunity
Relentless(adj) Unceasingly intense, harsh or inflexible
Profusion(n) Large amount of something
Colossal(adj) So great in size as to elicit awe
Expansive(adj) Covering a wide area, (of a person) relaxed and genially frank and communicative Don't confuse with expensive
Arrant(adj) Completely and wholly To enhance property of next word, Example: An arrant fool
Histrionic(adj) To be overly theatrical
Cupidity(n) Greed for money
Cosset(v) Care for and protect in an overindulgance way
Gumption(n) Shrewd or spirited initiative and resourcefulness
Dissolution(n) A living full of debauchery; excessive indulgence in sex, alchohol or drugs
Exorbitant(adj) Greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation

Careful or Limited Amount:

Word Meaning Comments
Dispatch(n,v) The property of being prompt and efficient, dispose of rapidly and withoud delay and efficiently
Thrifty(adj) Spending wisely
Frugal(adj) Simple and plain and costing little, economical
Miser(n) A person who spend as little money as possible
Destitute(n, adj) Poor enough to need help, completely wanting
Defray(v) Provide money to pay dé- (expressing removal) + obsolete frai ‘cost, expenses’
Pittance(n) A very small amount of money
Penurious, Impecunious(adj) Lacking money, poor Pecuniary(adj): Relating to money
Provident(adj) Making or indicative or timely preparation for the future
Transitory(adj) Lasting for short time
Venial(adj) Slight and pardonable, easily excused
Smattering(n) Slight(Little) understanding of a subject
Blinkered(adj) To have a limited outlook or understanding
Insolvent(adj) Bankrupt Warning: Don't confuse with insolent meaning arrogant
Paucity(n) Presence of something in small amount
Exiguity(n) The quality of being meagre; lacking in quantity or quality
Modicum(n) A small quantity of particular thing(especially desirable or valuable)
Dearth(n) Scarcity
Decimation(n) The killing or destruction of a large part of group Divide by 10
Evanescent(adj) Soon passing out of sight, memory or existence; quickly fading or disappearing

Generous, polite:

Word Meaning
Munificent(adj) Characterized by great generosity
Benign(adj) Gentle and kind, not harmful
Genteel(adj) Marked by refinement in taste and manners
Decorous(adj) Polite and restrained
Placid(adj) Not easily irritated
Chivalry(n) Being attentive to woman like an ideal knight
Unstinting(adj) Very generous


Word Meaning
Erratic(adj) Acting or moving in ways that are not predictable
Haphazardly(adj) Having no plan, order, random
Quixotic(adj ) Extremely idealistic, unrealistic and impractical
Chimera(n) Something desired or wished for but is only an illusion and impossible to achieve
Phantasmagorical(adj) Illusive, unreal
Caprice(n), Mercurial(adj) Sudden, unpredictable change in mood
Whimsical(adj) Determined by impulse or whim
Impetuous(adj) Characterized by undue haste and lack of thought or deliberation
Fortuitous(adj) Happening by a lucky chance
Inadvertent(adj) Happening by chance
Precarious(adj) Fraught with danger, uncertain
Tempestuous(adj) As if driven by turbulent or conflicting emotions; highly energetic and wildly changing emotions or fluctuating
Foolhardy(adj) Marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences
Maunder(v) Wander aimlessly, speak rapidly and incessantly

Negligent, Lazy, Ignored:

Word Meaning Comment
Cavalier(adj) Showing a lack of proper concern
Levity(n) A lack of seriousness
Flippant(adj) Showing inappropriate levity
Insouciance(n) Lack of concern
Feckless(adj) Lacking initiative or strength of character; irresponsible from effeck (effect) + less
Benighted(adj) in a state of pitiful or contemptible intellectual or moral ignorance be + night, cover in the darkness of night
Frivolous(adj) Not having any serious purpose or value, (of a person) carefree and superficial
Foolhardy(adj) Marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences
Trifling(adj) Unimportant or trivial
Petty(adj) Of little importance, trivial
Picayune(adj) Of little value or significance, petty Coin of small value
Sinecure(n) An office that involves minimal duties
Philistine(adj) Smug and ignorant towards artistic and cultural values
Impervious(adj) Not allowing the fluid to pass through and unable to be affected by pervious: per(through)+via

To support:

Word Meaning Comments
Corroborate(v) Lend support to (fact)
Propound(v) Propose or put forward for other's consideration
Tout(v) Advertise in strongly positive terms
Condone(v) To forgive, overlook of (illegal offense)
Dovetail(v) Fit together tightly It's a kind of a mechanical link. See Image
Pertinent(adj), Appasite(adj) Relevant or applicable to a particular matter, Apt in the circumstances or in relation to something Ad + ponere(to place), pose : position
Appurtenant(adj) Supply added support

Nation, Patriotism, Politics:

Word Meaning
Bellicose(adj) Demostrating aggression to fight
Jingoism(n) Extreme patriotism
Junta(n) A military or political group that rules a country after taking power by force
Bucolic(adj) Relating to country or countryside
Pastoral(adj) Bucolic
Gerrymander(v) Arrange political divisions in disregard of natural boundaries so as to give one party an advantage in elections
Appropriate(v) To give or take something by force; To allocate
Chauvinism(n) Fanatical patriotism; Belief that one's group/cause is superior to all others

Fight, Anger:

Word Meaning
Melee(n) Wild, confused fight
Pummel(v) Strike repeatedly with fists
Pugnacious(adj) Eager to fight
Bellicose(adj) Demostrating aggression to fight
Tumult(n) A state of chaos, noisy
Truculent(adj) Eager or quick to argue or fight
Bilious(adj) Irritable, always angry
Internecine(adj) of conflict within a group or organization
Cataclysm(n) A large scale and violent event in natural world

Encourage / Repeatedly asking:

Word Meaning
Exhort(v) To strongly urge
Badger(v) Repeatedly and annoyingly ask something
Pester(v) Badger
Importune(v) Harass someone persistently and urgently for or to do something
Goad(v) Urge on with unpleasant comments
Carp(v) Complain or find fault continually about trivial matters


Word Meaning Comments
Beatific(adj) Blissfully happy
Sanguine(ad) Cheerful, Optimistic
Ebullient(adj) Cheerful and full of energy
Winsome(adj) Attractive in a fresh, innocent, child-like way
Debonair(adj) Having a sophisticated charm, confident, stylish
Euphoria(n) Feeling of great elation
Scintillating(adj) Brilliant and lively
Placid(adj) Calm and peaceful from plac- you're pleased with the things as they are
Content(adj, verb, noun) in a state of peaceful happiness, satisfy someone
Jocular(adj) Characterized by jokes
Guffaw(v) Laugh roughly and noisily
Glee(n) Great delight, especially from one's own good fortune or another's misfortune
Pollyannaish(adj) Someone who thinks good things will always happy, finds good things in everything
Schadenfreude(n) A pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune
Mellifluous(adj) Pleasingly smooth and musical to hear
Epiphany(n) A sudden revelation or moment of insight
Complaisant(adj) Showing a cheerful willingness to do favors for others
Halcyon(adj) Denoting a period in past that was idyllically happy and peaceful
Tranquil(adj) Free from disturbance; calm


Word Meaning
Bleak(adj) Not warm/helpful, gloomy
Melancholy(n) A deep, long-lasting sadness
Doleful(adj) Filled with or evoking sadness
Dolorous(adj) Showing sorrow
Elegiac(adj) Expressing sorrow, wistfully(regretfully) mournfully
Maudlin(adj) Overly emotional and sad
Cadaverous(adj) Very pale, thin or bony because of suffering
Stoic(n) A person who accepts what happens without complaining or showing emotion
Lachrymose(adj) Tearful
Bereft(adj) Unhappy in love; suffering from unrequitted (not returned properly)love


Word Meaning Comments
Facetious(adj) Cleverly amusing in tone
Rivald(adj) Referring to sexual matters in an amusingly rude or irreverent way
Lampoon(v) Ridicule with satire

Hard working, Persistent:

Word Meaning Comment
Diligent(adj) Characterized by care and perseverance in doing task
Sedulous(adj) Done diligently and carefully
Meticulous(adj) Very careful about doing something in an extremely careful and exact way
Pedantic(adj) Excessively concerned with minor details or rules, overscrupulous
Punctilious(adj) Marked by precise accordance with details
Industrious(adj) Characterized by hard work and persistence
Discreet(adj) Careful to protect one's action in order to avoid offence
Stalwart(adj) Dependable, injured to fatigue or hardships stal (to place)+ worth
Unassailable(adj) Immune to attack; without flaws Assail(v): Make a planned or violent attack on
Assiduous(adverb) Showing great care and perseverance

Duty, Authority :

Word Meaning Comment
Incumbent(adj, n) Necessary as a duty or responsibility, a person who holds a particular office or position
Behoove(v) To be one's duty or obligation
Enjoin(v) Give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority
Martinet(n) A person who demands complete obedience, A strict disciplinarian
Browbeat(v) Be bossy towards; discourage or frighten with threats or a domineering manner
Magisterial(adj) Having or showing great authority
Plucky(adj) Marked by courage and determination
Derelict(adj,n ) (of a person) not doing one's duty, (of a building) abandoned
Arrogate(v) Seize and control without authority


Word Meaning Comment
Begrudge(v) To envy someone for possessing/enjoying somenthing
Jaundiced(adj) To be biased against due to envy or prejudice

Without results

Word Meaning Comment
Pyrrhic(adj) Describing a costly victory that is not worthwhile
Unpropitious(adj) (of a circumstance) With little chance of success

Specific professions, jobs or hobbies:

Word Meaning Comment
Raconteur(n) A person skilled in telling anecdotes Re + account


Word Meaning Comment
Ethereal(adj) Extremely delicate and light that seems not be of this world


Word Meaning Comment
Self-effacing(adj) Not claiming attention for oneself; retiring and modest Efface: Erase from the surface; Make oneself appear insignificant or inconspicuous
Doughty(adj) Brave; bold; Courageous
Palatable(adj) Acceptable to the taste or mind
Mendicant(n) A pauper(very poor person) who lives by begging
Callow(adj) Young and inexperienced
Tyro(n) Someone new to a field or activity; Beginner or novice
Elicit(v) Evoke or draw out(a reaction, answer or fact) from someone
Obtuse(adj) Slow to learn; Lacking intellectual acuity(sharpness of thought)
Fecund(adj) Highly fertile; Intellectually productive
Proselytize(v) Convert(or attempt to) convert from one religion, belief or opinion to another
Desideratum(n) Something desired as a necessity
Verisimilitude(n) The appearance of being true or real
Panacea(n) A solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases pan(all)+akos(remedy)=panakes=panakeia
Flag(v) Droop, sink, become tired or less enthusiastic
Concomitant(adj) Describe an event that happens at the same time as or in connection with another
Veritable(adj) Truthfully; without a doubt

Some Common suffixes, prefixes and roots with examples:

Element Meaning Examples
-mancy Prediction or foretelling Chiromancy( cheir- (hand) + mancy)
podos, pous Foot Chiropodist, Podium, Octopous
cheir, chir- Hand Chiropractor
-ium Place where Stadium, Gymnasium
-ic (Adjective suffix) Orthodontic, Optimistic
osteon- Bone Osteopath (Bone suffering)
Pathos suffering, disease, feeling Pyschopath, Antipathy, Neuropathy
-iateria Medical Healing Paediatrician (Child Doctor), Psychiatry
Malus Bad Malign, Malevolent, Malediction
Bonus(bene) Good Benign, Benevolent
Facio, Factus, fec-, fic-, -fy(as a verb) to do or make Benefactor, Beneficiary
Fides faith or trust Bona-fide, fidelity, infidel
Dico, Dictus To say, tell Dictate, Malediction(curse)
ad- to, towards addiction
manus hand manual
script to write Manuscript
volo to wish malevolent, voluntary
plac- to please, appease placate, implacable
dono to give donor, condone
Par equal as par, parity, disparity, comparison, disparage
Epi-, eph-, ep- On, upon, above Epiphany, Epicenter
Loqur To speak Loquacious(adj): excessively talkative, Soliloquy(adj): who speak to oneself; Soliloquist(n): characters speaking thoughts aloud; Ventriloquist(adj) One who can throw his voice (to a puppet); Colloquial: To speak together, informal speech; Circumlocution: talking around, prevaricate;


  • About Issue topic: Each issue topic makes a claim that test takers can discuss from various perspective and apply to many situations or conditions. The issue statement is followed by specific instructions. Your task is to present a compelling case for your own position on the issue according to specific instructions.
  • Think about the issue from several point of views
  • What precisely is the central issue?
  • What are the instructions?
  • Do I agree with all or any part of the claim? Why or why not?
  • Does the claim make certain assumptions? If so, are they reasonable?
  • Is the claim valid only under certain conditions? If so, what are they?
  • What examples-either real or hypothetical, could I use to illustrate those reasons and advance my point of views? Which examples are most compelling?
  • Once you have decided on a position to defend, consider to the perspective of others who might not agree with your positions. Ask yourself:
    • What reasons might someone use to refute my position?
    • How should I acknowledge or defend against those views?



Most of the words here are taken from Maghoosh Flash Cards android application and from book "Word power made easy" by Norman Lewis. Some word origins are taken from Google and bing search engine's dictionaries.


Things to do:


This repository contains words clustered according to their meaning






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