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Study Game Engines

800 references to study game engines

Reference Description
24a2 An ultra-minimalist game engine
acerola-shaders A suite of GShade shaders for Final Fantasy XIV
acid A high speed C++17 Vulkan game engine
adria Rendergraph-based graphics engine written in C++ using DirectX12
aelto OpenGL C++ game framework and stuff
ageofjs A tiny WebGL terrain rendering experiment
ambient The multiplayer game engine
amethyst Data-oriented and data-driven game engine written in Rust
anarchy 3D Game Engine for Java & lua
andengine Free Android 2D OpenGL Game Engine
angel-shaders A collection of my weekly shaders for 2020.
angel-webgl-examples WebGL Examples
anime.js JavaScript animation engine
anki AnKi 3D Engine - Vulkan backend, modern renderer, scripting, physics and more
ant Ant game engine
apex Apex Game Engine
arc AGE: Arc Game Engine is an open-source engine for building 2D & 3D real-time rendering and interactive contents, especially video games with C# scripting support.
arcan Arcan - [Display Server, Multimedia Framework, Game Engine] -> "Desktop Engine"
ashes-raytracer WebGL2.0 3D Engine - Global Illumination - RayTracing
asny An OpenGL render engine.
astera A C99 Cross Platform 2D Game Library
atlas-raytracer Cross platform toy render engine supporting physically based rendering and software ray tracing
atmospheric-scattering This project provides a new implementation of our EGSR 2008 paper "Precomputed Atmospheric Scattering".
atomic The Atomic Game Engine is a multi-platform 2D and 3D engine with a consistent API in C++, C#, JavaScript, and TypeScript
atrc My path tracer
auto-vulkan Getting serious about Vulkan development with this modern C++ framework, battle-tested in rapid prototyping, research, and teaching. Includes support for real-time ray tracing (RTX), serialization, and meshlets.
axolotl Axolotl Engine is a game development tool built by Horizons Games, a game studio comprised of a group of students at the UPC School.
babylon.js-editor Community managed visual editor for Babylon.js
babylon.js Babylon.js is a powerful, beautiful, simple, and open game and rendering engine packed into a friendly JavaScript framework.
backbone.js HTML5 Game Engine using Backbone.
bear My own 3D engine & editor in order to learn graphics algorithms and game engine architecture.
beginner-shaders A step-by-step guide to implementing SSAO, depth of field, lighting, normal mapping, and more for your 3D game.
bennybox thebennybox 3D Engine Tutorial Files
berchtold Open specialized game engine inspired by EU4's Clausewitz engine, written in kotlin
bertoldi-opengl-examples Modern OpenGL (fixed pipeline free) examples based on http:
bevy-editor In-App editor tools for bevy applications
bevy-examples Shaders and other small Bevy examples
bevy-fbx-loader Autodesk Filmbox (*.fbx) loader for Bevy Engine
bevy-gi-2d Experiment with computing 2D shading, lighting and shadows with Bevy Engine
bevy-inspector Inspector plugin for the bevy game engine
bevy-layout Blazingly fast path based modular layout system built on top of Bevy ECS.
bevy-outline-shader 2D outline materials for the bevy game engine.
bevy-particles Hanabi — a GPU particle system plugin for the Bevy game engine.
bevy-recwars-demo A top-down vehicle shooter in Rust - a FOSS clone of RecWar
bevy-rubiksCube-example Rubik's cube made with bevy engine.
bevy-ruins-demo Demo showcasing blend modes and fog in Bevy 0.10
bevy-ruins-example Demo showcasing blend modes and fog in Bevy 0.10
bevy-shooter-demo Tactical 2D shooter in fishy pixels style. Made with Rust-lang and Bevy
bevy-sponza-example Sponza
bevy-terrain A terrain rendering plugin for the bevy game engine.
bevy-tween Tweening animation plugin for the Bevy game engine.
bevy-vfx Bevy Visual Effects Bag
bevy-webgl WebGL2 renderer plugin for Bevy game engine
bevy A refreshingly simple data-driven game engine built in Rust
bgfx Cross-platform, graphics API agnostic, "Bring Your Own Engine/Framework" style rendering library.
binocle A simple game engine in C
blah A small 2d c++ game framework
blender-demos A repository stocking demos and tutorials for the UPBGE
blender UPBGE, the best integrated game engine in Blender
blueshift Blueshift is a cross-platform 3D game engine implemented in C++. it's free, open-source, and works on Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android. The project is currently in an early stage of development.
bootleg-software-renderer A 3D software renderer with a simple API.
brdf BRDF Explorer
bricks Bricks game engine, API and web server
btrc Experimental GPU renderer using two-stage programming
cao-shaders A Minecraft shaderspack. Offers high performance with high quality at the same time.
capsaicin AMD ARR team rendering framework
captainblood Full source code of engine for Captain Blood game - hack and slash/action-adventure game
carbon A real-time rendering engine based on C++ and OpenGL
castor Multi-OS 3D engine.
catdog A cross-platform game engine/editor written by modern C++
cauldron A simple framework for rapid prototyping on Vulkan or Direct3D 12
cave Official Uniday Engine Documentation Website
cel-shader-demo A WebGL Cel Shading Test
cesium.js An open-source JavaScript library for world-class 3D globes and maps
chameleon An example path tracer that runs on multiple ray tracing backends (Embree/DXR/OptiX/Vulkan/Metal/OSPRay)
chart.js Simple HTML5 Charts using the tag
cherno-opengl OpenGL support library so you can just dive in and write OpenGL code
chernort YouTube ray tracing series
chil Game engine project in C++/DX11 to explore software infrastructure ideas
chili C++ tutorials with ChiliTomatoNoodle. Simple games made using his graphics engine.
chili2 a project using the C++ "Chili Framework" for learning C++ with graphics (CoderSchool)
citrus Modern AS3 Game Engine
cloth Cloth and Rope (vertlet) simulation test + FABRIK test
clouds-lague Cloud rendering test
cocos-cli cocos2d command line tool
cocos-js cocos2d-x for JS
cocos-shaders some shaders for cocos creator
cocos-studio CocosBuilder, the visual editor for cocos2d
cocos.js-demos cocos2d JavaScript test cases and games.
cocos.js-examples Includes different samples to be used with cocos2d
cocos.js Cocos2d for Web Browsers. Built using JavaScript.
cocos Cocos2d-x is a suite of open-source, cross-platform, game-development tools used by millions of developers all over the world.
codrops Demo of a 3D glass portal card effect using R3F and Gaussian Splatting
colorConverter Color space conversion math made simple
comfy Comfy is a fun 2D game engine built in Rust. It's designed to be opinionated, productive, and easy to use.
corange Pure C Game Engine
core-discoRock-example Very simple endless-runner inspired by the 70s disco era
core-endlessJorney-example Spiritual arcade climber made on Mi'pu'mi day
core-lastFall-example Tricky arcade puzzler made for Ludum Dare 49
core-partyRaider-example Multiplayer platform shooter made on Mi'pu'mi day
core C++ Coding Framework for Windows, Linux, macOS and Browser games
corona-examples Sample code for Corona SDK.
corona Solar2D Game Engine main repository (ex Corona SDK)
crafty.js JavaScript Game Engine
cray A real-time interactive progressive path tracer on the GPU.
crown The flexible game engine.
cryengine CRYENGINE source code.
cs CSEngine is a cross-platform 3D game engine.
csharprt A little C# Console Raycaster
ct.js Ct.js is a desktop game engine that makes learning programming fun and game development easy by its visual editors and well-documented code library
cuda-raytracer GPU Raytracer from scratch in C++/CUDA
curtains.js curtains.js is a lightweight vanilla WebGL javascript library that turns HTML DOM elements into interactive textured planes.
d3.js Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML
dagor Dagor Engine and Tools source code from Gaijin Games KFT
daxa Daxa is my opinionated gpu api library.
defold Defold is a completely free to use game engine for development of desktop, mobile and web games.
delver Delver game engine and editor
diligent-core A modern cross-platform low-level graphics API
diligent-examples Sample projects demonstrating the usage of Diligent Engine
diligent-graphics High-level rendering components
diligent-tools Utilities built on top of core module
diligent A modern cross-platform low-level graphics library and rendering framework
dima.js An Entity-System game framework for HTML5 games. At the moment dima is a microframework, but an entire collection of modules soon to come
directx-renderer-kurth Custom renderer and physics engine written from scratch in C++/Direct3D 12.
directxen A graphics engine created in DirectX 11.
dmitrys-shooter-demo 3D shooter based on DmitrysEngine
dmitrys [abandoned] C99 cross-platform 3D game engine with absolute minimum of external dependencies
donut-examples Collection of example applications built using the Donut framework.
donut Real-time rendering framework built by NVIDIA DevTech for use in various prototype renderers and code samples.
doodle-examples Tutorials and examples for the Doodle framework.
doodle A pure Kotlin UI framework for the Web (and Desktop).
doon a voxel path-tracer
doy-opengl-examples Collection of examples for OpenGL: Perlin noise, ambient occlusion, shadow mapping, water reflection and others
dragonBones.js DragonBones TypeScript / JavaScript Runtime
dt3 DT3 Game Engine
dviglo Русский игровой движок
dx11engine DirectX11 graphics engine to learn the basics of graphics programming.
dx3d Dx3d 포트폴리오
dx4j Try of running OpenGL on top of DirectX11, so I could use DLSS in the future; lots missing still
dxrpathtracer A (very) simple path tracer implemented using DirectX Ray Tracing (DXR)
dynamo A C++ game engine powered by Vulkan
easypbr Lightweight Physically-Based Renderer designed for ease of use and fast prototyping
echo-examples examples of echo game engine
echo A New Cross-Platform 2D 3D Game Engine
effekseer Particle effect editing tool
egregoria 3D City Builder without a grid
eldeston-shaders A shader pack created to convey the style of the cancelled Super Duper Graphics Pack and other popular Minecraft titles.
emerald A 2D rust game engine focused on portability.
enable3d.js-examples Contains the website and all examples.
enable3d.js Standalone 3D Framework / Physics for three.js (using ammo.js) / 3D extension for Phaser 3
entity.js HTML5 entity-component game engine
eriksson-shaders A Minecraft: Java Edition shaderpack that aims to look and feel "natural"
erosion-demo Demo of hydraulic erosion
esenthel The Most Powerful Open Source Game Engine in the World
esoterica Esoterica Engine
et Realtime 3D Game-Engine with a focus on space sim. Written in C++ 14
euc A software rendering crate that lets you write shaders with Rust
eva.js Eva.js is a front-end game engine specifically for creating interactive game projects.
everyray Robust real-time rendering engine on DX11, DX12 with many advanced graphical features for quick prototyping
excalibur An easy to use 2D HTML5 game engine written in TypeScript
excessive Excessive Engine - A Game Engine With Excessive Power For Indies & Professionals
explosion A modern cross-platform game engine (WIP)
ez An open source C++ game engine.
f3d Fast and minimalist 3D viewer.
falcon OpenGL 4.3 / DirectX 11 3D Graphics Engine
falcor Real-Time Rendering Framework
fast An open-source, Java-based 2D game engine.
fbx-parser-yeliieshvili Display fbx files with OpenGL
fbx-to-gltf-converter Stores here is the project for converting FBX file into GLTF file format.
fbx-to-json-converter Converts FBX models to json
fbx-to-unity-converter Converts FBX files into a format that can be loaded at runtime in Unity
fbx-viewer-android Android application with a 3D engine that can load Wavefront OBJ,
fbx2gltf A command-line tool for the conversion of 3D model assets on the FBX file format to the glTF file format.
ferreras-shaders A Minecraft shaderpack that recreates the looks and feel of the game Dying Light. It replicates the graphics effects and gameplay features of the original game!
filament Filament is a real-time physically based rendering engine for Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, macOS, and WebGL2
final This repository is a WIP cross-platform Game Engine developed in C#.
fitd Free in the Dark
flax-docs Flax Engine Documentation
flax-examples Collection of example projects for Flax Engine
flax Flax Engine – multi-platform 3D game engine
fling A Vulkan game engine with a focus on data oriented design
floersch-raycaster A software portal rendering game engine
flycube-api Graphics API wrapper is written in C++ on top of Directx 12, Vulkan and Metal. Provides main features including ray tracing.
foolrenderer A tiny software renderer implemented from scratch without the use of graphics API, used to understand how GPUs work.
foster A small C# game framework
fosterold a simple cross-platform game framework made in C# dotnet core
fur Volumetric rendering of fur
fwk 3D game framework in C, with Luajit bindings now.
fyrox-examples Source code of tutorials for Fyrox Game Engine (formerly known as rg3d)
fyrox-fallguys-demo FallGuys-like 3D platformer based on Fyrox Game Engine.
fyrox-shooter-demo [suspended] 3d shooter written in Rust using rg3d
fyrox-stationIapetus-demo 3rd person shooter in the very early development phase
fyrox-website Web site of Fyrox Game Engine
fyrox 3D and 2D game engine written in Rust
g3d The G3D Innovation Engine by Morgan McGuire
ga The world's tiniest, cutest and funnest game engine
gameplay Open-source, cross-platform, C++ game engine for creating 2D/3D games.
gdquest Dozens of free and open source demos for the Godot game engine, version 3. Head to the link below for newer demos for Godot 4+
gengine Credits: ThinMatrix
getIntoGameDev Get into Game Development
getIntoMetalDev MacOS Metal Tutorial code
gfx A minimalist and easy to use graphics API.
ggez Rust library to create a Good Game Easily
gi-voxelConeTracing Global illumination with Voxel Cone Tracing in fully dynamic scenes using a 3D clipmap to support huge areas around the camera while maintaining a low memory footprint.
gl3d A deferred physically based 3D renderer into a simple to use header-only library.
glbinding A C++ binding for the OpenGL API, generated using the gl.xml specification.
glfx.js An image effects library for JavaScript using WebGL
glide-input-example glide engine tutorial where you can learn how to make touch control buttons and know more about input management in general
glide-platformer-demo glide engine tutorial where you can create a walking and jumping character on a platform
glide Game engine for making 2d games on iOS, macOS and tvOS, with practical examples and tutorials
glist GlistEngine is a cross platform OpenGL game engine written in C++
glitter Dead Simple OpenGL
glm-kotlin jvm glm
globalIllumination-hybrid Hybrid GI solution, based on DDGI ( include Ray-Tracing and SDF-Tracing )
glow GL on Whatever: a set of bindings to run GL anywhere and avoid target-specific code
gltf-docs An overview of glTF, the GL Transmission Format
gltf-loader-nanoserde simple gltf loader
gltf-loader-shao A minimal, engine-agnostic JavaScript glTF Loader.
gltf-rust A crate for loading glTF 2.0
gltf-samples-khronos To store all models and other assets related to glTF
gltf-samples glTF Sample Models
gltf-viewer.js Physically-Based Rendering in glTF 2.0 using WebGL
gltf4j Java libraries related to glTF
gltut Learning Modern 3D Graphics Programming
GO2023-GrapplePack This repo houses an in-progress submission for the 2023 GitHub Game Off.
godot-caustics RealTime-ish Caustics in the Godot Game Engine
godot-cel-shader Complete cel shader for Godot 4
godot-debugger All-in-One Godot Engine runtime debugging tool.
godot-demos Demonstration and Template Projects
godot-shaders-jospic Godot shaders experiments
godot-shaders A large library of free and open-source shaders for the Godot game engine. Here, you'll get 2D and 3D shaders with playable demos.
godot-tps-demo Godot Third Person Shooter with high quality assets and lighting
godot-water Godot 4 beta 10
godot Godot Engine – Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine
gonkee-shaders Gonkee's shaders - I'd prefer if you gave credit if you use these shaders. My channel:
goo.js 3D WebGL engine.
gordan-opengl-examples Tutorials from the following playlist:
gpu-gems CD Content ( Source Code ) Collection of Book 1~ 3
gpu.js GPU Accelerated JavaScript
gpuopen-gltf-example A simple demo to show off the capabilities of the Cauldron framework
grass-godot Example project related to my grass tutorial video
gri-shaders Complementary Reimagined by EminGT, with voxelisation, ray traced occlusion checks and coloured flood fill block light by gri573
groufix Cross-platform and thread-friendly graphics engine primarily focused on Vulkan, built in C.
gunnell-grass An exploration of various grass rendering techniques
gunnell-post-processing-unity Post processing in Unity
gunnell-post-processing My Unity post processing pipeline and shaders
halp Unity3d Helper library - Components, math, threading and much more useful stuff!
harfang-demos 3D samples projects for HARFANG 3D and HARFANG Studio
harfang HARFANG 3D source code public repository
hazel-tools Hazel Tools for Visual Studio
hazel.kt Based on the game engine tutorial by TheCherno (http:, but written in Kotlin. The Hazel project can be found at
helios DirectX12 Graphics renderer used for implementing rendering techniques such as PBR / IBL, Deferred Shading, SSAO, Bloom, Shadow Mapping, etc
herebedragons A basic 3D scene implemented with various engines, frameworks or APIs.
hesiod A desktop application for node-based procedural terrain generation.
hilo-gltf-exporter Hilo3d GLTFExporter
hilo.js A 3D WebGL Rendering Engine developed by Alibaba Group
horde Horde3D is a small 3D rendering and animation engine. It is written in an effort to create an engine being as lightweight and conceptually clean as possible.
horizon Argochamber's internal game engine. Built with Kotlin/Native and C++
hotham Hotham is a tool for creating incredible standalone VR games.
hre Clustered Forward/Deferred renderer with Physically Based Shading, Image Based Lighting and a whole lot of OpenGL.
hrecs Clustered Forward/Deferred renderer with Physically Based Shading, Image Based Lighting and a whole lot of OpenGL.
hw3d C++ 3D graphics engine under Direct3D 11. Developed in a Planet Chili video tutorial series that can be found on YouTube.
hydrology Procedural Hydrology / River / Lake Simulation
hyperion A powerful multithreaded game engine using Vulkan with features like PBR, realtime global illumination, and more
iceshard A personal game engine project, with development focus towards 2D/2.5D games.
ige.js The Isogenic Game Engine
ikari Game engine project written in pure rust for learning about rust and game tech
imgui-java JNI based binding for Dear ImGui
imgui-kotlin Bloat-free Immediate Mode Graphical User interface for JVM with minimal dependencies (rewrite of dear imgui)
imgui-profiler-component A simple ImGui component for rendering profiling data
inferno Metal shaders for SwiftUI.
inline Game engine written in C++ with ease of use and next-gen parallel computing in focus.
inox Rust Game engine integrated in Blender
iris Iris is a cross-platform game engine written in modern C++
Iwengine This is an engine that I initially started building after taking a game coding class in high school to learn how the underlying systems of Unity / game engines in general worked.
javafx-raycast JavaFX Raycaster
javafx-shader-support Allows custom effect shaders in JavaFX
javafx-tools A practical tool developed using JavaFX; Software development for PC or mobile; Image tools,Color tools,Svg Tools, Font tools, Library and so on....
javascript-exercises Some basic javascript coding challenges and interview questions
jengine Multiple graphics API target
jmonkeyengine-demos some test code while learning jME3
jmonkeyengine-guide-examples Code samples for the "jMonkeyEngine 3.0 Beginner's Guide"
jmonkeyengine-imgui A minimalistic immediate gui for jmonkeyengine
jmonkeyengine-sdk The jMonkeyEngine3 SDK based on netbeans
jmonkeyengine-sky A sky simulation library for jMonkeyEngine (code has New BSD license)
jmonkeyengine A complete 3-D game development suite written in Java.
jogl-examples Examples ported in JOGL from "Learning Modern 3D Graphic Programming" by J.L.McKesson
jsc 3D model viewer for design sharing and product exhibition.
jsge Javascript Game Engine - 2d, top down game engine. Rendering primitives, images and datasets from Tiled Editor
jshaderlang JSL (Java Shading Language) is a Java Library which consist in writing shaders in Java and converting it in some others shading languages like GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language)
jvoxel Simple 3D voxel engine built in Java
jzy A Java API for 3d and 2d charts
kaboom JavaScript game library
kajiya Experimental real-time global illumination renderer
kandy Kotlin plotting library.
kgl-opengl-examples KGL OpenGL samples
kgl-vulkan-examples Examples for vulkan using kgl.
kgl Thin multiplatform wrappers for graphics.
khronos-vulkan-examples One stop solution for all Vulkan samples
kiraray A simple interactive ray-tracing renderer (OptiX)
kiss Keep it simple, stupid 3d graphics engine for Rust.
kiwi.js Kiwi.js is a blazingly fast mobile & desktop browser based HTML5 game framework. It uses CocoonJS for publishing to the AppStore.
klay KlayGE is a cross-platform open source game engine with plugin-based architecture.
kohi A game engine made as part of the Kohi Game Engine series on YouTube, where we make a game engine from the ground up using C and Vulkan.
koi Renderer in Java
konva.js Konva.js is an HTML5 Canvas JavaScript framework that extends the 2d context by enabling canvas interactivity for desktop and mobile applications.
kool-templates Template project for creating a new multi-platform application with kool.
kool An OpenGL/Vulkan engine for Desktop Java and Javascript written in Kotlin
korge-docs Korlibs Documentation Website
korge-editor Editors to be usable in the intellij plugin and standalone
korge-examples-more Korge samples using kproject
korge-examples-website KorGE examples to display in a website
korge-examples Korge Samples
korge-intellij-plugin Korge plugin for IntelliJ, featuring project wizard and some actions
korge-ldtk LDtk 2D level editor for KorGE Game Engine
korge-libraries Korge libraries
korge-multiplayer-demo Korge Multiplayer Demo
korge KorGE Game Engine. Multiplatform Kotlin Game Engine & Korlibs
korge3d Korge 3D libraries
kotar A cross-platform game engine written in Kotlin, supporting 2D and 3D graphics
kotlin-raytracer real-time raytracer written in Kotlin
kotlin-three.js-starter A starter Kotlin/JS project with generated Kotlin externals for three.js
kross A cross-platform, multi-platform 2D game library
ksgin-software-renderer 使用 Java Script 实现的简易软件渲染器
kuhlmann-gltf-loader Single-file glTF 2.0 loader and writer written in C99
kunkasr To learn OpenGL, Implement basic graphics by OpenGL and SoftRender at the same time.
lamorna 3D software renderer
ldtk Modern, lightweight and efficient 2D level editor
learndirectx This repository is intended to be used as a code repository for learning DirectX 12.
learnopengl-kotlin Kotlin port of the tutorial of Learn OpenGL by Joey De Vries
learnopengl Code repository of all OpenGL chapters from the book and its accompanying website
legit A rendergraph-based graphical framework for Vulkan
lgame A cross-platform Java game Engine (Framework) , support JavaFX / Android / IOS / HTML5 / Linux / MAC / Windows
libgdx-ai Artificial Intelligence framework for games based on libGDX or not. Features: Steering Behaviors, Formation Motion, Pathfinding, Behavior Trees and Finite State Machines
libgdx-controllers A libGDX cross platform game controllers extension
libgdx-gltf-loader GLTF 2.0 3D format support and PBR shader implementation for LibGDX
libgdx-packager Packages your JAR, assets and a JVM for distribution on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X
libgdx-ui libGDX UI toolkit
libgdx Desktop/Android/HTML5/iOS Java game development framework
liblava Modern and easy-to-use library for Vulkan
libretro-shaders This repo is for glsl shaders converted by hand from libretro's common-shaders repo, since some don't play nicely with the cg2glsl script.
lightmapper-cpp A C/C++ single-file library for drop-in lightmap baking. Just use your existing OpenGL renderer to bounce light!
limitless OpenGL C++ Graphics Engine
limon 3D FPS game engine with full dynamic lighting and shadows
lina Lina Engine is an open-source , modular, tiny and fast C++ game engine, aimed to develop 3D desktop games.
litiengine The pure 2D java game engine.
little.js The Tiny JavaScript Game Engine That Can!
littlekt-examples Samples of various features of LittleKt
littlekt-extras An extension of LittleKt that adds a bunch of goodies.
littlekt-glutton-demo A month long game made for GitHub Game Off 2022.
littlekt-project-template A base template starter project for creating games with the LittleKt game framework.
littlekt A multiplatform 2D game framework written in Kotlin. Build your own game engine on top.
llgl Low Level Graphics Library (LLGL) is a thin abstraction layer for the modern graphics APIs OpenGL, Direct3D, Vulkan, and Metal
lowlevel The perfect place to learn gamedev no matter what your current programming level is
lume Create 3D web applications with HTML. Bring a new depth to your DOM!
lumen A Vulkan Raytracing framework for various bidirectional path tracing techniques
lumi a CPU/GPU physically based renderer
luminance Type-safe, type-level and stateless Rust graphics framework
lumix-csharp-plugin C# plugin for Lumix Engine
lumix-dx DX11 & DX 12 renderer for Lumix Engine
lumix-fbx-importer Lightweight open source FBX importer
lumix-fbx-loader LumixEngine plugin for loading FBX using FBX SDK
lumix-gltf-loader GLTF loader plugin for Lumix Engine
lumix-platformer-demo Platformer demo game for Lumix Engine
lumix-rmlui RmlUi plugin for Lumix Engine
lumix-shader-editor Visual shader editor for Lumix Engine
lumix-space-demo Space station simulation game made in Lumix Engine
lumix 3D C++ Game Engine - yet another open source game engine
lumos Cross-Platform C++ 2D/3D game engine
luna Luna SDK is a C++ software development framework for real-time rendering applications.
luxcore LuxCore source repository
lve Code repo for video tutorial series teaching Vulkan and computer graphics
lvgl Embedded graphics library to create beautiful UIs for any MCU, MPU and display type. It's boosted by a professional yet affordable drag and drop UI editor, called SquareLine Studio.
lwjgl-book-examples Source code of the chapters of the book 3D Game Development with LWJGL 3
lwjgl-demos Demo suite for LWJGL 3
macleod-software-renderer Software 3D renderer & rasteriser written in WASM/C & TypeScript to test / showcase WebAssembly and compare performance
macroquad-examples Automatically generated site with all macroquad examples
macroquad Cross-platform game engine in Rust.
magnum-examples Examples for the Magnum C++11 graphics engine
magnum Lightweight and modular C++11 graphics middleware for games and data visualization
mainkid Game engine in C++
maj This is a basic 2d game engine I am learning to make in java.
manceau-shaders Collection of glsl shaders
mantaray An open source physically based renderer.
marlin-rasterizer Marlin is the FAST Java2D antialiasing rasterizer derived from OpenJDK Pisces (shape)
marx A game engine written in kotlin
math-examples Example code and libraries for the book "Essential Mathematics for Games and Interactive Applications."
matrix.c C Matrix library for OpenGL apps. A port of the gl-matrix JavaScript library.
matrix.js Javascript Matrix and Vector library for High Performance WebGL apps
matter.js-tools tools for creating, testing and debugging matter.js worlds
matter.js a 2D rigid body physics engine for the web
mazhen-post-processing Advance Post-Processing framework for OpenGL
mechanica A 2D Game Engine built on top of OpenGL and written in Kotlin
mengine Mengine is an multiple platforms engine for creating and running graphical games
merlin A C++ game engine
meshgen Procedural 3D mesh generation tool
methane Modern 3D graphics made simple with C++17 cross-platform framework and rendering abstraction API on top of DirectX 12, Metal & Vulkan
mgp 3D Game engine building from Gameplay3D codebase
microstudio.js Free, open source game engine online
milk milk is a simple, 2d game engine that i am working on.
minecraft-shaders-acerolla Shaders for Minecraft
minecraft-shaders-photon A shader pack for Minecraft: Java Edition
mini Simple C++ OpenGL engine
mini2dx-invaders-demo mini2Dx sample game - An invaders clone
mini2dx-natives-loader Cross-platform OS detection and native library loading for Java
mini2dx-script A scripting library for Java-based games
mini2dx-tilepacker A command line utility and Gradle task for packing individual images into tilesets
mini2dx A high-level cross-platform 2D game development API
minigdx-developer-plugin Configure MiniGDX libs with a common set of configuration and tasks. The usage is mainly for MiniGDX contributors.
minigdx-examples minigdx showcases
minigdx-gltf-loader Loader for glTF2.0 files
minigdx-gltf-parser MiniGDX GLTF Parser
minigdx-gradle-plugin MiniGDX gradle plugin
minigdx-imgui Light Immediate Mode GUI implementation
minigdx-project-template Basic template to create a game using minigdx
miniquad-examples Miniquad game engine examples
miniquad Cross platform rendering in Rust
misasi A Kotlin OpenGL 2d game engine (built from all of my attempts over the years) for fun!
mist.js Modular 2D Web Game Engine
mist OpenGL 3D graphics engine
moddio HTML5 multiplayer game engine
model-samples A curated list of famous 3d meshes
modeler-kotlin Free 3D Modeling Tool
mojoc A cross-platform, open-source, pure C game engine for mobile game.
molten A spare-time C# .NET 7 game engine project. Cross-platform, multi-threaded.
monogame One framework for creating powerful cross-platform games.
moonray DreamWorks’ open-source, award-winning, state-of-the-art production MCRT renderer
morphorm A UI layout engine written in Rust
msdf-font-generator MSDF font atlas generator
mundus A 3D world/level editor built with Java, Kotlin & libGDX.
mxengine C++ open source 3D game engine
myra UI Library for MonoGame, FNA and Stride
nabla Vulkan, OptiX and CUDA Interoperation Modular Rendering Library and Framework for PC/Linux/Android
nanort NanoRT, single header only modern ray tracing kernel.
nau Nau - OpenGL + Optix 3D Engine
navmesh.js A plugin for path-finding in JS using navmeshes, with wrappers for Phaser 3 and Phaser 2
nazara Nazara Engine is a cross-platform framework aimed at (but not limited to) real-time applications requiring audio, 2D and 3D real-time rendering, network and more.
ncine-android CMake scripts to build nCine dependency libraries for Android
ncine-cli The nCine command line tool
ncine-data Data files for the nCine project
ncine-invaders A simplified version of Space Invaders made with the nCine
ncine-particle-editor A particle editor made with the nCine
ncine-pong An example game made with the nCine
ncine-template A template project for applications and games made with the nCine
ncine A cross-platform 2D game engine
nebula Nebula is an open-source and free-to-use modern C++ game engine.
needle-examples Live: - Needle Engine sample scenes - use as examples and as a reference for learning
neko 3D game engine using Kotlin and LWJGL
nenuzhno Old nenuzhno engine code
neoaxis-sdk Official SDK of NeoAxis 3D Engine
neoaxis A versatile real-time platform for making 3D, 2D games and apps.
nexus Vulkan Game-Engine Project
nez-examples Samples and demos of various Nez features
nez Nez is a free 2D focused framework that works with MonoGame and FNA
nhglib NHGlib - Game Development Library based on LibGDX
nika Nika Engine
noble-shaders A Minecraft shaderpack that enhances one's experience with the help of good-looking graphics and light simulations.
nopper-opengl-examples OpenGL 3 and 4 with GLSL
nori Nori: an educational ray tracer
notchrt A little raytracer written in Processing
nrays-raytracer A basic 3D ray tracer in Rust.
nuclear A W.I.P Modern C++20 Cross-Platform Game Engine with C# Scripting.
nvidia-demos GO HERE FIRST: nvpro-samples overview
nvidia-occlusion-culling-demo OpenGL sample for shader-based occlusion culling
nvidia-ssao-demo optimized screen-space ambient occlusion, cache-aware hbao
nvidia-ssao optimized screen-space ambient occlusion, cache-aware hbao
o2-template o2 engine template project
o2 2D Game Engine with visual WYSIWYG editor and JS scripting
o3de Open 3D Engine (O3DE) is an Apache 2.0-licensed multi-platform 3D engine that enables developers and content creators to build AAA games, cinema-quality 3D worlds, and high-fidelity simulations without any fees or commercial obligations.
oasis A typescript interactive engine, support 2D, 3D, animation, physics, built on WebGL and glTF.
obengine-examples A set of game examples made with ÖbEngine !
obengine 2D Game Engine with Lua Scripting made on top of SFML !
obj-loader-java A simple Wavefront OBJ file loader
obj-loader-rust Tiny OBJ Loader in Rust
obj-loader-tiny Tiny but powerful single file wavefront obj loader
obj-loader A C++ OBJ Model Loader that will parse .obj & .mtl Files into Indices, Vertices, Materials, and Mesh Structures.
obj-parser-c Fast C OBJ parser
obj-samples Samples for the Obj library
ofx-pbr Physically-Based Rendering addon for openFrameworks
ogl.js Minimal WebGL Library
ogldev Source code of OpenGL tutorials on
ogre scene-oriented, flexible 3D engine (C++, Python, C#, Java)
oneiro Work in progress. The source code and content of Open.GL.
opengl-for-beginners OpenGL for beginners
opengl-object-oriented-api A rendering library
opengl-redbook-examples Examples for the OpenGL Red Book
opengl-software-huang Software implement OpenGL 1.1 version.
opengl-software-jin A software OpenGL pipeline
opengl-software-pernollet A pure Java implementation of OpenGL
opengl-tutorial Tutorials for OpenGL 3.3 and later
opengl-vxgi OpenGl Global Illumination real-time rendering study project
openglonmetal OpenGL 4.6 on Metal
openrts Real-Time Strategy game 3D engine coded in pure java
oreon-cpp C++ Vulkan 3D Game Engine
oreon-java-tutorials This is the project related to the OpenGL Game Engine Programming Series
oreon-java OpenGL/Vulkan Java 3D Engine
oreon Vulkan Kotlin 3D Engine
orillusion-examples Basic WebGPU samples from Orillusion
orillusion Orillusion is a pure Web3D rendering engine which is fully developed based on the WebGPU standard.
ortiz-software-renderer Software rendering engine with PBR. Built from scratch on C++.
orx-example Orx - Large World Sample
orx ORX: Portable Game Engine
osre An open source render engine
ovcharenko-software-renderer Bare-bones software renderer written in Rust
over Tiny little game engine
overlap Overlap2D Game development toolkit for UI and Level design
oxylus-cyclone-demo Cyclone 1985 clone made in Oxylus Engine
oxylus-kart-demo Arcade racing game made in Oxylus Engine
oxylus-pacman-demo PacMan clone made in Oxylus Engine.
oxylus Vulkan based Renderer and Game Engine
p5.js-examples p5.js website built using Node.js, Grunt, YAML and Assemble
p5.js-shaders A collection of heavily commented WebGL shaders created with p5.js and GLSL
p5.js p5.js is a client-side JS platform that empowers artists, designers, students, and anyone to learn to code and express themselves creatively on the web. It is based on the core principles of Processing. http:
panda.js Panda Engine - HTML5 Game Engine
panda Powerful, mature open-source cross-platform game engine for Python and C++, developed by Disney and CMU
paper.js The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting – Scriptographer ported to JavaScript and the browser, using HTML5 Canvas. Created by @lehni & @puckey
papers-veselov A list of some interesting papers (computer graphics) that I read
pathtracer-vulkan-nvidia A beginner-friendly Vulkan path tracing tutorial in under 300 lines of C++.
pathtracing-yablokov-demos Test application for a Ray library
pathtracing-yablokov Small pathtracing library with GPU and CPU backends
pbrt-v1 Source code to pbrt, the ray tracer described in "Physically Based Rendering: From Theory To Implementation"
pbrt-v2 Source code for the version of pbrt described in the second edition of "Physically Based Rendering"
pbrt-v3 Source code for pbrt, the renderer described in the third edition of "Physically Based Rendering: From Theory To Implementation", by Matt Pharr, Wenzel Jakob, and Greg Humphreys.
pbrt-v4 Source code to pbrt, the ray tracer described in the forthcoming 4th edition of the "Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation" book.
permafrost An OpenGL RTS game engine written in C
phaser.js-examples Phaser 3 Examples
phaser.js Phaser is a fun, free and fast 2D game framework for making HTML5 games for desktop and mobile web browsers, supporting Canvas and WebGL rendering.
phina.js phina.js is game library
piccolo Piccolo (formerly Pilot) – mini game engine for games104
pico Single-header, cross-platform libraries for game development
picogl.js A minimal WebGL 2 rendering library
piet An abstraction for 2D graphics.
pigeon Game engine for EvanMMO's typescript games
pinktrees OpenGL project for educational purposes
piston-examples A collection of examples using the Piston game engine
piston-gfx A Gfx 2D back-end for the Piston game engine
piston-glium A Glium 2D back-end for the Piston game engine
piston-graphics A library for 2D graphics, written in Rust, that works with multiple back-ends
piston-opengl An OpenGL 2D back-end for the Piston game engine
piston A modular game engine written in Rust
pixel A hand-crafted 2D game library in Go
pixelitor A desktop image editor
pixi.js-examples Examples using latest version of PixiJS
pixi.js The HTML5 Creation Engine: Create beautiful digital content with the fastest, most flexible 2D WebGL renderer.
planet Game engine written in Java and Kotlin with OpenGl and LWJGL
plasma Game engine is a C++ powered 2D and 3D game engine that is designed to be straigt forward yet powerful for all users
playcanvas-editor Issue tracker for the PlayCanvas Editor
playcanvas-model-viewer glTF 2.0 model viewer
playcanvas.js-examples Live examples of the PlayCanvas Engine
playcanvas.js-node-editor A JavaScript library for creating node-based graphs
playcanvas.js-texture-tool Texture tool for graphics programmers
playcanvas.js-ui UI component library for the web
playcanvas.js Fast and lightweight JavaScript game engine built on WebGL and glTF
playn-examples Various simple PlayN demos and examples.
playn A Java game development framework that deploys to JVM, HTML5, Android and iOS.
plsr A very fast and simple software renderer using only integers and fixed point math. PiSHi LE (PL) is a subset of the 3D software graphics library used in King's Crook.
polos A Data-Oriented, C++20 Game Engine
popcornrt Here's the raytracer I made in Python.
postprocessing-effects-lee Implemented several OpenGL framebuffer processing and post effect
postprocessing-effects-libgdx libGDX post-processing visual effects
progsch-opengl-examples A collection of simple single file OpenGL examples
ptah-software-renderer A small software graphics renderer
pygame Pygame (the library) is a Free and Open Source python programming language library for making multimedia applications like games built on top of the excellent SDL library. C, Python, Native, OpenGL.
quintus.js HTML5 Game Engine
rajawali-examples Rajawali 3D Engine for Android Examples
rajawali Android OpenGL ES 2.0/3.0 Engine
ramjam Game/rendering engine for learning and personal showcase purposes only
rapidobj A fast, header-only, C++17 library for parsing Wavefront .obj files.
rapier 2D and 3D physics engines focused on performance.
rave A fast, easy to use C++20 3D game engine for modern computers
raycast.js An advanced ray-caster engine written in JavaScript from scratch, with zero dependencies
raycaster-kotlin A pseudo-3D raycast-rendering game engine made with Kotlin and LWJGL. Think Wolfenstein 3D!
raycaster.js Basic implementation of a raycaster engine in Javascript using Canvas API
raylib-gltf-loader A raylib extension to load and draw glTF 2.0 models
raylib A simple and easy-to-use library to enjoy videogames programming
raytracer-derm Vulkan port of the D3D12 Procedural Geometry Demo using VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline and VK_KHR_acceleration_structure [WIP]
raytracer-java-dodero A simple raytracer written in Java for learning purposes
raytracer-java Trace all the rays!
raytracer-krakowiak Renderer which almost matches Path Tracing in quality, while generating noiseless images hundreds times faster
raytracer-noeuclid Non-euclidean GPU Raytraced Game
raytracer-rust Repository to follow my development of "The Raytracer Challenge" book by Jamis Buck in the language Rust
raytracer-veselov Realtime GPU Path tracer based on OpenCL and OpenGL
raytracer-vulkan-nvidia Ray tracing glTF scene with Vulkan
raytracer.js Fully custom made raytracer with js canvas
raytracing-bonin-java An experimental Ray tracer I made completely from scratch, without any external libraries
raytracing-bonin An experimental raytracer using OpenGL for GPU acceleration
raytracing-oneweekend Main Web Site (Online Books)
raytracing-opengl realtime ray tracing
razix High Performance Game Engine for Production Pipeline
rbfx Lightweight Game Engine/Framework in C++17 with WYSIWYG Editor. Experimental C# bindings.
real My toy engine, mainly for rendering experiment and prototyping.
realtimerendering-books Real-Time Rendering 4th (RTR4) 参考文献合集典藏
regl.js Functional WebGL
remiz-editor GUI editor for Remiz game engine
remiz-platformer-demo Browser platformer game about a builder who wants to reach the top of the building
remiz It is a data-driven game engine for web browsers. It allows you to develop your own game using web technologies
rems OpenSource Kotlin/OpenGL/ECS based game engine
rend3 Easy to use, customizable, efficient 3D renderer library built on wgpu.
rendere Simple render engine for OpenGL
renderer-doom-python Attempt at recreating the rendering techniques used in the original 'Doom' (Python/Pygame) - May 2017
rendu A simple realtime graphics playground for experimentations.
rizz Small C game development framework
rmlui RmlUi - The HTML/CSS User Interface library evolved
ronja-shaders unity shader tutorials
rough Create graphics with a hand-drawn, sketchy, appearance
rtxgi RTX Global Illumination (RTXGI)
rust-ray-tracing-in-one-weekend Implementation of Ray Tracing in One Weekend written in Rust
rusty 2D game engine for learning Rust
salvo An open source Unity-Octane render pipeline
sanz Simple 3D renderer in C++ and OpenGL with minimal dependencies
saxes.js An evented streaming XML parser in JavaScript
scherzer-shaders Contains example fragment(pixel) shader for my lecture on shader programming
scion Scion is a tiny 2D game engine built on top of wgpu and winit, following the KISS principle.
scrap A very simple real-time Vulkan 3D game engine
scuti Habbo rendering engine made with HTML5 canvas using PixiJS and TypeScript
sein.js-audio Space audio system for Sein.js.
sein.js-gltf-loader A loader for gltf/glb files for Sein.js.
sein.js Progressive web 3D game engine.
septonious-shaders A good performing fantasy stylised shaderpack with fancy visuals!
serious An open source version of a game engine developed by Croteam for the classic Serious Sam games.
seusptgi Release and issue tracker for SEUS PTGI GeForceLegend's Modified Edition, a deeply modified version SEUS PTGI
shader-editor-android Android app to create GLSL shaders and use them as live wallpaper
shaderian A live GLSL programming environment on windows
shaders-godot-cel Complete cel shader for Godot 4
shaders-hooper Nothing special, just a harness so I can live edit shaders with glslify, and use the Shadertoy uniforms
shadows A sample app that demonstrates several techniques for rendering real-time shadow maps
silva A very simple 3D and 2D game engine written in Kotlin
simple Small C++14 render engine
skylicht Skylicht Engine is C++ Game Engine based on Irrlicht 3D. We have upgraded to more features. Cross-Platform Framework (Android, IOS, UWP, HTML5)
slim-raytracer Software ray tracer written from scratch in C that can run on CPU or GPU with emphasis on ease of use and trivial setup
slim A minimalist library with basic facilities for developing interactive real-time 3D applications, with a strong emphasis on simplicity and ease of use.
snoopyrt Implementation of Peter Shirley's Ray Tracing In One Weekend book using Vulkan and NVIDIA's RTX extension.
software-renderer-benny thebennybox 3D Software Renderer
software-renderer-dougan 3D Software Rendering library in C
software-renderer-gorski High performance software rendering in c#
software-renderer-lacey A shader-based Software Renderer Using The LightSky Framework.
software-renderer-panzerschrek Software renderer for video games, that uses power of modern CPUs
software-renderer-skywind 3D Software Renderer in 700 Lines !!
software-renderer-strazdins Simple header-only C++ software renderer
software-renderer-thenanisore A simple software 3D renderer in Visual C++/GDI.
software-renderer-uhlig A simple Software Renderer written in rust.
software-renderer-yablokov Simple software rasterizer with OpenGL-like interface
software-renderer.js 3D model viewer for design sharing and product exhibition.
solid.js A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
source-launcher-android Android launcher for source engine
source Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
space A 3D Game Engine by creatorlxd.Use DirectX
sparky Cross-Platform High Performance 2D/3D game engine for people like me who like to write code.
spartan Game engine with an emphasis on architectural quality and performance
spector.js Explore and Troubleshoot your WebGL scenes with ease.
spectra a real-time SDF pathtracer
stage.js 2D HTML5 rendering and layout engine for game development
storm-seadogs-example Scripts and configs for Sea Dogs: To Each His Own
storm Game engine behind Sea Dogs, Pirates of the Caribbean and Age of Pirates games.
stratus-docs GitHub websites
stratus Realtime 3D rendering engine
stride Stride Game Engine (formerly Xenko)
supernova-examples-website Website for Supernova Samples
supernova-examples Sample projects using Supernova Engine
supernova Game engine for 2D and 3D projects with entity component system (ECS) and data-oriented design
surreal Unreal Tournament Engine Reimplementation
sweetgl Simple GLFW OpenGL/C++ framework made for educational purposes: Assimp, ImGUI, Deferred/Forward+ Shading, Compute/Geometry Shaders and etc.
synfig This is the Official source code repository of the Synfig project
talos Talos Particle Engine
taro.js A lightweight 3D game engine for the web.
tde TDEngine2 is a cross-platform game engine
tdme-java TDME - ThreeDeeMiniEngine is a small 3d engine suited for small 3d games written in JAVA. PLEASE note that this project is being discontinued. Consider instead.
tdme TDME2 - ThreeDeeMiniEngine2 is a lightweight, multi-platform 3D engine including tools suited for 3D game/application development using C++, MiniScript, GLSL, ...
thelema Thelema - 3D graphics engine, written in Kotlin. Based on sources of libGDX.
thinmatrix OpenGL Tutorial
three.js-caustics Caustics computation using ThreeJS
three.js-demos My personal dumping ground for misc three.js sketches.
three.js-experiments Three.js experiments and demo sources.
three.js-gaussianSplats Three.js-based implementation of 3D Gaussian splatting
three.js-halloween-demo Three.js challenge 4 - Halloween
three.js-mmorpg-demo Absolutely 100% unsupported, and full of infuriating bugs.
three.js-particle-system Particle System for Three.js
three.js-pathtracing Real-time PathTracing with global illumination and progressive rendering, all on top of the Three.js WebGL framework. Click here for Live Demo:
three.js-ship-demo Three.js Ship demo project
three.js-shooter First-Person Shooter as a tutorial based on the React + Three.js stack
three.js-ssao An efficient and visually pleasing implementation of SSAO with an emphasis on temporal stability and artist control.
three.js JavaScript 3D Library.
three.kt Three.js port for the JVM (desktop)
threed 2D/3D renderer - makes it simple to draw stuff across platforms (including web)
threejs-demo-graces In this project, I wanted to show that creating a fancy design like this using #threejs is not as difficult as it looks. It has only 240 lines of code. The original design was created by Tom Bogner @dastom on Dribble:
tiny-raycaster 486 lines of C++: old-school FPS in a weekend
tiny-raytracer A brief computer graphics / rendering course
tiny-software-renderer-java Just a java implementation of
tiny-software-renderer A brief computer graphics / rendering course
tiny Tiny OpenGL Wrapper / 3D Engine in C++
tinygltf Header only C++11 tiny glTF 2.0 library
tinyn Tiny is a lightweight 2D game engine that allows developers to easily create games using the Lua programming language.
tmp3d A 3-D software renderer written from scratch running in an HTML5
tmpl8 A minimalistic C++ framework for making simple 2D games.
toaster Little game framework I made with OpenGL and LWJGL in kotlin,
toment A Software Rendering Raycaster Engine written in C and SDL2.
toolkit 2d - 3d game and interactive application develepment kit
toy the thin c++ game engine
trikot Trikot is a framework that helps building Kotlin Multiplatform apps. iOS, Android and Web are th e primary targets.
turbulenz Turbulenz is a modular 3D and 2D game framework for making HTML5 powered games for browsers, desktops and mobile devices.
turso Experimental 3D / game engine
twgl.js A Tiny WebGL helper Library
twigl.js is an online editor for One tweet shader, with gif generator and sound shader, and broadcast live coding.
two.js A renderer agnostic two-dimensional drawing api for the web.
two c++ toolkit for rapid development of live graphical apps and games
tyra Game engine for PlayStation 2™
ultra-docs Documentation contents for Ultra Engine
unity-fbx-exporter export meshes to .fbx or .obj from Unity
unity-fbx-loader A pure C# library for loading FBX files
unity-gi A fully-dynamic voxel-based global illumination system for Unity
unity-graphics Unity Graphics - Including Scriptable Render Pipeline
unity-post-processing Post Processing Stack
unity-shader-mobile Mobile optimised shader for Unity 3D
unity-shaders-builtin Unity Built in Shaders
unity-smoke-demo My recreation of CS2's responsive smoke grenades in Unity
unity-sponza Unity remaster of the classic Sponza scene.
unity-tetris-demo-mawasi Simple tetris made in Unity(2019.2.5f1).
unity-tetris-demo 基于Unity的简易版现代俄罗斯方块。资源更新、代码热更、ecs实现。
unreal-examples Unreal Engine Example projects. Includes UE4 and UE5 examples.
untold An easy to use, Open-Source, 3D game engine for iOS/macOS game development.
uranium-kotlin-js React-like, 2D game engine in Kotlin
urho-material-editor Material Graph Editor for Urho3D engine
urho-unity-converter Unity3D to Urho3D assets converter
urho Game engine
urhosharp-examples Samples for the Urho bindings
ursina A game engine powered by python and panda3d.
vanoosten-software-renderer My project to learn how to make a software rasterizer.
vapor Rendering engine in C#
vct Real-time Voxel Cone Tracing
veldrid-examples Sample projects for Veldrid
veldrid A low-level, portable graphics library for .NET.
vello An experimental GPU compute-centric 2D renderer.
vengine Game engine framework using DirectX 11, Direct2D, DirectWrite, Qt, FBX SDK, ImGui/ImGuizmo and PhysX
vengine2 My current hobby game engine written in C++ and using Vulkan and D3D12
vent A Game-Engine written in Rust using WGPU with the Goal to be very Fast & User Friendly
verus Verus Engine is a modern 3D game engine.
vision Vision is a GPU physically based renderer
viw OBJ viewer written in Java
vk2d 2D renderer written in C utilizing Vulkan
vkk-examples Examples and demos for the new Vulkan API
vkk VK², Kotlin Wrapper for Vulkan: code expressiveness and safety meet graphic power
vkvg Vulkan 2D graphics library
volumeRender Volume rendering
vookoo A set of utilities for taking the pain out of Vulkan in header only modern C++
vortice Cross-platform .NET 7.0 game engine.
voxel-cone-tracing A real-time global illumination implementation using voxel cone tracing. Implemented in C++ and GLSL.
voxel-renderer-kotlin A voxel engine (like Minecraft) written in Kotlin
VoxelConeTracingGI Global illumination with Voxel Cone Tracing in fully dynamic scenes using a 3D clipmap to support huge areas around the camera while maintaining a low memory footprint.
vsg-examples Example programs that test and illustrate how to use the VSG and optional add-on libraries
vuk vuk - A rendergraph-based abstraction for Vulkan
vulkan-galaxy-demo Simple galaxy renderer/simulation written in C/C++ with Vulkan
vulkan-gltf Rendering glTF scenes with ray tracer and raster (Vulkan)
vulkan-sponza Deferred Vulkan rendering playground using Crytek's Sponza scene
walker Walker Engine is a real-time rendering engine. It is written in C++ and currently uses OpenGL as its primary graphics API. Its purpose is primarily for my own education to learn computer graphics and to use it as a platform for experimentation.
walnut Walnut is a simple application framework for Vulkan and Dear ImGui apps
water-nau Water Shader for Nau3D
water-unity-ben Demonstration of a water ripple post-processing screen-space effect implemented in Unity.
water-unity Water surface simulation in Untiy3d
water-unity2 Water in Unity
water Sum of sines fluid simulation with a physically based water shader
wave-sponza-demo This project is a WaveEngine project to render the Sponza glTF model
weaver Game engine in Rust
webgl-deferred-lighting A deferred renderer in TypeScript and WebGL 2.0
webgl-tutorial Final code files written in WebGL 2 series on YouTube
weesner Kotlin multiplatform game engine
welder Major overhaul of the Zero Engine and renaming to Welder.
wenli 配合我的知乎专栏写的项目
wgshadertoy A WGSL playground inspired by Shadertoy.
whs.js Super-fast 3D framework for Web Applications & Games. Based on Three.js
wicked 3D engine with modern graphics
willems-vulkan-examples Examples and demos for the new Vulkan API
willems-webgl-demos WebGL demos and samples
winkler-opengl-software An implementation of OpenGL 3.x-ish in clean C
wolfenstein-raycaster Wolfenstein 3D-style raycasting implementation
wolfenstein-raytracer-cpp 1993 Wolfenstein 3D clone written in C++.
wolfenstein-raytracer-java A 3D video game, developed in Java/LWJGL, using my own ground-up implementation of the Wolfenstein 3D raycasting engine.
xacor Experimental Game Engine
xengine An experimental real-time render engine
xeogl.js A WebGL-based 3D engine for technical visualization. Not actively maintained.
xilem An experimental Rust native UI framework
yahiaetman-opengl-examples A Set of examples for using OpenGL on C++ (For Educational Purposes)
yakge A little game engine made in Kotlin on top of LWJGL.
zauonlok-software-renderer A shader-based software renderer written from scratch in C89
zaworski-shaders Various shaders.
zengine 3D Renderer Engine builds with Vulkan and C++ 20
zengl 2D OpenGL krossplatform - library (+ full OpenGL)
zhang-shaders Learn computer graphics by writing GPU shaders!
zhanghao-gltf-viewer glTF animation viewer
zrenderer a tiny software raster renderer

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