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Distributed async task/job queue, like Celery for asyncio world


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Distributed async task/job queue, like Celery for asyncio world


  • Redis and AMQP(RabbitMQ etc.) support
  • Task timeout and concurrency limit support
  • Delayed task(Both Redis and RabbitMQ) support
  • Cron task/job beater
  • Built-in coroutine pool with concurrency and time limit


pip install oxalis

Example with Redis backend

Define task:

from redis.asyncio.client import Redis
from oxalis.redis import Oxalis

oxalis = Oxalis(Redis(host=os.getenv("REDIS_HOST", "redis")))

async def hello_task():
    print("Hello oxalis")

Run worker(consumer):

INFO:oxalis:Registered Task: <Task(hello_task)>
INFO:oxalis:Run worker: <Oxalis(pid-101547)>...
INFO:oxalis:Run worker: <Oxalis(pid-101548)>...
INFO:oxalis:Run worker: <Oxalis(pid-101549)>...
INFO:oxalis:Run worker: <Oxalis(pid-101550)>...
INFO:oxalis:Run worker: <Oxalis(pid-101551)>...
INFO:oxalis:Run worker: <Oxalis(pid-101552)>...
INFO:oxalis:Run worker: <Oxalis(pid-101554)>...

Run client(producer):

import asyncio

for i in range(10):
    asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(hello_task.delay(_delay=1))  # delay execution after 1s

Run cron beater:

from oxalis.beater import Beater

beater = Beater(oxalis)

beater.register("*/1 * * * *", hello_task)
INFO:oxalis:Beat task: <Task(hello_task)> at <*/1 * * * *> ...


The TaskCodec will encode/decode task args, default codec will use json

Custom task codec:

from oxalis.base import TaskCodec

class MyTaskCodec(TaskCodec):
    def encode(
        task: Task,
        task_args: tp.Sequence[tp.Any],
        task_kwargs: tp.Dict[str, tp.Any],
    ) -> bytes:

    def decode(cls, content: bytes) -> TaskCodec.MESSAGE_TYPE:

oxalis = Oxalis(Redis(host=os.getenv("REDIS_HOST", "redis")), task_codec=MyTaskCodec())

Task pool

Oxalis use one coroutine pool with concurrency limit and timeout limit to run all task

Custom pool:

from redis.asyncio.client import Redis
from oxalis.redis import Oxalis
from oxalis.pool import Pool

oxalis = Oxalis(Redis(host=os.getenv("REDIS_HOST", "redis")), pool=Pool(concurrency=10, timeout=60))
  • For Redis task, the queue will be blocked util pool is not fully loaded
  • For AMQP task, oxalis use AMQP's QOS to limit worker concurrency(pool's concurrency will be -1 which means the pool's concurrency will not be limited)
  • asyncio.TimeoutError will be raised if one task is timeout
  • Every worker process has owned limited pool

Specified one task timeout limit:

@oxalis.register(queue=custom_queue, timeout=10)
def custom_task():
    print("Hello oxalis")

Custom hook

Oxalis defined some hook API for inherited subclass:

class MyOxalis(Oxalis):
    def on_worker_init():
        # will be called before worker started

    def on_worker_close():
        # will be called after worker started

Some API can be rewritten or inherited for custom usage, eg:

import sentry_sdk

class MyOxalis(Oxalis):
    async def exec_task(self, task: Task, *task_args, **task_kwargs):
        capture exception to sentry
            await super().exec_task(task, *task_args, **task_kwargs)
        except Exception as e:

Redis Backend Detail

Oxalis use redis's list and pubsub structure as a message queue


Custom queue:

from oxalis.redis import Queue, PubsubQueue

custom_queue = Queue("custom")
bus_queue = PubsubQueue("bus")

Register task:

def custom_task():
    print("Hello oxalis")

def bus_task():
    print("Hello oxalis")
  • For task producer, the task will send to specified queue when call task.delay()
  • For task consumer, oxalis will listen those queues and receive task from them

Concurrency limit

Oxalis using coroutine pool's concurrency limit way, we can set different concurrency limit with specified pool for one task:

def custom_task():
    print("Hello oxalis")

Delayed task

Support by redis zset

AMQP Backend Detail

Custom Queue and Exchange

Oxalis using AMQP's way to define Exchange, Queue and their bindings

import asyncio
import logging
import time

from aio_pika import RobustConnection
from oxalis.amqp import Exchange, ExchangeType, Oxalis, Pool, Queue

e = Exchange("test")
q = Queue("test", durable=False)
e2 = Exchange("testfanout", type=ExchangeType.FANOUT)
q2 = Queue("testfanout", durable=False)

oxalis = Oxalis(RobustConnection("amqp:https://root:letmein@rabbitmq:5672/"))
oxalis.register_binding(q, e, "test")
oxalis.register_binding(q2, e2, "")
oxalis.register_queues([q, q2])

@oxalis.register(exchange=e, routing_key="test")
async def task1():
    await asyncio.sleep(1)
    print("hello oxalis")

async def task2():
    await asyncio.sleep(10)
    print("hello oxalis")
  • For producer, task oxalis.register defined one task message will send to which exchange(by routing key)
  • For consumer, register_queues defined which queues oxalis will listened
  • Task routing defined by bindings

Concurrency limit

Oxalis use AMQP's QOS to limit worker concurrency(Task's ack_later should be true), so coroutine pool's concurrency should not be limited.

Custom queue QOS:

oxalis = Oxalis(RobustConnection("amqp:https://root:letmein@rabbitmq:5672/"), default_queue=Queue("custom",consumer_prefetch_count=10))
fanout_queue = Queue("testfanout", durable=False, consumer_prefetch_count=3)

Custom task behavior

Define task how to perform ack and reject

# always ack even task failed(raise exception)
@oxalis.register(ack_always=True, reject=False)
async def task2():
    await asyncio.sleep(10)
    print("hello oxalis")

#  reject with requeue when task failed
async def task2():
    await asyncio.sleep(10)
    print("hello oxalis")

Delayed task

Support by RabbitMq's plugin


Distributed async task/job queue, like Celery for asyncio world








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