Database migrations for .NET. Based on the idea of Rails ActiveRecord Migrations.
##forked for this reason:
We work in 2 teams that share a single Database with a common shared part and 2 Team-specific sets of Tables.
- SchemaInfoShared
- SchemaInfoProjectA
- SchemaInfoProjectB
##With our Fork we've added a Parameter: SchemaTableInfo MSBuild-Task
<Migrate Provider="SqlServer"
Connectionstring="the connection string comes here..."
Migrations="@(MigrationAssemblies)" To="$(SchemaVersion)"/> Console-Application (after the last required parameter)
Migrator.Console.exe provider connectionString migrationsAssembly [options]
provider The database provider (SqlServer, MySql, Postgre)
connectionString Connection string to the database
migrationAssembly Path to the assembly containing the migrations
schemaInfoTableName optional: Path to the DB-Table that stores Versions (SchemaInfo is default)
-version NO To specific version to migrate the database to
-list List migrations
-trace Show debug informations
-dump FILE Dump the database schema as migration code
-dryrun Simulation mode (don't actually apply/remove any migrations)
Default value is still "SchemaInfo" but now it can be overwritten.