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This repository has been archived by the owner on Nov 13, 2021. It is now read-only.
storca edited this page Nov 24, 2018 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the OpenArdFire wiki!

The open-source firing system

  • What is OpenArdFire ?

OpenArdFire is (will be) a complete open-source arduino-based firing system that comes with a software (not posted yet on github).

  • What is the current developpement status ?

OpenArdFire is currently under developpement, a developpement version has not been released yet. This repository is for the arduino devices that will make the hardware of the system !

  • Features ?

    • In implementation

      • Time-based shows using DS3231 RTC
      • Remote cue testing & triggering
      • Multiple securities (software & hardware)
      • Extensible firing system
      • Show data persistence over shutdowns (via EEPROM)
    • Will be implemented in the future

      • RFID authentication
      • LCD screen
      • Time sync with Android device via NFC
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