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DRRemote is a python modul which offers access to Davinci Resolve Studio. At the time the functionality is very basic. DRRemote is used in conjunction with LRDavinci. LRDavinci is a Lightroom plug-in for Davinci Resolve Studio


  • Changes the current timeline
  • Retrieves the attributes for the current timeline
    • name, type and ipaddress of database
    • name of project
    • name of timeline


  • Python >= 3.6
  • Davinci Resolve Studio (license is needed for Davinci Resolve's Python API).


  1. Python
    You need to install version >= 3.6
  2. Install/update PIP
  3. DRRemote
    • pip install drremote
  4. Set the Davinci Resolve scripting environment. See readme file:
    /Library/Application Support/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/Developer/Scripting/README.txt
    %PROGRAMDATA%\Blackmagic Design\DaVinci Resolve\Support\Developer\Scripting\README.txt


DRRemote must be executed in a command prompt (Windows) or terminal (macOS) window. You can do so by calling the drremote executable/script. To execute drremote you must use the full path or extend your PATH variable.

  • Windows:
  • macOS

A simple example:

  • Start Davinci Resolve Studio, open a project and select a timeline
  • Open a Command Prompt/Terminal and type:
drremote -m gettimeline -o out.txt

If successful you find the gathered information in file out.txt in your current directory:

timeline=2021-12-10-First Snow

If you get an error, you may find some more information in the log logfile:

  • MacOS
    • $TMPDIR/drremote.log
  • Windows
    • %TEMP%/drremote.log

For the commandline arguments see drremote --help:

usage: drremote [-h] -m {settimeline,gettimeline} [-p PROJECT [PROJECT ...]]
                [-t TIMELINE [TIMELINE ...]] [-d DATABASE [DATABASE ...]] -o
                OUTPUT_PATH [OUTPUT_PATH ...] [-w WAIT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m {settimeline,gettimeline}, --mode {settimeline,gettimeline}
                        The operating mode.
  -p PROJECT [PROJECT ...], --project PROJECT [PROJECT ...]
                        The name of a project
  -t TIMELINE [TIMELINE ...], --timeline TIMELINE [TIMELINE ...]
                        The name of a timeline
  -d DATABASE [DATABASE ...], --database DATABASE [DATABASE ...]
                        The database. The format is: DbName:DbType for disk
                        driven databases and DbName:DbType:IpAddress for
                        PostgreSQL databases
                        The name and path of the output file. This file holds
                        the result like timeline attributes or error messages.
  -w WAIT, --wait WAIT  Amounts of seconds to wait between the first and
                        second connection attempt


Set the current timeline in Davinci resolve

drremote -m settimeline -t "2021-12-10-First Snow" -p Snippets -d 2021:disk -o out.txt

Get the current timeline IDs

drremote -m gettimeline -o out.txt

The result is written into out.txt:

timeline=2021-12-10-First Snow