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df-analyze is a command-line tool for perfoming AutoML on small to medium-sized tabular datasets (less than about 200 000 samples, and less than about 50 to 100 features). df-analyze attempts to automate:

  • feature type inference
  • feature description (e.g. univariate associations and stats)
  • data cleaning (e.g. NaN handling and imputation)
  • training, validation, and test splitting
  • feature selection
  • hyperparameter tuning
  • model selection and validation

and saves all key tables and outputs from this process.

**UPDATE - September 30 2024** Now, df-analyze supports zero-shot embedding of image and text data via the script. This allows the conversion of correctly formatted image and text datasets into tabular data that can be handled by the standard df-analyze tabular prediction tools.

Currently, siginifcant efforts have been made to make df-analyze robust to a wide variety of tabular datasets. However, there are some significant limitations.

If you have any questions about:

  • how to get df-analyze installed and working on your machine
  • understanding df-analyze outputs
  • making good choices about df-analyze options for your dataset
  • any problems you might run into using df-analyze
  • general issues with the approach and/or code of df-analyze
  • contributing to df-analyze
  • anything else that you think is relevant to the df-analyze software specifically (and not course-related issue or complaints, if encountering df-analyze as part of a university/college course)

Don't be shy about asking for help in the Discussions!

For Students or Novices to Machine and Deep Learning

For students encountering df-analyze through a course, see the student README [WIP!] in this repo. The student README contains some descriptions and tips that are helpful for those just starting to learn about the CLI, containers, AutoML tools, and also some explanations and tips for running df-analyze on SLURM High-Performance Computing (HPC) clusters, particularly the Digitial Research Alliance of Canada (formerly Compute Canada) clusters.


Currently, df-analyze is distributed as Python scripts dependent on the contents of this repository. So, to run df-analyze, you will generally have to clone this repository, and either install a compatible virtual environment or build a container to make use of df-anaylze. I.e. you must choose between a (hopefully platform-agnostic) local install versus a container build for a Linux-based system,

Local Install by Shell Script

After having cloned the repo, the script can be used to install the dependencies for df-analyze. You will need to first install pyenv (or pyenv-win on Windows) in order for the install script to work, but then the script will compile Python 3.12.5 and create a virtual environment with the necessary dependencies when you run


Then, you can activate the installed virtual environment by running

source .venv/bin/activate

in your shell (or by running .venv/scripts/activate on Windows - see also here if you run into permission issues when doing this). You should be able to see if the install working by running:

python --help

This install procedure should work on MacOS (including Apple Silicon, e.g. MX series macs), and on most major and up-to-date Linux distributions, and on Windows in the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). However, Windows users wishing to avoid using the WSL should adapt the install script for their needs.

By Singularity / Apptainer Container

Alternately, build the Singularity / Apptainer container and use this for running any code that uses df-analyze. This should work on any Linux system (including HPC systems / clusters like Compute Canada / DRAC).

Windows Support

At the moment, there is no real capacity to test df-analyze on Windows machines. Nowadays, the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) generally works very well, so the local install scripts should just work there, as I have tried to avoid most platform-specific code.

If for some reason you can't use the WSL, then there are experimental maual Windows installation instructions here. But don't be surprised if things break when setting things up this way.


For full documentation of df-analyze run:

python --help

which will provide a complete description of all options. Alternately, you can see what the --help option outputs here, but keep mind the actual outputs of the --help command are less likely to be out of date.

For documentation of the embedding functionality, run:

python --help

Quick Start and Examples

Run a classification analysis on the data in small_classifier_data.json:

Using Builtin Data

python \
    --df=data/small_classifier_data.json \
    --outdir=./demo_results \
    --mode=classify \
    --target target \
    --classifiers knn lgbm rf lr sgd mlp dummy \
    --embed-select none linear lgbm \
    --feat-select wrap filter embed

should work and run quite quickly on the tiny toy dataset included in the repo. This will produce a lot of terminal output.

Using a df-analyze-formatted Spreadsheet

Run a classification analysis on the data in the file spreadsheet.xlsx with configuration options and columns specifically formatted for df-analyze:

python --spreadsheet spreadsheet.xlsx

Example of an Excel spreadsheet formatted for df-analyze:

Another valid Excel spreadsheet:

Example of a .csv spreadsheet formatted for df-analyze:

--outdir ./results
--target y
--mode classify
--categoricals s,x0
--classifiers knn lgbm dummy
--nan median
--norm robust
--feat-select wrap embed


If you have not been introduced to command-line interfaces (CLIs) before, this convention might seem a bit odd, but df-analyze primarily functions as a CLI program. The logic is that CLI options (e.g. --mode) and their parameters or values (e.g. the classify in --mode classify) are specified one-per-line in the file top section / header, with spaces separating parameters (e.g. the knn lgbm dummy parameters passed to the --classifiers option), and with at least one empty line separating these options and parameters from the actual tabular data.

Thus, the following is an INVALIDLY FORMATTED spreadsheet:

--outdir ./results
--target y
--mode classify
--categoricals s,x0
--classifiers knn dummy
--nan median
--norm minmax
--feat-select wrap filter none

because no newlines (empty lines) separate the options from the data.

Overriding Spreadsheet Options

When spreadsheet and CLI options conflict, then df-analyze will prefer the CLI args. This allows a base spreadsheet to be setup, and for minor analysis variants to be performed without requiring copies of the formatted data file. So for example:

python --spreadsheet sheet.xlsx --outdir ./results --nan mean
python --spreadsheet sheet.xlsx --outdir ./results --nan median
python --spreadsheet sheet.xlsx --outdir ./results --nan impute

would run three analyses with the options in spreadsheet.xlsx (or default values) but with the handing of NaN values differing for each run, regardless of what is set for --nan in spreadsheet.xlsx. Note that the same output directory can be specified each time, as df-analyze will ensure that all results are saved to a separate subfolder (with a unique hash reflecting the unique combinations of options passed to df-analyze). This ensures data should be overwritten only if the exact same arguments are passed twice (e.g. perhaps if manually cleaning your data and re-running).

Embedding Functionality

Supported Dataset Formats

Image Data

Text Data

Usage on Compute Canada / Digital Research Alliance of Canada / Slurm HPC Clusters

If the singularity container df_analyze.sif is available in the project root, then it can be used to run arbitrary python scripts with the helper script inlcluded in the repo. E.g.

cd df-analyze
./ test/

Building the Singularity Container

This should be built on a cluster that enables the --fakeroot option or on a Linux machine where you have sudo privileges, and the same architecture as the cluster (likely, x86_64).

cd df-analyze/containers

Analysis Pipeline

The overall data preparation and analysis process comprises six steps (some optional):

  1. Feature Type and Cardinalty Inference (Data Inspection)
  2. Data Preparation and Preprocessing
  3. Data Splitting
  4. Univariate Feature Analyses
  5. Feature Selection (optional)
  6. Hyperparameter tuning
  7. Final validation and analyses

In pseudocode (which closely approximates the code in the main() function of

    options = get_options()
    df = options.load_df()

    inspection       =  inspect_data(df, options)
    prepared         =  prepare_data(inspection)
    train, test      =  prepared.split()
    associations     =  target_associations(train)
    predictions      =  univariate_predictions(train)
    embed_selected   =  embed_select_features(train, options)
    wrap_selected    =  wrap_select_features(train, options)
    filter_selected  =  filter_select_features(train, associations, predictions, options)
    selected         =  (embed_selected, wrap_selected, filter_selected)
    tuned            =  tune_models(train, selected, options)
    results          =  eval_tuned(test, tuned, selected, options)

Feature Type and Cardinality Inference

Features are checked, in order of priority, for features that cannot be used by df-anaylze. Unusable features are features which are:

  1. Constant (all values identical or identical except NaNs)
  2. Sequential (autocorrelated) datetime data
  3. Identifiers (all values unique and not continuous / floats)

Then, features are identified as one of:

  1. Binary
  2. Ordinal
  3. Continuous
  4. Categorical

based on a number of heuristics relating to the unique values and counts of these values, and the string representations of the features. These heuristics are made explicit in code here.

Data Preparation

Input data is transformed so that it can be accepted by most generic ML algorithms and/or Python data science libraries (but particularly, NumPy, Pandas, scikit-learn, PyTorch, and LightGBM). This means the raw input data $\mathcal{D}$ (specified by --df or --spreadsheet argument) is represented as

$$\mathcal{D} = (\mathbf{X}, y) = \texttt{(X, y)},$$

where X is a Pandas DataFrame and the target variable is represented in y, a Pandas Series.

  1. Data Loading
    1. Type Conversions
    2. NaN unification (detecting less common NaN representations)
  2. Data Cleaning
    1. Remove samples with NaN in target variable
    2. Remove junk features (constant, timeseries, identifiers)
    3. NaNs: remove or add indicators and interpolate
    4. Categorical deflation (replace undersampled classes / levels with NaN)
  3. Feature Encoding
    1. Binary categorical encoding
      1. represented as single [0, 1] feature if no NaNs
      2. single NaN indicator feature added if feature is binary plus NaNs
    2. One-hot encoding of categoricals (NaN = one additional class / level)
    3. Ordinals treated as continuous
    4. Robust normalization of continuous features
  4. Target Encoding
    1. Categorical targets are deflated and label encoded to values in $[0, n]$
    2. Continuous targets are robustly min-max normalized (to middle 95% of values)

Categorical Deflation

Categorical variables will frequently contain a large number of classes that have only a very small number of samples.

For example, a small, geographically representative survey of households (e.g. approximately 5000 samples) might contain region / municipality information. Regions or municipalities corresponding to large cities might each have over 100 samples, but small rural regions will likely be sampled less than 10 or so times each, i.e., they are undersampled. Attempting to generalize from any patterns observed in these undersampled classes is generally unwise (undersampled levels in a categorical variable are sort of the categorical equivalent of statistical noise).

In addition, leaving these undersampled levels in the data will usually significantly increase compute costs (each class of a categorical, in most encoding schemes, will increase the number of features by one), but encourage overfitting or learning of spurious (ungeneralizable) patterns. It is thus wise, usually, for both computational and generalization reasons, to exclude these classes from the categorical variable (e.g. replace with NaN, or a single "other" class).

In df-analyze, we automatically deflate categorical variables based on a threshold of 20 samples, i.e. classes with less than 20 samples are remapped to the "NaN" class. This is probably not aggressive enough for most datasets, and, for some features and smaller datasets, perhaps overly aggressive. However, if later feature selection is used, this selection is done on the one-hot encoded data, and so useless classes will be excluded in a more principled way there. The choice of 20 is thus (hopefully) somewhat conservative in the sense of not prematurely eliminating information, most of the time.

Categorical Target Deflation

As above, target categorical variables are deflated, except when a target class has less than 30 samples. This deflation arguably should be much more aggressive: when doing e.g. 5-fold analyses on a dataset with such a target variable, each test fold would be expected to be 20% of the samples, so about 6 representatives of this class. This is highly unlikely to result in reliable performance estimates for this class, and so only introduces noise to final performance metrics.

Data Splitting

The data $\mathcal{D} = (\mathbf{X}, y)$ is immediately split into non-overlapping sets $\mathcal{D} = (\mathcal{D}_\text{train}, \mathcal{D}_\text{test})$, where $\mathcal{D}_\text{train} = (\mathbf{X}_{\text{train}}, y_{\text{train}})$ and $\mathcal{D}_\text{test} = (\mathbf{X}_{\text{test}}, y_{\text{test}})$. By default $\mathcal{D}_\text{test}$ is chosen to be a (stratified) random 40% of the samples. All selection and tuning is done only on $\mathcal{D}_\text{train}$, to prevent circular analysis / double-dipping / leakage.

Univariate Feature Analyses

  1. Univariate associations
  2. Univariate predictive performances
    1. classification task / categorical target
      • tune SGDClassifier (an approximation of linear SVM and/or Logistic Regression)
      • report 5-fold mean accuracy, AUROC, sensitivity and specificity
    2. regression task / continuous target
      • tune SGDRegressor (an approximation of regularized linear regression)
      • report 5-fold mean MAE, MSqE, $R^2$, percent explained variance, and median absolute error

Feature Selection

  • Use filter methods
    • Remove features with minimal univariate relation to target
    • Keep features with largest filter metrics
  • Wrapper (stepwise) selection
  • Filter selection

Hyperparameter Tuning

  • Bayesian (Optuna) hyperparameter optimization with internal 5-fold validation

Final Validation

  • Final k-fold of model tuned and trained on selected features from $\mathcal{D}_\text{train}$
  • Final evaluation of trained model on $\mathcal{D}_\text{test}$

Program Outputs

The output directory structure is as follows:

πŸ“‚ ./my_output_directory
└── πŸ“‚ fe57fcf2445a2909e688bff847585546/
    β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ features/
    β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ associations/
    β”‚   └── πŸ“‚ predictions/
    β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ inspection/
    β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ prepared/
    β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ results/
    β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ selection/
    β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ embed/
    β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ filter/
    β”‚   └── πŸ“‚ wrapper/
    └── πŸ“‚ tuning/

The directory ./my_output_directory is the directory specified by the --outdir argument.

There are 4 main types of files:

  1. Markdown reports (*.md)
  2. Plaintext / CSV table files (*.csv)
  3. Compressed Parquet tables (*.parquet)
  4. Python object representations / serializations (.json)

Markdown reports (* should be considered the main outputs: they include text describing certain analysis outputs, and inlined tables of key numerical results for that portion of analysis. The inline tables in each Markdown report are saved in the same directory of the report always as plaintext CSV (*.csv) files, and also occasionally additionally as a Parquet file (*.parquet). This is because CSV is inherently lossy and, to be blunt, basically a trash format for represeting tabular data. However, it is human-readable and easy to import into common spreadsheet tools (Excel, Google Sheets, LibreOffice Calc, etc ).

The .json files are largely for internal use and in general should not need to be inspected by the end-user. However, .json was chosen over, e.g., .pickle, since .json is at least fairly human-readable, and in particular, the options.json file allows for expanding main output tables with additional columns reflecting the program options across multiple runs.

Order of Reading

The subdirectories should generally be read / inspected in the following order:

πŸ“‚ inspection/
πŸ“‚ prepared/
πŸ“‚ features/
πŸ“‚ selection/
πŸ“‚ tuning/
πŸ“‚ results/


πŸ“‚ Hashed Subdirectories

πŸ“‚ fe57fcf2445a2909e688bff847585546/
β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ features/
β”‚   ...
└── options.json

This directory is named after a unique hash of all the options used for a particular invocation / execution of the df-analyze command.

This directory contains two files. The file indicates which features have been renames due to problematic characters or duplicate feature names.

The single file options.json is a .json representation of the specific invocation or spreadsheet options. This is to allow multiple sets of outputs from different options to be placed automatically in the same --outdir top-level directory, e.g. as mentioned above.

So for example, running mutiple options combinations to the same output directory will make something like:

πŸ“‚ ./my_output_directory
β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ ecc2d425d285807275c0c6ae498a1799/
β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ fe57fcf2445a2909e688bff847585546/
└── πŸ“‚ 7c0797c3e6a6eebf784f33850ed96988/

πŸ“‚ inspection

πŸ“‚ inspection/
β”œβ”€β”€ inferred_types.csv

This contains the inferred cardinalities (e.g. continuous, ordinal, or categorical) of each features, as well as the decision rule used for each inference. Features with ambiguous cardinalities are also coerced to some cardinality (usually ordinal, since categorical variables are often low-information and increase compute costs), and this is detailed here.

Destructive Data Changes

Nuisance features (timeseries features or non-categorical datetime data, unique identifiers, constant features) are automatically removed by df-anyalze, and those destructive data changes are documented here.

Deflated categorical variables are documented here as well.

πŸ“‚ prepared

πŸ“‚ prepared/
β”œβ”€β”€ info.json
β”œβ”€β”€ labels.parquet
β”œβ”€β”€ X.parquet
β”œβ”€β”€ X_cat.parquet
β”œβ”€β”€ X_cont.parquet
└── y.parquet
    • shows compute times for processing steps, and documents changes to the data shape following encoding, deflation, and dropping of target NaN values
  • labels.parquet
    • a Pandas Series linking the target label encoding (integer) to the name of the encoded class
  • X.parquet
    • the final encoded complete data (categoricals and numeric)
  • X_cat.parquet
    • the original (unencoded) categoricals
  • X_cont.parquet
    • the continuous features (normalized and NaN imputed)
  • y.parquet
    • the final encoded target variable
  • info.json
    • serialization of internal InspectionResults object

πŸ“‚ features

πŸ“‚ features/
β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ associations/
β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ predictions/

Data for univariate analyses of all features.

πŸ“‚ associations

πŸ“‚ associations/
β”œβ”€β”€ categorical_features.csv
β”œβ”€β”€ categorical_features.parquet
β”œβ”€β”€ continuous_features.csv
└── continuous_features.parquet
    • tables of feature-target associations
  • categorical_features.csv
    • plaintext table of categorical feature-target associations
  • categorical_features.parquet
    • Parquet table of categorical feature-target associations
  • continuous_features.csv
    • plaintext table of continuous feature-target associations
  • continuous_features.parquet
    • Parquet table of continuous feature-target associations

πŸ“‚ predictions

πŸ“‚ predictions/
β”œβ”€β”€ categorical_features.csv
β”œβ”€β”€ categorical_features.parquet
β”œβ”€β”€ continuous_features.csv
β”œβ”€β”€ continuous_features.parquet
  • categorical_features.csv
    • plaintext table of 5-fold predictive performances of each categorical feature
  • categorical_features.parquet
    • Parquet table of 5-fold predictive performances of each categorical feature
  • continuous_features.csv
    • plaintext table of 5-fold predictive performances of each continuous feature
  • continuous_features.parquet
    • Parquet table of 5-fold predictive performances of each continuous feature
    • summary tables of all feature predictive performances

Note: for "large" datasets (currently, greater than 1500 samples) these predictions are made using a small (1500 samples) subsample of the full data, for compute time reasons.

For continuous targets (i.e. regression), the subsample is made in a representative manner by taking a stratified subsample, where stratification is based on discretizing the continuous target variable into 5 bins (via scikit-learn KBinsDiscretizer and StratifiedShuffleSplit, respectively).

For categorical targets (e.g. classification), the subsample is a "viable subsample" (see viable_subsample in that first ensures all target classes have the minimum number of samples required to avoid deflation and/or problems with 5-fold splits eliminating a target class.

πŸ“‚ selection

πŸ“‚ selection/
β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ embed/
β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ filter/
└── πŸ“‚ wrap/

Data describing the features selected by each feature selection method.

πŸ“‚ embed

πŸ“‚ embed/
β”œβ”€β”€ linear_embed_selection_data.json
β”œβ”€β”€ lgbm_embed_selection_data.json
    • summary of features selected by (each) embedded model
  • [model]_embed_selection_data.json
    • feature names and importance scores for [model]

πŸ“‚ filter

πŸ“‚ filter/
    • summary of features selected by univariate assocations with the target
    • also includes which measure of association was used for selection
    • summary of features selected by univariate predictive performance
    • also includes which predictive performance metric was used for selection

Note: Feature importances are not included here, as these are already available in the features directory.

πŸ“‚ wrap

πŸ“‚ wrap/
β”œβ”€β”€ wrapper_selection_data.json
  • wrapper_selection_data.json
    • feature names and predictive performance of each upon selection
    • summary of features selected by wrapper (stepwise) selection method

πŸ“‚ tuning

πŸ“‚ tuning/
└── tuned_models.csv
  • tuned_models.csv
    • table of all tuned models for each feature selection method, including final performance and final selected hyperparameters (as a .json field)

πŸ“‚ results

πŸ“‚ results/
β”œβ”€β”€ eval_htune_results.json
β”œβ”€β”€ final_performances.csv
β”œβ”€β”€ performance_long_table.csv
β”œβ”€β”€ X_test.csv
β”œβ”€β”€ X_train.csv
β”œβ”€β”€ y_test.csv
└── y_train.csv
  • final_performances.csv and performance_long_table.csv [TODO: make one of these wide table]
    • final summary table of all performances for all models and feature selection methods
    • readable report (with wide-form tables of performances) of above information
  • X_test.csv
    • predictors used for final holdout and k-fold evaluations
  • X_train.csv
    • predictors used for training and tuning
  • y_test.csv
    • target samples used for final holdout and k-fold evaluations
  • y_train.csv
    • target samples used for training and tuning
  • eval_htune_results.json
    • serialization of final results object (not human readable, for internal use)

Complete Listing

The full tree-structure of outputs is as follows:

πŸ“‚ fe57fcf2445a2909e688bff847585546/
β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ features/
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ associations/
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ categorical_features.csv
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ categorical_features.parquet
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ continuous_features.csv
β”‚   β”‚   └── continuous_features.parquet
β”‚   └── πŸ“‚ predictions/
β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ categorical_features.csv
β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ categorical_features.parquet
β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ continuous_features.csv
β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ continuous_features.parquet
β”‚       └──
β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ inspection/
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ inferred_types.csv
β”‚   └──
β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ prepared/
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ info.json
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ labels.parquet
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ X.parquet
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ X_cat.parquet
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ X_cont.parquet
β”‚   └── y.parquet
β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ results/
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ eval_htune_results.json
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ final_performances.csv
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ performance_long_table.csv
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ X_test.csv
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ X_train.csv
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ y_test.csv
β”‚   └── y_train.csv
β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ selection/
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ embed/
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ embed_selection_data.json
β”‚   β”‚   └──
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ filter/
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€
β”‚   β”‚   └──
β”‚   └── πŸ“‚ wrapper/
β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“‚ tuning/
β”‚   └── tuned_models.csv
└── options.json


  • there can be only one target variable per program invocation / run
  • malformed data (e.g. quoting, feature names with spaces or commas, malformed .csv, etc)
  • inappropriate data (e.g. timeseries or sequence data, NLP data)
  • inappropriate tasks (e.g. unsupervised learning tasks)
  • dataset size: expected max runtime should be well under 24 hours (see below for how to estimate your expected runtime on the Compute Canada / DRAC Niagara cluster)
  • wrapper selection is extremely expensive and the number of selected features (or elminated features, in the case of step-down selection) should not exceed:
    • step-up: 20
    • step-down: 10

One Target Variable per Invocation / Run

Features and targets must be treated fundamentally differently by all aspects of analysis. E.g.

  • normalization of targets in regression must be different than normalization of continuous features
  • samples with NaNs in the target must be dropped (resulting in a different base dataframe), but samples with NaN features can be imputed
  • data splitting must be stratified in classification to avoid errors, but stratification must be based on the target (e.g. choosing a different target will generally result in different splits)

In addition, feature selection is expensive, and must be done for each target variable. Runtimes are often suprisingly sensitive to the distribution of the target variable.

Dataset Size

Let $p$ be the number of features, and $n$ be the number of samples in the tabular data. Also, let $h = 3600 = 60 \times 60$ be the number of seconds in an hour.

Based on some experiments with about 70 datasets from the OpenML platform and on the Niagara compute cluster, and limiting wrapper-based selection to step-up selection of 10 features, then a simple rule for predicting the maximum expected runtime, $t_{\text{max}}$, in seconds, of df-analyze with all options and models is:

$$ t_{\text{max}} = n + 20p + 2h $$

for $n$ less than $30 000$ and for $p$ less than $200$ or so. Doubling the amount of selected features should probably roughly double the expected max runtime, but this is not confirmed by experiments.

The expected runtime on your machine will be quite different. If $n < 10 000$ and $p < 60$, and you have a recent machine (e.g. M1/M2/M3 series Mac) then it is likely that your runtimes will be significantly faster than the above estimate.

Also, it is extremely challenging to predict the runtimes of AutoML approaches like df-analyze: besides machine characteristics, the structure of the data (beyond just the number of samples and features) and hyperparameter values (e.g. for support vector machines) also have a significant impact on fit times.

Datasets with $n > 30 000$, i.e. over 30 000 samples should probably be considered computationally intractable for df-analyze. They are unlikely to complete in under 24 hours, and may in fact cause out-of-memory errors (the average Niagara node has only about 190GB of RAM, and to use all 40 cores, the dataset must be copied 40 times due to Python's inability to properly share memory).

If you have a dataset where the expected runtime is getting close to 24 hours, then you should strongly consider limiting the df-analyze options such that:

  • only 2-3 models (NOT including the mlp) are used, AND
  • wrapper-based feature selection is not used

Inappropriate Data

Datasets with any kind of strong spatio-temporal clustering, or spatio-temporal autocorrelation, df-anaylze technically can handle (i.e. will produce results for), but the reported results will be deeply invalid and misleading. This includes:

  • time-series or sequence data, especially where the task is forecasting,

    • This means data where the target variable is either a categorical or continuous variable that represents some subsequent or future state of a sequence of samples in the training data, e.g. predicting weather, stock prices, media popularity, and etc., but where a correct predictive model necessarily must know recent target values
    • naive k-fold splitting is completely invalid in these kinds of cases, and k-fold is the basis of most of the main analyses in df-analyze
  • spatially autocorrelated or autocorrelated data in general

  • unencoded text data / natural language processing (NLP) data

    • I.e. any data where a sample feature is a word or collection of words
  • image data (e.g. computer vision prediction tasks)

    • These datasets will almost always be too expensive for the ML algorithms in df-analyze to process, and years of research and experience have now shown that classic ML models (which are all that df-analyze fits) simply are not capable here

Inappropriate Tasks

Anything beyond simple prediction, e.g. unsupervised tasks like clustering, representation learning, dimension reduction, or even semi-supervised tasks, are simply beyond the scope of df-analyze.

Currently Implemented Program Features and Analyses

Completed Features

Automated Data Preproccesing

  • NaN Removal and Handling

    • samples with NaN target are dropped (see Target Handling below)
    • for continous features, NaNs can be either dropped, mean, median, or multiply imputed (default: mean imputation)
    • categorical features encode NaNs as an additional class / level
  • Bad Feature Detection and Removal

    • features containing unusable datetime data (e.g. timeseries data) are automatically detected and removed, with warnings to the user
    • features containing identifiers (e.g. features that are integer or string and where each sample has a unique value) are automatically detected and removed, with user warnings
    • extremely large categorical features (more categories than about 1/5 of samples, which pose a problem for 5-fold splitting) are automatically removed with user-warnings
    • "suspicious" integer features (e.g. features with less than 5 unique values) are detected and the user is warned to check if categorical or ordinal
  • Categorical Feature Handling

    • user can
      • specify categorical feature names explicitly (preferred)
      • specify a threshold (count) for number of unique values of a feature required to count as categorical
    • string features (even if not user-specified) are one-hot encoded
    • NaN values are automatically treated as an additional class level (no dropping of NaN samples required)
  • Continuous Feature Handling

    • continuous features are MinMax normalized to be in [0, 1]
    • this means df-analyze is currently sensitive to extreme values
    • TODO: make robust (percentile, or even quantile) normalization options available, and auto-detect such cases and warn the user
  • Target Handling

    • all samples with NaN targets are dropped (categorical or continuous)
      • rarely makes sense to count correct NaN predictions toward classification performance
      • imputing NaNs in a regression target (e.g. mean, median) biases estimates of regression performance
    • categorical targets containing a class with 20 or fewer samples in a level have the samples corresponding to that level dropped, and the user is warned (these cause problems in nested stratified k-fold, and any estimated of any metric or performance on such a small class is essentially meaningless)
    • continuous or ordinal regression targets are robustly normalized using 2.5th and 97.5th percentile values
      • with this normalization, 95% of the target values are in [0, 1]
      • thus an MAE of, say, 0.5, means that the error is about half of the target (robust) range
      • this also aids in the convergence and fitting of scale-sensitive models
      • this also makes prediction metrics (e.g. MAE) more comparable across different targets

Feature Descriptive Statisics

  • Continuous and ordinal features:

    • Non-robust:
      • min, mean, max, standard deviation (SD)
    • Robust:
      • 5th and 95th percentiles, median, interquartile range (IQR)
    • Moments/Other:
      • skew, kurtosis, and p-values that skew/kurtosis differ from Gaussian
      • entropy (e.g. differential / continuous entropy)
      • NaN counts and frequency
  • Categorical features:

    • number of classes / levels
    • min, max, and median of class frequencies
    • heterogeneity (Chi-squared test of equal class sizes) and associated p-value
    • NaN counts and frequency (treated as another class label)

Univariate Feature-Target Associations

  • Continuous/Ordinal Feature -> Categorical Target:

    • Statistical: t-test, Mann-Whitney U, Brunner-Munzel W, Pearson r and associated p-values
    • Other: Cohen's d, AUROC, mutual information
    • for
  • Continuous/Ordinal Feature -> Continuous Target:

    • Pearson's and Spearman's r and p-values
    • F-test and p-value
    • mutual information
  • Categorical Feature -> Continuous Target:

    • Kruskal-Wallace H and p-value
    • mutual information
    • NOTE: There are relatively few measures of association for categorical-continuous variable pairs. Kruskal-Wallace H has few statistical assumptions, and essentially checks the extent that the medians of each level in the categorical variable differ significantly on the continuous target, and
  • Categorical Feature -> Categorical Target:

    • Cramer's V

Univariate Prediction Metrics for each Feature-Target Pair

  • simple linear predictive models (sklearn SGDClassifier, SGDRegressor) are hyperparameter tuned (using 5-fold) over a small grid for each feature
  • a dummy regressor or classifier (e.g. predict target mean, predict largest class) is also always fit
  • reported metrics are for the best-tuned model mean performance across the 5 folds:
    • Continuous/Ordinal Target (e.g. regression):
      • Models: DummyRegressor, ElasticNet, Linear regression, SVM with radial basis
      • Metrics: accuracy, AUROC (except for SVM), sensitivity, specificity
    • Categorical Target (e.g. classification):
      • Models: DummyClassifier, Logistic regression, SVM with radial basis
      • Metrics: mean abs. error, mean sq. error, median abs. error, mean abs. percentage error, R2, percent variance explained