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MVP List

Steven Inouye edited this page Dec 11, 2018 · 8 revisions

iBuy MVP List

iBuy, is an online e-commerce platform which any user can post goods for sale and buyers can choose the maximum price in which they would like to purchase an item for. The site takes its inspiration from the online auction site eBay and is only meant as a project portfolio piece.

  1. Authentication (2 days)

    • Users can Sign Up
      • User is required to have a password longer than 6 characters
      • User is required to retype their password for verification
      • User is logged in upon sign up
      • Application ensures session_token is unique
      • Application gives feedback to user upon log in submission
        • sign up errors
        • sign up confirmation
    • Users can Log In
      • User can refresh the page and stay logged in
      • User has the option to log out
      • User is unable to visit the log in page
      • Application gives feedback to user upon log in submission
        • log in errors
        • log in confirmation
    • Users can Log Out
      • User has the option to log in and sign up
      • Does not allow user to navigate to protected routes
    • Visitors have the option to use a demo log in
  2. Homepage (1 day)

    • Homepage is styled with links to sign up, log in, and log out
  3. Deployment (2 hours)

    • Application is deployed on Heroku
  4. GitHub Repository README (4 hours)

    • Application's GitHub repository has a presentable README describing the App and giving any instructions needed
  5. Selling Items (2 days)

    • User is able to post items for sale including:
      • photos
      • title
      • description
  6. Product Search (2 days)

    • User is able to search for items and view relevant results based on title
    • Only items that are currently for sale are listed
    • Search results are displayed with:
      • title
      • picture
      • current price
      • time left
  7. Product Details (1 day)

    • User is able to view details of items they select
    • Page displays:
      • title
      • description
      • current bid
      • number of bids
      • shipping cost
      • owner username
    • User is able to watch items *bonus
  8. Bidding (2 days)

    • User is required to log in before submitting a valid bid
    • User is able to place a maximum bid
    • User is able to see the time remaining while on the bid form
    • Application gives the user feedback on if their bid is winning
    • Application requires bid to be higher than the current price
  9. User Profile (2 days) bonus

    • User is able to see items they are in relation with when they are logged in
    • User is able to view:
      • items they are watching
      • items they bid on
      • items they purchased
  10. User Settings (1 day) bonus

  • User is able to change their information:
    • password
    • location (address)
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