Here are my dotFiles for my archlinux setup with i3, polybar, zsh, terminator and the Xressources.
If you are interested for the full installation (archlinux and a lot of software), take a look in the install_arch subfolder
git clone
cd dotFiles
If you want to backup your config file before trying this.
mkdir backup_config
cp backup_config/
cp data backup_config/
cd backup_config
cd ..
If your app use the default path, you can use the script with the default settings.
./ import
If you use custom path, you can copy files manualy but take care, zshrc become .zshrc and Xressources become .Xressources. Or you can simply edit the data file. Change the first column, with your path, then you can use the script.
nano data
./ import
cd backup_config
./ import
List of all app that I used for the interface :
- zsh
- i3
- i3-gaps
- polybar
- rofi # Launcher
- xautolock # Lock after x minutes
- script
- scrot
- imagemagick
- xf86-input-synaptics # Manage trackpad
- lxqt-policykit # Ask password for mounting disk
- networkmanager # Wifi in tray
- pasystray # Sound in tray
- compton # Add transparency support
- feh # Background
- maim # Print screen
- xclip # Copy the screen to clipboard
- light # Manager display light
- playerctl # Manage music
- pactl # Manage volume
- terminator # Terminal
- dolphin # File manager
- ranger # Fast file manager with vim shortcut
- google chrome # Web browser
- code # Editor