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Generic Optional Package for Go


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WARNING: Pre-1.0 there could be significant changes to this. It's not clear that separate sub-packages is the right way to build this package and a change in that area could significantly break consumers.

Another generic optional package for Go. This one's focus is on ergonomics and giving the right level of optionality for every situation.

The goal is to be able to create a Go struct or value that can interoperate with other language datatypes which may omit a value completely, provide a null for that value, or provide the value itself.

In addition to the above this package attempts to reasonably implement the following useful interfaces for interacting with the wider Go ecosystem:

  • For JSON interop: json.Marshaller & json.Unmarshaller
  • For database/sql interop: driver.Valuer & sql.Scanner
  • Other text encodings: encoding.TextMarshaller & encoding.TextUnmarshaller

Note on sql.NullX types

The Go standard library provides a limited set of database/sql.NullX types. These are helpful for databases but don't work well outside of that. For example a JSONified struct with an sql.NullInt32 as of Go 1.18 still marshals as the following: {"age":{"Int32":5,"Valid":true}} which is unexpected by a typical JavaScript client. Furthermore they lack ergonomic helpers and constructors which makes them grating to consume and to construct._


Here are some examples of the API in action using the omitnull.Val type. This type is the most flexible, and null.Val and omit.Val are both subsets of its functionality since they are missing one possible states that it has.

// Working with values that can be null or unset
var val omitnull.Val[int]
val.Set(5)  // set the value to 5
val.Null()  // set the value to null
val.Unset() // unset the value (omitted/undefined)

// Construct new values more directly
val = omitnull.From(5)
val = omitnull.FromPtr(&somePtr) // set to (null | value) based on ptr value

// Convert to other types
val.Ptr() // get a pointer back, will be nil if (null | unset).
omitnull.Map(val, func(i int) int { return i+1 }) // yea, it's here too :| :| :|

// Query state
val.IsSet()   // == true
val.IsNull()  // == false
val.IsUnset() // == false

// Fetch the value out with varying levels of safety
v, ok := val.Get() // returns (X, true) if the value is present
v := val.GetOr(6)  // returns 6 if no value is present
v := val.MustGet() // panics if no value is there

// Convert between opt types
val.MustGetNull() // returns null.Val, but lossy, panics if val == null
val.MustGetOmit() // returns omit.Val, but lossy, panics if val == omit

// Converting between incompatible types
o := omit.From(5)
n := null.From(6)
_ = null.From(o.MustGet()) // This panics when o == unset
_ = omit.From(n.MustGet()) // This panics when n == null
_ = null.FromBool(o.Get()) // This conflates null/omitted, technically incorrect
_ = omit.FromBool(n.Get()) // This conflates null/omitted, technically incorrect


This package provides a package for each permutation of the problem space.

  • If you have a value that can be null | value use null
  • If you have a value that can be unset | value (non-null, but omittable) then use omit
  • If you have a value that can be any of unset | null | value use omitnull.

Consider the following Rust types to illustrate the point:

enum Nullable<T> {

enum Omittable<T> {

enum OmittableNullable<T> {

Why do Omittable vs Nullable have to exist despite being seemingly identical? While it's true that they are nearly identical the behavior is slightly different. Imagine a scenario where you are reading JSON into a field of each type, the Omittable should panic or error when fed a null value, because null is not a valid value for it to hold. It can either be unset/void/undefined/omitted or a valid T value. For this reason there are separate types in this package for all 3 permutations.

On Correctness

Why consider omitted? Why isn't null | value good enough?

In Go we have structs that contain fields like the following:

type Example struct {
	Age int32

This is simple and straightforward, the integer is always present and it must be in the range of valid values for an int32. Thanks to the Go zero-value to avoid uninitialized memory this will always be the case. Consider these examples:

var e Example
e = Example{Age: 5} // Explicit set to 5
e = Example{}       // No value provided means 0-value takes over and age=0

This makes good sense for Go. However this breaks down a bit when interoperating with other systems and as Go is positioned well as a network service language this happens fairly frequently. The general approach in Go to create a JSON API would have us unmarshalling json objects into structs. We use structs because it's the easiest for Go folks to work with, much easier than map[string]any everywhere. So the example you'll see in typical Go examples is similar to:

var e Example
json.Unmarshal([]byte(`{"age":5}`), &e)

In the example above, everything behaves normally and we're happy. But what happens if we do the following:

var e Example
json.Unmarshal([]byte(`{"age": null}`), &e)

Unmarshal doesn't fail, and we don't really want it to. But we now have a problem. Although the JSON did not specify a valid integer value we do have a value in age. It's of course the 0-value since that's the default when e was instantiated on the first line, and nothing overwrote it because null can't fit in to an int32. But did the JSON contain a 0? No, it did not.

The general approach to handling this is to bring in null by either having a custom type or by using a pointer. This is how it's done for most sql solutions in Go today.

type ExampleNull struct {
	Age *int32 // or sql.NullInt32

If we try the same code as above with this new struct:

var e Example
json.Unmarshal([]byte(`{"age":null}`), &e)

Now e.Age will be nil. We correctly don't have a value here. But what about this example:

var e Example
json.Unmarshal([]byte(`{}`), &e)

e.Age is the exact same as before, nil, but is this correct? We have not been provided a value at all, not a null, nor an integer. The question then is does this loss of information have an impact?

This becomes a problem when interoperating with languages that have an explicit way to have a struct or object value be undefined or unset. Go maps have this property, a key either exists or it does not exist in the map, but a Go struct field always exists. Despite this problem in order to avoid completely unstructured data, gain a modicum of type safety and minimal validation it's generally still recommended to use a struct when writing in Go.

Let's take a look at typescript's possible values the most permissive kind of field inside an object:

interface Example {
	age?: null | number; // same as: undefined | null | number

In Javascript/Typescript we can have three distinct value types inside the age field. Contrast this with our Go solution where we only have two. Although this should be sufficient to prove interoperability problems as JSON/Javascript/Typescript can create an object/struct with missing keys that clearly cannot be modeled well in Go with or without pointers, it's not clear why mapping JSON's three values to the two values of Go structs is a problem, continue to the next section to understand at least one context where it can become an issue.

API Contexts

From the previous section Go structs can hold two values if we use a pointer or a null type, but what about the third case in Javascript (undefined / omitted). This information is lost and coerced as nil/null in a typical Go scenario.

Consider a database which is storing a User with an age. Age is nullable because the user may not want to store their age in our system.

In an API request, how might the user signal that they want to update the value age to 5, remove the value, or change other values without affecting others? This is easily achieved using a partial update and could look something like the following API payloads:

{"name": "hello", "age": 5}     // set name = "hello", set age = 5,    do not set other fields
{"name": "hello", "age": null}  // set name = "hello", set age = null, do not set other fields
{"name": "hello"}               // set name = "hello", do not set age, do not set other fields

The above works great, but how are we to know that the user wanted to set something explicitly to null, or if they just omitted the value? In Go with our two-value field types, that loss of information means we cannot know what the user's intent was because each field has three possible values:

  • omitted: don't update
  • null: set to null
  • value: set to value

There is of course the other option of always bringing the entire object out and resaving all of its fields every time. These are whole object updates and are less efficient, and also have a weakness around stale updates that requires special handling.

let obj = getObjFromAPI(); // returns {"name":"hello", "age":5}
obj.age = 6;               // mutate the object
saveObjToAPI(obj);         // save the object

A race can occur however, consider the scenario:

// clientA
let obj = getObjFromAPI(); // returns {"name":"hello", "age":5}
obj.age = 6;               // mutate the object
saveObjToAPI(obj);         // save the object

// clientB
let obj = getObjFromAPI(); // returns {"name":"hello", "age":5} = "hi";           // mutate the object
saveObjToAPI(obj);         // save the object

In the above example both clients receive the same object, and each one overwrites a single field but now one of the updates will be clobbered. If client A saves first, then B's update clobbers A's update and the change of age to 6 is lost. If B saves first then A's update clobbers B's update and the change of name to "hi" is lost.

Typically then you need to have some sort of version field on each object and reject updates that do not have the latest version, but this is a decent amount of additional work. Partial updates are also race-y but at a field level so it's much less likely to produce a strange result, imagine the same scenario with partial updates:

// clientA
let obj = getObjFromAPI();     // returns {"name":"hello", "age":5}
updateObjectInAPI({"age": 6}); // update object

// clientB
let obj = getObjFromAPI();         // returns {"name":"hello", "age":5}
updateObjectInAPI({"name": "hi"}); // update object

In this case there's no conflict at all. Consider when there is a conflict when both clients want to update the same field:

// clientA
let obj = getObjFromAPI();     // returns {"name":"hello", "age":5}
updateObjectInAPI({"age": 6}); // update object

// clientB
let obj = getObjFromAPI();     // returns {"name":"hello", "age":5}
updateObjectInAPI({"age": 7}); // update object

Either way it still makes reasonable sense to a user when the object update occurs in either order because the last user's update will remain which is predictable and understandable.

Partial updates is a useful and efficient pattern for updating objects. Its also quite convenient for clients who may not have the entire resource, but still wish to update a subset of the object's fields. This is one common real-world use case for the omitnull.Val type which can house all three field value types.


This code is licensed mostly with MIT but some files contain Go's BSD-3 Clause as it borrows functions originally found in the standard library.


Generic Optional Package for Go







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