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A command line program to solve polyomino puzzle with multithreading. Currently it only uses CPU, but I plan to add GPU acceleration support.


This program utilizes many C++11 features, so you need a C++11 compiler. If you are using GCC, type the command to compile:

g++ -O3 -std=c++11 -fopenmp -o polysolve -I include src/*.cpp

You need MinGW-w64 build of GCC to compile with GCC on Windows.

Or if you are using Visual Studio 2015,

cl /O2 /EHsc /openmp /Fepolysolve -I include src/*.cpp

Compile with makefile:

  • GCC: make CXX=g++
  • Clang: make CXX=clang++
  • Clang with GPU: make CXX=clang++ USE_GPU=yes
  • MSVC: make cl CLL=cl
  • NVCC: make nvcc NVCC=nvcc CUDA_PATH=<cuda path>


./polysolve [options] puzzlefile


  • --help (-h)

    Display available options

  • --version (-v)

    Display version information

  • --info (-i)

    Display performance measurements

  • --percent

    Display running progress in percentage

  • --parallel-level <value> (-pl)

    Set the number of pieces to place when generating subproblems. A setting of 0 will disable multithreading. By default, it is set to 1.

  • --num-threads <value> (-nt)

    Set the number of threads for multi-thread solving. A setting of 1 disables multithreading, and a setting of 0 will use all CPU cores in this computer. The default value is 1.

  • --discard-solution

    Use this option to discard all solutions and just count them. By default, the program saves all solutions in memory and output a random solution.

  • --reduction

    Enable reduction pass. Will remove placements that make other pieces unable to place.

Puzzle file

Puzzle file is a JSON format file. The top level is an object with the following keys.

  • description: A string. Description of a puzzle. Optional.
  • grid: Grid type of the puzzle. Can be one of the following: square, cube, triangle, hexagon, tan and octagon. Required.
  • board: A shape object describing board shape. Required.
  • shapes: An array of puzzle pieces. Requires at least one item.
    • name: A string. Name of a piece. Optional.
    • mobility: Allowed movements of this piece. Can be one of the following: mirror, rotate, translate and stationary. Default to rotate.
      • mirror: The piece can be flipped and rotated.
      • rotate: The piece can be rotated, but cannot be flipped.
      • translate: The piece can be moved, but cannot be rotated.
      • stationary: The piece cannot be moved at all.
    • amount: An integer or an object. Default value is 1. When it is an object, it has two keys:
      • min: Minimum amount
      • max: Maximum amount
    • morphs: An array of shape objects describing possible shapes of a piece. Requires at least one item.
  • notes: A string. Notes of a puzzle. Optional.

Shape object

Shape object is a JSON object with either of the two keys: coords and tiles.

  • coords: An array of coordinate tuples.
  • tiles: A multi-dimensional array of 0/1 describing the tiles of grid. 0 means absent, 1 means present. The innermost dimension is x axis.

Coordinate tuple

Coordinate tuple is an array of 1 to 4 integers, and the format is [x, y, z, w].


Example puzzle files are in test/ folder.

  • factorial.json: Find all permutations of 11 objects. It has 11! solutions. Warning! This will use around 3 GB of RAM.
  • langford.json: Compute the number of Langford pairings for N=12.
  • lonpos.json: Lonpos 303 puzzle, 2D version
  • minimum.json: Smallest valid puzzle file.
  • pento.json: Fill 6x10 rectangle with pentominoes.
  • pento2.json: Fill 18x5 rectangle with one-sided pentominoes.
  • pentosymm.json: Subproblem of pento.json to eliminate symmetric solutions of pento.json.
  • soma.json: Soma cube
  • tangram.json: Tangram puzzle
  • Y_pento_in_15x15.json: Pack 45 Y pentominoes in 15x15 square.
  • pento.psv, tangram.psv: PolyForm Puzzle Solver files used to generate pento.json and tangram.json.


You can convert puzzle file created with PolyForm Puzzle Solver or Polycube Puzzle Solver.

To convert PolyForm Puzzle Solver format, use the following command:

python3 converter/ -i $IN_FILE -o $OUT_FILE

Currently only the following grid types are supported: Square, Cube, Triangle, Hexagon, Tan and Octagon.

To convert Polycube format, use the following command:

python3 converter/ -i $IN_FILE -o $OUT_FILE

Missing features

  • Place some pieces on the board before solving, to set up a puzzle problem, or to solve a puzzle partially.
  • Add tiles to fill the board, when the pieces cannot cover the whole board.

Future work

  • Support more grid types from other puzzle solvers.
  • Using bit mask to accelerate solving.
  • GPU acceleration with CUDA/ROCm


Multithread polyform puzzle solver







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