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Adam edited this page Sep 3, 2021 · 4 revisions

Installing on Linux

Installing and updating Statping on Linux can be done by downloading the latest tar.gz file, unzipping, and running the executable. Or run the install/upgrade script below.

curl -o- -L | bash

Install using Snapcraft

Get it from the Snap Store

If you are using snap, you can simply run this command to install Statping.

sudo snap install statping-ng

Compiling SCSS for Custom Theme

Statping requires sass to be installed to the local machine to compile SCSS into CSS if you want to use the Custom Theme features.

  • Apt: apt install ruby-sass -y
  • Node: npm install sass -g
  • Ruby: gem install sass

Systemd Service

Note: Installing statping-ng via Snap no longer requires a manual service installation, you should be able to do snap start statping-ng.

Setting up a systemd service is a great way to make sure your Statping server will automatically reboot when needed. You can use the file below for your service. You should have Statping already installed by this step.

Description=Statping Server



Then you can enable and start your systemd service with:

systemctl daemon-reload

systemctl enable statping-ng.service

systemctl start statping-ng

Your Statping server will now automatically restart when your server restarts.

Please note that Statping's files (logs, config and database) will be created inside "/usr/local/bin/" after the service is ran for the first time, unless you change "WorkingDirectory" configuration option in the systemd service configuration as seen above.

Raspberry Pi

You can even run Statping on your Raspberry Pi by installing the precompiled binary from Latest Releases. For the Raspberry Pi 3 you'll want to download the statping-linux-arm7.tar.gz file. Be sure to change VERSION to the latest version in Releases, and include the 'v'.

VERSION=$(curl -sL "" | grep -o 'tag/[v.0-9]*' | awk -F/ '{print $2}' | head -n1)
tar -xvzf statping-linux-arm-7.tar.gz
chmod +x statping
mv statping /usr/local/bin/statping

statping version

Alpine Linux

The Docker image is using the Statping Alpine binary since it's so incredibly small. You can run it on your own alpine image by downloading statping-linux-alpine.tar.gz from Latest Releases. - This is currently unsupported.

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