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Scrapes data from input Reddit subreddits and uses natural language process and an LDA model to determine what topics those subreddits are concerned with

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© 2021 statarczuk16 The files within this repository are copyrighted by statarczuk16 unless otherwise noted and may not be redistributed without written permission.


This is a Python program that uses natural language processing and a Latent Dirichlet allocation model to scrape data from a set of Reddit subreddits and then find ten topics that summarize what people on those subreddits talk about. The output is presented as a wordcloud representing the words that make up each topic.


  • Run the python scripts in the following order:
  • - scrapes data from Reddit and outputs to "scraped_data" folder
    • Scrapes data from minTimeOfInterest to maxTimeOfInterest
    • Scrapes data from assigned subreddits (default: subreddits = [['Chicago','flair:"Ask CHI"'],['Boston','flair:tourism'],['NYC',""],['LosAngeles',""],['Seattle',""]])
      • Second argument is a flair filter, though it is not currently used by the scraper
      • Submissions that are not "self" (text-only submissions as opposed to links) and auto-moderators posts are filtered out
      • Hyperlinks are extracted, though not used for anything yet.
  • - cleans data created by panacirce_cleaner
    • Goes through each .csv file in scraped_data and consolidates each reddit submission into one row of data containing
      • phrased self text submissions
      • permalink to subsmission
      • a column for each most common wordcloud
  • - uses LDA to create a word cloud from all cleaned_data and displays

Output Example


  • panacirce_model_builder
    • uses cleaned_data which has been manually identified with a topic to build a predictive model
      • To create training data:
        • Set :: mode to "1", which will output occurrences for each most common word
        • eg "these are most common words" -> "these 5 are 3 most 2 common 1 words 1"
        • replace left most column with 1 or 0 indicating whether or not the list of words matches the topic you want to detect.
        • eg, if you see "restaurant" or "burger" or whatever, a 1 would indicate this list of words indicates the topic of food
        • place resulting file in "training_data" folder and run


Scrapes data from input Reddit subreddits and uses natural language process and an LDA model to determine what topics those subreddits are concerned with







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