Indian Institute of Science
- Bangalore
The official Open-Asset-Importer-Library Repository. Loads 40+ 3D-file-formats into one unified and clean data structure.
This is the official source code of FreeCAD, a free and opensource multiplatform 3D parametric modeler.
Open3D: A Modern Library for 3D Data Processing
Python library for loading and using triangular meshes.
The open source mesh processing python library
Toolkit for parallel semi-structured quadtree and octree mesh generation with specialized tools for topology optimization
Object-oriented pure Python B-Spline and NURBS library
A C++ & Python viewer for 3D data like meshes and point clouds
A generic programming header only C++ library for processing polygonal and polyhedral meshes
Parallel algorithms and data structures for tree-based adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) with arbitrary element shapes.