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Shane's Stock Additions 0.7 (version 0.1)

This branch is simply stock openpilot with some additions to help it drive as smooth as possible on my 2017 Toyota Corolla /w comma pedal.

Highlight Features

Dynamic gas

This aims to provide a smoother driving experience in stop and go traffic by modifying the maximum gas that can be applied based on your current velocity and the relative velocity of the lead car. It'll also of course increase the maximum gas when the lead is accelerating to help you get up to speed quicker than stock. And smoother; this eliminates the jerking you get from stock openpilot with comma pedal. It tries to coast if the lead is only moving slowly, it doesn't use maximum gas as soon as the lead inches forward :). Better tuning for distance will be next.

Dynamic follow

This is my dynamic follow from 0.5, where it changes your TR (following distance) dynamically based on multiple vehicle factors, as well as data from the lead vehicle. Here's an old write up from a while ago explaining how it works exactly. Some of it might be out of date, but how it functions is the same. The goal is to essentially smoothen the driving experience and increase safety, braking sooner.

Dynamic lane speed

This is a new feature that reduces your cruising speed if many vehicles around you are significantly slower than you. This works with and without an openpilot-identified lead. Ex.: It will slow you down if traveling in an open lane with cars in adjacent lanes that are slower than you. Or if the lead in front of the lead is slowing down, as well as cars in other lanes far ahead. The most it will slow you down is some average of: (the set speed and the average of the surrounding cars) The more the radar points, the more weight goes to the speeds of surrounding vehicles.

Two PID loops to control gas and brakes independently

Update: Probably going to remove this addition, as tuning the current pedal parameters will be a more robust solution in the long run.

If you have a Toyota Corolla with a comma pedal, you'll love this addition. Two longitudinal PID loops are set up in so that one is running with comma pedal tuning to control the gas, and the other is running stock non-pedal tuning for better braking control. In the car, this feels miles better than stock openpilot, and nearly as good as your stock Toyota cruise control before you pulled out your DSU! It won't accelerate up to stopped cars and brake at the last moment anymore.

Custom wheel offset to reduce lane hugging

Update: This also may be removed, I was able to get good results live tuning camera offset. Perhaps angle offset isn't needed?

Stock openpilot doesn't seem to be able to identify your car's true angle offset. With the LaneHugging module you can specify a custom angle offset to be added to your desired steering angle. Simply find the angle your wheel is at when you're driving on a straight highway. By default, this is disabled, to enable you can:

  • Use the opEdit class in the root directory of openpilot. To use it, simply open an ssh shell and enter the commands below:
    cd /data/openpilot
    You'll be greeted with a list of your parameters you can explore, enter the number corresponding to lane_hug_direction. Your options are to enter 'left' or 'right' for whichever direction your car has a tendency to hug toward. None will disable the feature. Finally you'll need to enter your absolute angle offset (negative will be converted to positive) with the opParams parameter: lane_hug_angle_offset.

Custom following distance

Using the following_distance parameter in opParams, you can specify a custom TR value to always be used. Afraid of technology and want to give yourself the highest following distance out there? Try out 2.7s! Are you daredevil and don't care about pissing off the car you're tailgating ahead? Try 0.9s! Please note dynamic follow modifications will be disabled if you set this parameter.

  • Again, you can use opEdit to change this:
    cd /data/openpilot
    Then enter the number for the following_distance parameter and set to a float or integer between 0.9 and 2.7. None will use dynamic follow!

Customize this branch (opEdit Parameter class)

This is a handy tool to change your opParams parameters without diving into any json files or code. You can specify parameters to be used in any fork's operation that supports opParams. First, ssh in to your EON and make sure you're in /data/openpilot, then start opEdit:

cd /data/openpilot

A list of parameters that you can change are located here.

Parameters are stored at /data/op_params.json

Live tuning support

This has just been added and currently only the camera_offset parameter is officially supported.

  • Just start opEdit with the instructions above and pick a parameter. It will let you know if it supports live tuning, if so, updates will take affect within 5 seconds!
  • Alternatively, you can use the new opTune module to live tune quicker and easier! It stays in the parameter edit view so you can more easily experiment with values. opTune show below: