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Serverless Todo application with SPA front end and Azure Functions 2.0 API with Cosmos DB for data storage.


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Azure Functions Todo List Sample

This sample demonstrates a simple single page application web frontend and Azure Functions 2.0 api backend. It uses CosmosDB to store data and Azure Active Directory for authentication.

This code can be run locally (using the Azure Functions CLI and CosmosDB emulator) as well as in Azure. Instructions for both are below.

The application is a simple Todo list where users can add items "todo". The items are stored in a single CosmosDB document collection but each user can only access their items (user identification is via the claims from the authentication mechanism).


Note: the UI will show the email of the currently logged in user for the UI, and the Function will return the username of the currently logged in user in the function (from the claims). This proves the user impersonation is working.

The SPA is very simple with Bootstrap for styles, Knockout.js for data binding, and JQuery for ajax calls.

Users can add new items to their list, or mark existing items as complete (which deletes them). The inital call to the API pulls the current list of items for the user, along with the user's display name (from the auth claims).

This sample is similar to but uses Functions 2.0 and instead of serving the content from a storage account via a proxy, it uses an App Service to host the HTML and JS.

It is also similar to but uses Cosmos DB instead of Azure Storage Tables to store the data, and it implements authentication.

Note: the connection string to the Cosmos DB account is automatically added to the Functions app. Another approach would be to use Managed Service Identity and retrieve it from a KeyVault using the technique described here:

Setup steps on Localhost

  1. Install the Azure CLI tools from here:

  2. If you want to use the emulator for local development, install the CosmosDB emulator from here:

  3. In the emulator or in Azure, create a new document collection called 'TodoItems' in a new database called 'ServerlessTodo' and set the Partition Key to '/ItemOwner'

  4. Update the connection string in local.settings.json to the one for the emulator or Azure

  5. Right click the solution, choose properties, and set both the ui and api project to start.

Setup steps on Azure - Manual

  1. Create a new Azure App Service

  2. Create a new Azure Functions app

  3. Create a CosmosDB account

  4. Create a new document collection called 'TodoItems' in a new database called 'ServerlessTodo' and set the Partition Key to '/ItemOwner'

  5. Copy the connetions string for the CosmosDB account and paste it into a new application setting in the function app called 'CosmosDBConnectionString'

  6. Add a CORS setting in the Azure Functions app to allow origins from the App Service

  7. Follow the steps here to enable the AAD User Impersonation:

Setup steps on Azure - Automated using ARM Template

  1. Create a resource group to hold the resources. For example:
New-AzResourceGroup -Name mygroup -Location westeurope
  1. Update the values in the parameter.json file to match your values:

    • web_ui_name (app service for the UI)
    • web_api_name (app service for the API)
    • app_service_plan_name (app service plan shared by both UI and API)
    • storage_act_name (storage account used by the funcion)
    • cosmosdb_act_name (Cosmos DB account)
    • aad_tenant_id (ID of the Azure Active Directory tenant the UI and API clients are in)
    • api_client_id (ID of the client for the Function)
    • api_client_secret (Secret for the client for the Function)
    • ui_client_id (ID of the client for the UI)
    • ui_client_secret (Secret for the client for the Function)
  2. Create a new deployment by running ARM template with the parameter file in the resource group created above:

New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName mygroup -TemplateFile .\template.json -TemplateParameterFile .\parameters.json -Verbose

Final setup steps

  1. Update the remoteUrl locations in vars.js to point to the functions endpoint

  2. Push the code for the front and backend and then navigate to the UI. You should be prompted to log in and then the API will run.


Serverless Todo application with SPA front end and Azure Functions 2.0 API with Cosmos DB for data storage.








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