beerpy is part of the ASALI project and it is a Python library to get beer related quotes in different languages. You can check some of them here.
Its conda package can be installed as follow:
conda install asalicode::beerpy
The use of beerpy is pretty straightforward, but here you can find an example that might help:
import beerpy as bp
# Extract list of authors
author_list = bp.get_author_list()
# Extract a random quote
random_quote = bp.get_random_quote(language="eng")
# Extract quotes of a specific author
author_quotes = bp.get_quotes_from_author("Benjamin Franklin")
# Extract a random quote of a specific author
random_author_quote = bp.get_random_quote_from_author("W. C. Fields")
If you want to contribute, ask questions, report bugs or just drink a beer with us feel free to open an issue.