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Simple go cli to convert CAN models in JSON and dbc.


Download the binary in the release section


Converting from json to dbc:

jsondbc convert --in my_model.json --out my_dbc_model.dbc

Converting from dbc to json:

jsondbc convert --in my_model.dbc --out my_dbc_model.json

CAN Model

field type description
version string The version of the CAN model
baudrate number The baud rate of the CAN model
nodes map[string]Node A map containing the nodes as value and the node names as key
general_attributes map[string]Attribute A map containing the general attributes as value and the attribute names as key
node_attributes map[string]Attribute A map containing the node attributes as value and the attribute names as key
message_attributes map[string]Attribute A map containing the message attributes as value and the attribute names as key
signal_attributes map[string]Attribute A map containing the signal attributes as value and the attribute names as key
signal_enums map[string]SignalEnum A map containing the global defined signal enums that can be referenced by signals and the enum names as key
messages map[string]Message A map containig the messages as value and the message names as key


field type description
int AttributeInt Set's the attribute as int
string AttributeString Set's the attribute as string
float AttributeFloat Set's the attribute as float
enum AttributeEnum Set's the attribute as enum


field type description
default number The attribute's default value
from number The attribute's lower bound value
to number The attribute's uppuer bound value


field type description
default string The attribute's default value


field type description
default number The attribute's default value
from number The attribute's lower bound value
to number The attribute's uppuer bound value


field type description
default string The attribute's default value
values string[] The list of possible attribute's values


field type description
description string The node's description
attributes map[string]any A map with key the attribute name and a value to assign as map's value. The value must be an int if the attribute is of type int, string for type string, an enum value (string) for type enum


field type description required
id number The message's id in decimal true
period_ms (deprecated) number The message's period in ms. If set, it creates an int attribute named "MsgPeriodMS" with the corrisponding period false
cycle_time number The message's cycle time in ms. If set, an int attribute named "GenMsgCycleTime" is created in the dbc file false
send_type NoMsgSendType | Cyclic | IfActive | cyclicIfActive | NotUsed The message's send type. If set, an enum attribute named "GenMsgSendType" is created in the dbc file false
description string The message's description false
length number The message's length (bytes count) true
sender string The message's sender name false
signals map[string]Signal A map containing the message's signals, with the signal name as key true
attributes map[string]any A map with key the attribute name and a value to assign as map's value. The value must be an int if the attribute is of type int, string for type string, an enum value (string) for type enum false


field type description required default
start_bit number The signal's start bit true
size number The signal's size (bits count) true
description string The signal's description false
send_type NoSigSendType | Cyclic | OnWrite | OnWriteWithRepetition | OnChange | OnChangeWithRepetition | IfActive | IfActiveWithRepetition | NotUsed The signal's send type. If set, an enum attribute named "GenSigSendType" is created in the dbc file false
endianness little | big The signal's byte order false little
signed boolean The signal's value type false false
receivers string[] The signal's receivers list false
scale number The signal's scale false 1
offset number The signal's offset false 0
min number The signal's minimum value false 0
max number The signal's maximum value true
enum SignalEnum An enum to be assigned to the signal. ATTENTION signal start_bit, size, and max are still required false
enum_ref string A string matching the name of a signal enum defined globally in the signal_enums field (see example). If both enum and enum_ref are present, only the former will be used false
mux_group map[string]Signal A map with key the name of a multiplexed signal and a Signal as value. If set, the signal becomes a multiplexor (see example) false
mux_switch number The value a multiplexor signal as to be in order to map to the multiplexed signal Only if part of mux_group
attributes map[string]any A map with key the attribute name and a value to assign as map's value. The value must be an int if the attribute is of type int, string for type string, an enum value (string) for type enum false


type description
map[string]number A map that has as key the human readable name of an enum value, and a number for the actual value