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Tags: sprite2200/allmark



Toggle v0.10.0's commit message
Merge branch 'release/v0.10.0'


Toggle v0.9.13's commit message
Adapted the cross-platform compilation to the go 1.5 requirements.

The previous cross-compilation process does not work with go 1.5
because go 1.5 does not allow to use GOBIN (see:

There is no longer a special docker-image for cross-compilation with all
compiled for all platforms since this is no longer necessary (see:

And go is no longer available for x86 architectures (see:


Toggle v0.9.12's commit message
Switch from go 1.4 to go 1.5


Toggle v0.9.11's commit message
Version 0.9.11 with thumbnails for normal images. Images in the XML s…

…itemap and support for emojis.


Toggle v0.9.10's commit message
Shortlink Index: Added an index page for all short links / direct acc…

…ess links. The page lists all short links to document which have an alias assigned in the meta data section. The main purpose for this feature is to have deep links to document which don't change - even if the folder structure of a repository changes.


- Aliases are now normalized an can only contain characters, numbers,
  underscore and dashes.
- The shortlink overview page is linked in the bottom right section of
  every page. The route is: /!
- Every document that has an alias assigned will display the short link
  at the bottom of the page as an input box for easy copy.
- You can now use deep/short links to documents. Example:
  `http:!some-alias` will redirect you to the document which
  has the alias `some-alias` assigned.
- You can now assign multiple aliases to a single document
- Documents no longer get a default alias assigned. If you don't specify
  one the document won't have an alias.

Related Changes:

- Improved the handling of sub templates for "aliases", "tags" and
  "publisher information". These section are now only defined once.
- HTTPs is no longer the default for the `allmark serve` command. If you
  want HTTPs for a repository without a configuration use the `-secure`
  flag. I did this because this speeds up the startup tremendously if
  allmark does not have to generate a new SSL certificate.


Toggle v0.9.9's commit message
Version 0.9.9 uses the afero filesystem abstraction library to get ri…

…d of all the temp file handling


Toggle v0.9.8's commit message
Dropped the time from allmark serve to a fully rendered and fully-cached

homepage of the markdown repository from ~15 seconds to ~3 seconds just
by delaying the markdown to HTML conversion process.
The test was performed on my blog repository ( which
contains 315 repository items with a total size of 3.5 GB of data.

Also fixed the cache refresh for the full-text index. Before the
full-text index was not updated when the repository changed.


Toggle v0.9.7's commit message
Version 0.9.7 added support for IPv4 and IPv6 tcp bindings for http a…

…nd https.


Toggle v0.9.6's commit message
Version v0.9.6: Made livereload and reindex on large repositories muc…

…h more efficient. Changes will now be displayed in the browser instantaneously.

Bug Fixes:

- Bug Fix for the "Unique Route Issue": Whitespace in folder names are no longer replaced by "-", but by "+" to avoid ambiguous routes for different folders ("Ghost Update Bug")
- Bug Fix for the `-reindex` flag. It did not work if the reindex interval was set to 0 in the config.
- Bug Fix for the "Multi-Word Tag Link Issue": Tag Names are now url escaped.
- Fixed the route of the RTF-Handler


Toggle v0.9.5's commit message
Version 0.9.5: Added support for basic authentication. There is now a…

… new

"Authentication" object in the .allmark/config that you can set to
enabled. But note, basic authentication will only work if you force
HTTPs. allmark DOES NOT support basic authentication over unsecure

You can add users to the htpasswd file in the .allmark folder using the
htpasswd tool: htpasswd .allmark/users.htpasswd <username>