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Web app rewrite/3

Past due by about 2 months 70% complete

The goal of this milestone is to close more product gaps and reach feature parity with the React app. The major themes are:

  • More code intel integration, using the new code intel API that is being worked on
  • Dotcom readiness: Determine and implement the pieces missing to get the Svelte app running on dotcom
  • Cody web: Work towards integrating a version of cody

The goal of this milestone is to close more product gaps and reach feature parity with the React app. The major themes are:

  • More code intel integration, using the new code intel API that is being worked on
  • Dotcom readiness: Determine and implement the pieces missing to get the Svelte app running on dotcom
  • Cody web: Work towards integrating a version of cody
  • General polish and tweaks: Continue implementing UI/UX improvements