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Releases: souporserious/mdxts

[email protected]

04 Jun 22:44
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Minor Changes

  • 35b05bd: Adds css prop for CodeInline to allow merging css styles.
  • 9457424: Adds CopyButton to be used with custom CodeBlock components.
  • 801b9c3: Moves GitProviderLink to use css through restyle instead of inline styles.

Patch Changes

  • 511d768: Normalizes CopyButton foreground and background colors.
  • 2198401: Updates restyle to 1.4.0.
  • bc2ef5e: Doesn't override user-defined pre margin in CodeBlock.
  • 1236bcc: Fixes keyboard accessibility for CodeBlock inline copy button.
  • 6a05a2a: Uses activity bar foreground color from theme to color source link and copy button icons in CodeBlock component.
  • 16e6f26: Adds better contrast for CodeBlock inline copy button by adding a stroke based on theme.panel.border.

[email protected]

31 May 22:21
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Minor Changes

  • 5e3a2b8: Adds a gitProvider option to the mdxts/next plugin.
  • 96a02e4: Removes the fixImports prop from CodeBlock. This prop fixed imports specifically for situtations like examples that are located in a different project and used relative imports. However, examples should use the library import path instead of relative paths by configuring the module field in tsconfig.json. More info here.

Patch Changes

  • b47d846: Remove browser default pre margin in CodeBlock component.
  • 7d6cb22: Fixes getGitFileUrl erroring when no gitSource is set.
  • 52de5b1: Fixes theme erroring on missing tokens by adding defaults for every theme token used in mdxts/components.

[email protected]

22 May 08:39
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Minor Changes

  • d36ef90: Adds a loadHighlighterLanguage utility for adding custom languages to CodeBlock and CodeInline.

  • 02b3f80: Adds RenderedHTML component for rendering children as a highlighted HTML string in a CodeBlock:

    import { CodeBlock, RenderedHTML } from 'mdxts'
    export function Basic() {
      return (
        <div style={{ display: 'grid', gap: '2rem' }}>
          <div style={{ display: 'grid', gap: '1rem' }}>
              value="<h1 style={{ fontSize: '6rem' }}>Hello World</h1>"
          <div style={{ display: 'grid', gap: '1rem' }}>
            <RenderedHTML includeHtml={false}>
              <h1 style={{ fontSize: '6rem' }}>Hello World</h1>

[email protected]

22 May 06:26
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Minor Changes

  • e5b2b81: Renders CodeBlock and CodeInline tokens using CSS now through restyle.

Patch Changes

  • a83ed0e: Normalizes createSource import paths to posix for Windows.
  • ced3036: Fixes CodeInline overflow breaking from adding display flex.
  • d8d5e6e: Adds export for Copyright component from top-level exports.

[email protected]

22 May 04:49
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Minor Changes

  • e38535a: Uses posix.sep and normalizes createSource glob patterns.
  • 301629b: Fixes scrollbars for CodeInline components that overflow while also moving inline styles to use restyle.
  • ac9118e: Adds allowCopy prop to CodeInline for rendering a persistent copy button.
  • 3cc2642: Moves @types packages from dependencies to dev dependencies to reduce npm install size. These should be included in the project mdxts is used in now e.g. npm install @types/react.

Patch Changes

  • 1ccb33c: Fixes detection of deeply nested package.json exports.
  • 35c4b29: Allows setting the fill color for the MdxtsLogo and MdxtsMark components.
  • 1ff3252: Fixes trimming CodeBlock source file comments.
  • 770c7f5: Sets foreground color for Toolbar icons in CodeBlock.

[email protected]

16 May 18:00
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Patch Changes

  • b35373c: Fixes error when trying to find previous version cache that doesn't exist yet.

[email protected]

15 May 10:09
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Major Changes

Patch Changes

  • 15ffbfb: Configure plain markdown files in addition to mdx files for loader.
  • 76ede2b: Treat diff as plaintext when attempting to tokenize.
  • dfc73a1: Removes code blocks before searching for headings when calculating the data item title to prevent bad heading parsing.

[email protected]

13 May 10:01
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Minor Changes

  • 00f6547: Uses a slightly smaller filename font size for the CodeBlock toolbar by default.

  • 87ee6c4: Adds Copyright component to render copyright notices.

  • 8558c3f: Adds GitProviderLink and GitProviderLogo components to render links and graphics for the configured git provider.

  • 999446c: Adds MDXTS assets for linking back to the MDXTS site:

    import { BuiltWithMdxts } from "mdxts/assets";
    export function Footer() {
      return (
          <BuiltWithMdxts />
  • b7c7f0d: Removes default vertical padding for CodeInline component.

  • fcb0a03: Now infers gitSource and siteUrl in mdxts/next using Vercel environment variables if available.

Patch Changes

  • 9a9d33a: Fixes using the initial value rather than the possibly transformed value in CodeBlock.
  • de7bad8: Fixes line numbers highlight styles.
  • 759bb79: Fixes interaction when copy button covers code block text by hiding the copy button on the first pointer down until entering the code block area again.
  • 2e384bb: Closes symbol popover on pointer down to allow selecting code block text.
  • ef4b03a: Fixes unnecessarily rendering token when it is whitespace.
  • 308c709: Normalizes CopyButton sizes across code components.

[email protected]

10 May 09:38
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Minor Changes

  • b796c3f: Removes LineHighlights component in favor of simpler CSS approach for highlighting lines.

  • cccf278: Renames CodeBlock lineHighlights prop to highlightedLines.

    Breaking Changes

    • CodeBlock lineHighlights prop has been renamed to highlightedLines.
  • 044d1ca: Renames CodeBlock toolbar prop to showToolbar.

    Breaking Changes

    • CodeBlock toolbar prop has been renamed to showToolbar.
  • dfa9384: Fixes CodeBlock accessibility and markup by swapping divs with spans and using a code element around tokens.

  • 564806a: Renames CodeBlock lineNumbers prop to showLineNumbers.

    Breaking Changes

    • CodeBlock lineNumbers prop has been renamed to showLineNumbers.
  • bd646c4: Adds focusedLines and unfocusedLinesOpacity props to the CodeBlock component to control focusing a set of lines and dimming the other lines. It uses an image mask to dim out the lines which can be controlled using unfocusedLinesOpacity:

    ```tsx focusedLines="3-4"
    const a = 1;
    const b = 2;
    const result = a + b;
    console.log(result); // 3
      value={`const a = 1;\nconst b = 2;\n\nconst add = a + b\nconst subtract = a - b`}
      focusedLines="2, 4"

Patch Changes

  • a02b1d8: Fixes copy button overlapping CodeBlock content by only showing the button when hovering the code block. The button now also sticks to the top right of the code block when scrolling.

[email protected]

08 May 09:34
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Minor Changes

  • e493fbd: Refines paths returned from createSource and mergeSources. Based on the glob pattern provided, either a one-dimensional or two-dimensional array of paths will be returned:

    import { createSource, mergeSources } from "mdxts";
    const allPosts = createSource("posts/*.mdx").paths(); // string[]
    const allDocs = createSource("docs/**/*.mdx").paths(); // string[][]
    const allPaths = mergeSources(allDocs, allPosts).paths(); // string[] | string[][]

    Likewise the get method will be narrowed to only accept a single pathname or an array of pathname segments:

    allDocs.get(["examples", "authoring"]);

    Breaking Changes

    • The paths method now returns a one-dimensional array of paths for a single glob pattern and a two-dimensional array of paths for multiple glob patterns.
    • The get method now only accepts a single pathname or an array of pathname segments.

    You may need to update your code to accommodate these changes:

    export function generateStaticParams() {
    --  return allPosts.paths().map((pathname) => ({ slug: }))
    ++  return allPosts.paths().map((pathname) => ({ slug: pathname }))
  • 7444586: Now createSource.get attempts to prepend the incoming pathname with basePathname if defined and no data was found.

Patch Changes

  • 6d338a6: Handles null values and throws an error for undefined values when formatting front matter for type checking.