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ZED Programming Language

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The label start is declared as global. From it, it calls the main function. The start function:

    call main ; Call the main methods

    push dword 1 ; syscall val return 1
    mov eax, 1 ; syscal: sys_exit
    sub esp, 4 ; allign stack pointer
    int 0x80 ; Calling kernal

The exit function calls the kernal to stop the program. Otherwise, it will invoke a Segmentation Fault.


; Variables
  sub esp, 4 ; Size of the variable
  mov dword [ebp - 4], 0x0 ; Value

  mov eax, [ebp - 4] ; Use var by using ebp - offset


; Arrays  
  ; int arr[3]
  sub esp, 8 ; Init arr header
  mov dword [ebp - 4], esp
  mov dword [ebp - 8], 3

  sub esp, 12 ; Allocating Space for content  

  ; eax - offset from [ebp - 4]
  mov eax, [ebp - 4]

  ; arr[0] = eax - 0
  ; arr[1] = eax - 4
  ; arr[2] = eax = 8

  ; Setting arr[0] to 0x36
  sub eax, 4
  mov dword [eax], 0x36

  ; Setting arr[1] to 0x36
  sub eax, 4
  mov dword [eax], 0x37

  ; Setting arr[2] to 0x36
  sub eax, 4
  mov dword [eax], 0x38

  ; Resetting eax
  mov eax, 0x0

  ; Getting arr[1]
  mov eax, [ebp - 4] ; Getting val of start of arr
  sub eax, 8 ; arr[1] mem addr = (index + 1) * eleSize

  mov eax, [eax]


This is a C program equivalent that demonstrate what this code does.

int main(void) {
  int x = 1;
  int y = 2;

  int z;
  z = func(x, y);

int func(int x, int y) {
  return x + y;

Assembly/Machine Code equivalent.

    push ebp
    mov ebp, esp ; Creating Stack Frame

    sub esp, 4 ; init: int x
    mov dword [ebp - 4], 0x1 ; x = 0x1

    sub esp, 4 ; init y
    mov dword [ebp - 8], 0x2 ; y = 0x2

    ; Pushing arguments onto the Stack
    push dword [ebp - 4] ; arg1
    push dword [ebp - 8] ; arg1

    call func ; calling mem addr of the function

    pop eax ; Getting the return value

    mov esp, ebp ; Destroying Stack Frame
    pop ebp
    ret ; return

    push ebp
    mov ebp, esp

    sub esp, 4 ; allocating space for arg
    mov eax, [ebp + 12] ; Getting arg
    mov dword [ebp - 4], eax ; init local x = eax

    sub esp, 4 ; allocating space for arg
    mov eax, [ebp + 16] ; Getting arg
    mov dword [ebp - 8], eax ; init local y = eax

    ; Addr offset Table
    ; 0x4 - Return Address !Do not override this
    ; 0x8 to Infiinity - arguments

    ; !0x8 is also the return val after return

    ; Getting value from memory
    mov dword eax, [ebp - 4]
    mov dword ebx, [ebp - 8]

    add eax, ebx ; Add the two arguments

    mov dword [ebp + 8], eax ; return val

    mov esp, ebp ; Destroying stack frame
    pop ebp
    ret ; return

if statements

  ; if statement
  mov eax, 0xa ; use eax to compare values

  mov edx, 0x0 ; default

  ; for more jmp instr than jmp equal
  ; <>

  cmp eax, 0xa
  push dword $
  je ifTrue ; change edx's val
  nop ; For incase jmp eax varies

  mov edx, edx

  mov esp, ebp ; Destroying Stack Frame
  pop ebp
  ret ; return

  mov edx, 0x1 ; Change edx's val

  pop eax
  add eax, 8 ; Should land on nop
  jmp eax ; Jump back into main

while loops

  mov ebx, 0x1 ; Loop ebx from 1 - 10
  ; Condition: ( ebx < 10 )
  push dword $ ; Pushing current program counter to jump to later
  cmp ebx, 0xa ; comparing ebx with 10
  jl body ; Jumping to loop body

  inc ebx ; Add 1 to ebx until its 10

  ; Print a message
  push dword len
  push dword msg
  push dword 1
  mov eax, 4
  sub esp, 4
  int 0x80 ; Calling kernal
  add esp, 16

  ; jump back to compare again
  pop eax ; eax have the val of program counter
  jmp eax ; jump back to the start to be compared again

section .data
  msg:  db "Hi", 0xa
  len:  equ $ - msg


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