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Bitmap, also called bit array is a data structure that compactly store set of values as bits of integer. More data can be read at http:

It is useful when required compact way to represent combination of values and simple manipulations with them. One byte can represent eight independent values.


composer require sokil/php-bitmap


Lets see example. Errors in PHP represents as constants:

E_ERROR = 1 (0);
E_WARNING = 2 (1);
E_PARSE = 4 (2);
E_NOTICE = 8 (3);
E_CORE_ERROR = 16 (4);
E_CORE_WARNING = 32 (5);
E_USER_ERROR = 256 (8);
E_USER_WARNING = 512 (9);
E_USER_NOTICE = 1024 (10);
E_STRICT = 2048 (11);
E_DEPRECATED = 8192 (13);
E_USER_DEPRECATED = 16384 (14);
E_ALL = 32767 (15);

Every error level represent logical "1", and combination of all this values may be represent only by two bytes. E_ERROR represent first bit of byte, E_WARNING - second, etc.

Combination of E_WARNING and E_NOTICE in binary system is "1010" or 10 in decimal system.

Class that represents bitmap of PHP errors:

class PhpError extends \Sokil\Bitmap
     * Show errors
     * Set first bit, which represents E_ERROR, to "1"
    public function showErrors()
        return $this;

     * Hide errors
     * Set first bit, which represents E_ERROR, to "0"
    public function hideErrors()
        return $this;

     * Check if errors shown
     * Check if first bit set to 1
    public function isErrorsShown()
        return $this->isBitSet(0);

     * Show warnings
     * Set second bit, which represents E_WARNING, to "1"
    public function showWarnings()
        return $this;

     * Hide warnings
     * Set second bit, which represents E_WARNING, to "0"
    public function hideWarnings()
        return $this;

     * Check if warnings shown
     * Check if second bit set to 1
    public function isWarningsShown()
        return $this->isBitSet(1);

Now we can easely manipulate with errors:

// load current error levels
$error = new PhpError(error_reporting());

// enable errors and warnings

// set error reporting

// check if warnings shown

// value may be set by mask
// E_USER_ERROR | E_USER_WARNING is 256 + 512;
$error->setBitsByMask(E_USER_ERROR | E_USER_WARNING);