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my highly opinionated neovim 0.9+ lua config


  • modern nvim 0.9+ lua-based config with lazy.nvim package manager, telescope and lsp-zero
  • complete package with useful plugins, autocommands, bindings and colorschemes
  • fully portable; place this repo anywhere you want (see below)
  • nicely structured and fine-tuned init.loa config
  • which-key: displays a popup with possible keybindings of the command you started typing
  • enhanced markdown editing with folding, fenced code hightighting and TOC
  • regex commands (like search/replace) with live preview; change directly in quickfix list
  • smart text objects: select text, then use . to enlage selection

Note: if you need something established and well maintained, backed by a large community to answer your questions, I highly recommend checking out:


First, you need to install Neovim. Then, follow one of the following methods:

  • default location: follow XDG env conventions and put this config in ~/.config to have ./config/nvim
  • portable/custom location: custom location for this config by setting XDG env vars; see
mkdir .config; cd $_
test -d nvim && mv -v nvim nvim.bck # save existing config
git clone
# plugin installation; see below


This config uses lazy.nvim to manage Neovim plugins. To install them, you do one of the following:

# start nvim using this config
# this will install all plugins

# install some LSP servers;
# NOTE: currently disabled, bring your own!
# more can be installed via :Mason
# :MasonInstallAll

# restart nvim, then check if everything's there ;)
:Lazy            # plugins
:TSInstallInfo   # Treesitter grammars
# :Mason           # LSP server, linter, formatter, ...


Here's a list of some useful keymaps. Just start typing and wait for the context-sensitive which-key popup. Try it with , (the Leader key) and wait to see further options. Alternatively, search through them with Legendary by hitting , <space>.

Finding stuff with Telescope

  • ,f find_files (ripgrep highly recommended)
  • ,s live_grep ("search")
  • ,b buffers

Telescope bindings to select/open files (same for nvim-tree):

  • <C-n|p> (insert mode) movement, completion; scroll lsp help docs with <c-j|k>
  • <C-t> open in tab
  • <C-v> open in vertical split
  • <C-x> open in horizontal split
  • toggle seletion with (s)-tab
  • close selected buffers with <c-d>

other lsp/telescope keymaps

  • gd | gD preview/goto definition
  • gi | gI preview/goto implemention
  • gr | gR preview/goto references
  • K show docs
  • ga | gA align | with preview
    • e.g.: to align markdown tables: gA | <cr>
  • gs show signatur help
  • gp go to preview actions
  • ,c code actions:
    • a action
    • r rename
    • s reformat file
  • ,t telescope stuff:
    • e toggleterm
    • o todos
    • r Trouble
    • s go to symbol
  • ,g git actions
    • s Telescope git status
    • g open Neogit; README
  • ,h help
  • ,r vim-test
  • ,h show line diagnostics
  • C-n|p (command mode) jump to next|previous lsp diagnostics

Movement and others

  • tab, S-tab switch buffers (close with ,q)
  • <cr> / <bs> exand / shrink selection (in normal mode)
  • s leap.nvim; like 'f', but multiple lines; gs to jump to other splits
  • ,d toggle nvim-tree; bindings; I to toggle gitignore'd files
  • ,g Lazygit floating terminal
  • ,u toggle UndoTree
  • gcc toggle comment on/off
  • kj remap of ESC
  • <space> l clear search highlight
  • <space> k toggle node action (toogle bools, split/join hashes, ...)
  • ,te toggle terminal; :ToggleTermSendCurrentLine and other goodies, see README


  • ma set mark a; README
  • m:a preview mark a
  • dm- delete all marks in current line
  • dm<space> delete all marks in current buffer


  • C-p|n cycle through elements
  • C-f|b jump to next/previous placeholder


Search and Replace

Search and replace is like nothing you've ever experienced, thanks to Telescope and quickfix-reflector. Ok, let's say you want to replace the function foo with bar in some files in the project. Watch this:

  • search for string: ,s to open Telescope live_grep, then enter foo
  • put those results into the quickfix list with <c-q> (watch this if you have no idea what the quickfix list is; send all selected items to qflist with <m-q> btw.)
  • now, edit the contents in the quickfix list! optionally remove lines you don't want to replace, then some kind of: :s/foo/bar/g. We even get a preview of our replacement.
  • if we're happy, :write the changes


  • :Toc display table of contents
  • zm, zO, ... usual folding syntax
  • fenced code blocks



The colorscheme and other goodies require a terminal with truecolor support. Sadly, that isn't the case for MacOS' Terminal. Currently I'm mostly using iTerm2.


For all the icons to show correctly, please use one of the Nerd Fonts. However, there's also a Lo-Fi mode/style available, which transparently removes all Nerdfont/Devicon requirements ✨ To use, just set the env var NVIM_STYLE=plain before calling this neovim config.