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I'll be sharing my progress for the 30 Days of C++ Revision Challenge on this repository.


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πŸ“… TRACK DAYS: 20 of 30


πŸ“‘ Contents :

  • C++
    • Introduction to C++
      • History and Overview
      • Setting Up the Development Environment
      • First C++ Program
    • Basics of C++
      • Variables and Data Types
      • Operators
      • Control Flow (if, else, switch)
      • Loops (for, while, do-while)
    • Functions in C++
      • Function Declaration and Definition
      • Parameters and Return Types
      • Function Overloading
      • Recursion
    • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
      • Classes and Objects
      • Inheritance
      • Polymorphism
      • Encapsulation
      • Abstraction
    • C++ Standard Template Library (STL)
      • Containers
      • Iterators
      • Algorithms
    • Memory Management
      • Dynamic Memory Allocation (new and delete)
      • Smart Pointers
    • File Handling
      • Reading from and Writing to Files
      • File Streams
    • Exception Handling
      • try, catch, throw
      • Standard Exceptions
    • Advanced Topics
      • Templates
      • Lambda Expressions
      • Multithreading
      • Regular Expressions
    • Best Practices and Coding Standards
      • Code Organization
      • Naming Conventions
      • Documentation
    • Real-world Applications and Case Studies

βœ… Day 1: History & Setup

Install a C++ compiler and a code editor.

  • History and Overview
  • Install GCC (GNU Compiler Collection) or Visual Studio as your compiler.
  • Choose a code editor such as VS Code, Sublime Text, or any other you're comfortable with.

βœ… Day 2: Basics of Syntax

Learn about basic C++ syntax, variables, and data types.

  • Syntax
  • Token
  • Comment
  • Keyword
  • Variables & Constant
  • Data Types
  • Operators
  • Input/Output

βœ… Day 3-4: Control Flow

Explore control flow statements (if, else, switch) and loops (for, while).

  • Write simple programs to practice using these statements.
  • Print patterns or solve basic problems using loops.

βœ… Day 5: Functions

Understand functions, function prototypes, parameters, and return types.

  • Write functions for simple mathematical operations.
  • Practice calling functions with different arguments.

βœ… Day 6-7: Arrays and Strings

Dive into arrays and strings in C++.

  • Create programs that manipulate arrays and strings.
  • Practice iterating through arrays and performing operations on strings.

βœ… Day 8: Introduction to OOP

Learn the basics of object-oriented programming (OOP) - classes and objects.

  • Write a simple class and create objects.
  • Understand the concept of encapsulation.

βœ… Day 9-12: Advanced OOP Concepts

Learn about inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and abstraction.

  • Extend your previous class with inheritance.
  • Implement polymorphism and explore abstraction and encapsulation concepts.

βœ… Day 13-15: STL - Vectors, Lists, Queues

Explore the Standard Template Library (STL) - vectors, lists, and queues.

  • Create programs using these STL containers.
  • Understand their methods and properties.

βœ… Day 16-18: STL - Maps, Sets, Algorithms

Study maps, sets, and algorithms provided by the STL.

  • Implement programs using maps and sets.
  • Explore algorithms like sorting and searching in the STL.

βœ… Day 19: File Handling

Understand file input/output operations in C++.

  • Write programs that read from and write to files.
  • Practice error handling for file operations.

βœ… Day 20: Exception Handling

Dive into exception handling with try, catch, and throw statements.

  • Create programs that handle exceptions gracefully.
  • Practice catching different types of errors.

❌ Day 21-27: Mini Project

Work on a small project. Choose something that interests you.

  • Start planning and coding your project.
  • It could be a simple game, a data management system, or any other application.

❌ Day 28-30: Advanced Concepts

Explore advanced C++ concepts like pointers, dynamic memory allocation, and templates.

  • Apply these concepts in your mini project.
  • Experiment with templates and dynamic memory.

Β© 30 DAYS OF C++ [ 2024-25 ]



I'll be sharing my progress for the 30 Days of C++ Revision Challenge on this repository.








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