Napr is a Python package that takes a machine learning driven approach to navigate the natural products chemical space.
pip install napr
To update napr to the latest version, add -U or --upgrade flag, i.e. pip install -U napr
The tutorials directory include:
- Terpene-explore: exploratory data analysis of terpenes (the COCONUT dataset) in the natural products chemical space
- Terpene-classification-classic: classification of terpenes with ML techniques such as kNN, random forest and xgboost
We welcome new contributors of all experience levels.
Launch the test suite, after installation:
pytest napr
If you use this package, please cite:
- Hosseini, Morteza, and David M. Pereira. "The chemical space of terpenes: insights from data science and AI." arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.15047 (2021).