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Generate potential locations of road/railway stream crossings and associated structures in British Columbia.


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Generate potential locations of road/railway stream crossings and associated structures in British Columbia.

In addition to generating the intersection points of roads/railways and streams, this tool attempts to:

  • remove duplicate crossings
  • identify crossings that are likely to be bridges/open bottom structures
  • maintain a consistent unique identifier value (modelled_crossing_id) that is stable with script re-runs

Methods and sources

Stream features

Streams are taken from the BC Freshwater Atlas and loaded using fwapg.

Linear transportation features

Road and railway features are downloaded from DataBC. Features used to generate stream crossings are defined by the queries below. The queries attempt to extract transportation features only at locations where there is likely to be a stream crossing structure.

Source Query
Digital Road Atlas (DRA) transport_line_type_code NOT IN ('F','FP','FR','T','TR','TS','RP','RWA') AND transport_line_surface_code != 'D' AND transport_line_structure_code != 'T'
Forest Tenure Roads life_cycle_status_code NOT IN ('RETIRED', 'PENDING')
OGC Road Segment Permits status = 'Approved' AND road_type_desc != 'Snow Ice Road'
OGC Development Roads pre-2006 petrlm_development_road_type != 'WINT'
NRN Railway Tracks structure_type != 'Tunnel' (via spatial join to gba_railway_structure_lines_sp)

Overlay and de-duplication

Intersection points of the stream and road features are created. Because we want to generate locations of individual structures, crossings (on the same stream) are de-duplicated using several data source specific tolerances:

  • merge DRA crossings on freeways/highways with a 30m tolerance
  • merge DRA crossings on arterial/collector road with a 20m tolerance
  • merge other types of DRA crossings within a 12.5m tolerance
  • merge FTEN crossings within a 12.5m tolerance
  • merge OGC crossings within a 12.5m tolerance
  • merge railway crossings within a 20m tolerance

DRA crossings are also merged across streams at a tolerance of 10m.

After same-source data crossings are merged, all crossings are de-duplicated using a 10m tolerance across all (road) data sources (railway crossings are not merged with the road sources). The actual location of an output crossing corresponds to the location from the highest priority dataset - in this order of decreasing priority: DRA, FTEN, OGC permits, OGC permits pre2006. Despite the duplicate removals, the unique identifier for each source road within 10m of a crossing is retained - all crossings can be linked back to their various source road datasets.

Bridges / Open Bottom Structures

Once duplicates have been removed, output crossings are identified/modelled as open bottom structures via these properties:

Source Query output modelled_crossing_type_source
Stream order stream_order >= 6 FWA_STREAM_ORDER
Rivers/double line streams edge_type IN (1200, 1250, 1300, 1350, 1400, 1450, 1475) FWA_EDGE_TYPE
MOT structures bmis_structure_type = 'BRIDGE' MOT_ROAD_STRUCTURE_SP
PSCIS structures current_crossing_type_code = 'OBS' PSCIS
DRA structures transport_line_structure_code IN ('B','C','E','F','O','R','V') TRANSPORT_LINE_STRUCTURE_CODE
Railway structures structure_type LIKE 'BRIDGE%' GBA_RAILWAY_STRUCTURE_LINES_SP


  • a FWA database created by fwapg
  • PostgreSQL (requires >= v12)
  • PostGIS (tested with v3.0.2)
  • GDAL (tested with v3.1.2)
  • Python (>=3.6)
  • bcdata
  • pscis
  • wget, unzip, parallel


The repository is a collection of sql files and shell (bash) scripts - no installation is required.

To get the latest:

git clone
cd modelled_stream_crossings

Run the scripts

Scripts presume that environment variables PGHOST, PGUSER, PGDATABASE, PGPORT, DATABASE_URL are set to the appropriate db and that password authentication for the database is not required.

If required, download the data:

$ ./

Run the overlays and produce the outputs:

$ ./


Output table is fish_passage.modelled_stream_crossings:

                                                            Table "fish_passage.modelled_stream_crossings"
            Column             |          Type          | Collation | Nullable |                                       Default
 modelled_crossing_id          | integer                |           | not null | nextval('fish_passage.modelled_stream_crossings_modelled_crossing_id_seq'::regclass)
 modelled_crossing_type        | character varying(5)   |           |          |
 modelled_crossing_type_source | text[]                 |           |          |
 transport_line_id             | integer                |           |          |
 ften_road_section_line_id     | text                   |           |          |
 og_road_segment_permit_id     | integer                |           |          |
 og_petrlm_dev_rd_pre06_pub_id | integer                |           |          |
 railway_track_id              | integer                |           |          |
 linear_feature_id             | bigint                 |           |          |
 blue_line_key                 | integer                |           |          |
 downstream_route_measure      | double precision       |           |          |
 wscode_ltree                  | ltree                  |           |          |
 localcode_ltree               | ltree                  |           |          |
 watershed_group_code          | character varying(4)   |           |          |
 geom                          | geometry(PointZM,3005) |           |          |
    "modelled_stream_crossings_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (modelled_crossing_id)
    "modelled_stream_crossings_blue_line_key_idx" btree (blue_line_key)
    "modelled_stream_crossings_ften_road_section_line_id_idx" btree (ften_road_section_line_id)
    "modelled_stream_crossings_geom_idx" gist (geom)
    "modelled_stream_crossings_linear_feature_id_idx" btree (linear_feature_id)
    "modelled_stream_crossings_og_petrlm_dev_rd_pre06_pub_id_idx" btree (og_petrlm_dev_rd_pre06_pub_id)
    "modelled_stream_crossings_og_road_segment_permit_id_idx" btree (og_road_segment_permit_id)
    "modelled_stream_crossings_railway_track_id_idx" btree (railway_track_id)
    "modelled_stream_crossings_transport_line_id_idx" btree (transport_line_id)

See basic summary stats for the current release in the reports folder. Date of source data downloads is noted in CHANGES.txt and an extract of the current version is available here.


The script completely re-runs the analysis and new data is created each time it is run - modelled_crossing_id will not be consistent between runs.

If retaining existing modelled_crossing_id values is required, modify and use the script sql/09_match_archived_crossings.sql to match ids against an existing table. Matching is done by finding nearest neighbouring points within 10m.

For published output, this matching script has been run to match modelled_crossing_id to crossing_id values from v.2.3.1 of the Fish Passage Technical Working Group model.