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Getting started (Windows and WSL)

Enabling WSL on your machine

  • Run Windows Powershell as administrator.
  • Paste the following into the terminal and follow the instructions. Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux
  • Restart computer when prompted.

Running a Linux-distro on your machine

  • Go to Microsoft store and search for Ubuntu (in this case) and install it.
  • When installation is complete run Bash.exe and follow the instructions.
  • You should now have a UNIX-environment running in Windows.

Set up Git

  • By default Ubuntu comes with an older version of Git, to fix this you need to add a package repository to your Ubuntu package manager.
  • Open Bash.exe and paste the following into the terminal. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppa
  • Once that is done you can now run sudo apt update && sudo apt install git

Set up Node and NPM

The following instructions installs node and npm on your WSL-environment only

  • Go to and follow the instructions for how to install nvm
  • When nvm has been installed you can run Bash.exe and paste the following into the terminal nvm install lts/* to install the latest LTS-release of node. This will also set your default node version to lts/*
  • To see your installed versions of node run the following command nvm list
  • And to use a specific version of node you type nvm use <your version>

Set up YarnPKG

  • Open Bash.exe and run the following command curl -sS | sudo apt-key add -
  • Then run echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list
  • And finally if you are using nvm sudo apt update && sudo apt install --no-install-recommends yarn else just run sudo apt update && sudo apt install yarn

Set up VSCode

  • Download VSCode from and install it.
  • Plugins
    • Debugger for Chrome
    • Docker
    • Remote - WSL
    • Babel Javascript
    • ESLint
    • GitLens
    • Prettier

Set up Docker

  • Firstly you need to download and install docker from

  • To make your docker.exe runnable from WSL without having to write docker.exe you can instead use an alias, simply open your Bash.exe and run echo "alias docker=docker.exe" >> ~/.bash_aliases this will append the string alias docker=docker.exe your .bash_aliases file located in your home directory ( ~/ )

  • To get docker volume mounts to work when using WSL and Docker desktop for Windows you need to change WSL mount root path from /mnt to / to do this you open the terminal and run sudo nano /etc/wsl.conf and you add the following:

    root = /
    options = "metadata"

  • Then in your docker desktop settings you select that you want to share your C:/ drive
    some text

Set up MongoDB

With Docker

  • You can run mongo db as a docker container and exposing the port used by mongo in the docker container to the host system to make it accessible as if it was running normally on your system.
  • To persist data across container runs you can create a volumes, do this by running docker volume create mongodata
  • docker run --name local-mongo -d -p 27017:27017 -v mongodata:/data/db mongo:latest
  • The above command will run a docker container with the name local-mongo in daemon mode with the port-mappings 27017 from the docker container to 27017 on the host system, i.e your windows machine. Lastly it will map the data folder from the docker container to your docker volume called mongodata that you created earlier.
  • To start the local mongo server you can then run docker start local-mongo

Regular install

  • TODO

Set up Redis

With Docker

  • You can run redis db as a docker container and exposing the port used by redis in the docker container to the host system to make it accessible as if it was running normally on your system.
  • To persist data across container runs you can create a volumes, do this by running docker volume create redisdata
  • docker run --name local-redis -d -p 6379:6379 -v redisdata:/data redis:latest redis-server
  • The above command will run a docker container with the name local-redis in daemon mode with the port-mappings 6379 from the docker container to 6379 on the host system, i.e your windows machine. Lastly it will map the data folder from the docker container to your docker volume called redisdata that you created earlier.
  • To start the local redis server you can then run docker start local-redis

Regular install

  • TODO

Set up Java and Maven

This sets up Java and Maven the regular windows way

  • Download OpenJDK 12 from (select the windows alternative)

  • Extract the folder to any place you like, but keep it on the windows filesystem or else some applications will have trouble finding the java.exe

  • Download Maven from (select the binary version)

  • Extract to anywhere you like but as with Java, keep the files on the windows filesystem.

  • Next you need to add some environment variables
    some text
    some text
    some text

  • Then select the entry named Path and click Edit and add the following some text

  • To see that it worked you should now the able to run (in your windows command line) java --version or if you do it in WSL java.exe --version

  • For maven you run mvn -v


Quick setup guide WSL






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