A video converter for Android to compress video using MediaCodec(decode and encode). 一个安卓视频压缩工具,使用了Mediacodec
Filter rendering for Android,can add filter effect to GLSurfaceView using OpenGL. 视频滤镜渲染处理,可以添加多种滤镜,使用了OpenGL
基于RxJava +Retrofit + JetPack + MVP + 模块化 + 常用自定义View 搭建的快速开发框架
⚡️Curated list of resources for the development and applications of blockchain.
Reliable asynchronous message system ensuring eventually consistency for distributed system.
References and summary for leetcode high-frequency algorithm problems
JunkMan is a toolkit for what it can trace the PHP GC logs by xdebug.distribute GC logs to the JunkManMonitor
Efficient python for data science, machine learning, and software engineering
An enterprise application based on yii2 basic template
💡 Blog ✏️ 算法📝 操作系统 📒网络 👫 面向对象💾 数据库☕️ Java 📖 分布式 🔨 支付💻 工具🙊 框架系列 🔧 前端系列
比特币交易平台,法币交易平台,币币交易平台 / btc eth ltc exchange markets, trading server, cryptocurrency trading
Spring Cloud Azure is an open-source project that provides seamless Spring integration with Azure services.
DES、AES、Present、Extended Euclidean Algorithm、Miller-Rabin( 常用密码学算法)推荐书籍《现代密码学趣味之旅》---彭长根
Jigsaw puzzle based on Vue(基于Vue的拼图小游戏,可自动拼图。还包含Weex版)