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Multi-Objective Optimization of Performance and Interpretability of Tabular Supervised Machine Learning Models


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In this repository we release all code to replicate all results, and reproduces tables and figures presented in the paper: Multi-Objective Optimization of Performance and Interpretability of Tabular Supervised Machine Learning Models

Note that we also offer a standalone R package for the EAGGA implementation, which can be found at While this repository here is primarily intended for replicating experiments, generating figures, and reproducing tables as reported in the paper, we strongly encourage utilizing for practical use and research purposes. This alternate repository is actively maintained, provides better documentation as well as enhanced usability and features, and undergoes continuous testing.

The repository is structured as follows:

  • The root directory resembles an R package containing the implementation of EAGGA at the time point of writing the paper and running benchmark experiments
    • The most important directory is R/ containing the source code
    • Content of files within R/ should be self-explanatory due to their naming. The EAGGA implementation can be found in TunerEAGGA.R
  • attic/benchmarks contains all code needed to rerun benchmarks and generate figures and reproduce tables as reported in the paper
    • plots/ contains all figures included in the extended version of the paper
    • results/ will contain aggregated results of the benchmark experiments and ablation studies used to generate figures and tables. To obtain these results, please download compressed_results.tar.gz from here and uncompress it via tar -xzvf compressed_results.tar.gz. If you are interested in the raw results in the form of batchtools registries, please open an issue
    • run_ours_so.R and run_ablation.R contain code to run the actual benchmark experiments and ablation studies via batchtools
    • analyze_ours_so.R and analyze_ablation.R contain all code to analyze the aggregated results/ and generate figures and tables. Note that running these scripts will overwrite existing content in plots/
    • helpers.R contains helper functions and code used within the main routines
    • majority_vote.R contains code to generate the majority vote baseline on each task
    • openml_tasks.R contains code to generate an overview of the OpenML tasks used within benchmark experiments and ablation studies
    • search_spaces.R contains helper code describing the search space of each learner used within benchmark experiments and ablation studies

In the benchmark experiments and ablation studies, R 4.2.2 was used. batchtools was used to run experiments on an internal HPC cluster equipped with Intel Xeon E5-2670 instances.

renv.lock provides an renv lock file that lists all packages and their versions used throughout all benchmark experiments and ablation studies. The EBM was used as wrapped via relying on python 3.8 and interpret 0.2.7.

To replicate our results, install R 4.2.2 and python 3.8 and proceed to install all required packages.

install.packages("renv")  # 0.16.0
install.packages("devtools")  # 2.4.2
renv::restore(lockfile = "renv.lock")
remotes::install_local("", upgrade = "never")  # install the eagga package

Setting up EBmlr3 is described here:

Then run the benchmarks and ablation studies as described in attic/benchmarks/run_ours_so.R and attic/benchmarks/run_ablation.R. Make sure to adapt some paths when constructing batchtools registries or saving results, i.e., in run_ours_so.R and run_ablation.R. We indicate this via "FIXME_path" as a placeholder.

Note that eagga.pdf is an extended version of the paper containing supplementary material and additional analyses.


Multi-Objective Optimization of Performance and Interpretability of Tabular Supervised Machine Learning Models





