A ROS2 node that interfaces to PX4 using Fast RTPS and published enough to get the navigation stack running. This thing runs in the Gazebo simulator, but I have not bable to test it against a flight controller yet. This is planned for September 2021
This node has fallen a bit behind the Drone_MAVSDK version, and will not work with the Navigation Light Package at this stage. To bring it up to date, add:
- a map->odom transfom publisher,
- battery state publisher
- subscrive to the downward pointing range sensor and pass to flight controller
- gps position publisher (optional) Consult with the drone_mavsdk package for examples of how this is done. This is a valid starting point though.
This node depends on the drone_interfaces package.
PX4 uses a Foreward Right Down coordinate system, and ROS2 uses a Foreward Left Up coodinate system. To align the two, a static transform boradcaster has to be started. This is demonstrated in the launch file.
eric@simulator:~/ros_ws$ ros2 node info /drone_node
/drone/cmd_vel: geometry_msgs/msg/Twist
/drone/odom: nav_msgs/msg/Odometry
Service Servers:
/drone/arm: drone_interfaces/srv/Arm
/drone/offboard: drone_interfaces/srv/Offboard
Service Clients:
Action Servers:
/drone/land: drone_interfaces/action/Land
/drone/takeoff: drone_interfaces/action/Takeoff
Action Clients:
- The code compiles and runs on a Virtual Box machine running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- The code compiles and runs on a Raspberry Pi 4 4Mb running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- Code needs to be tested in the smulator (functional testing)
- Code neets to be tested against a real flight controller (Pixhawk 4 Mini)
Arm the drone
ros2 service call /drone/arm drone_interfaces/srv/Arm
ros2 action send_goal /drone/takeoff "drone_interfaces/action/Takeoff" "{target_altitude: 5.0}"
ros2 action send_goal /drone/land "drone_interfaces/action/Land" "{gear_down: true}"
Enable offboard mode
ros2 service call /drone/offboard drone_interfaces/srv/Offboard "{enable: 0}"
Fly in a circle
ros2 topic pub --once /drone/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/msg/Twist "{linear: {x: 2.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.5}, angular: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.5}}"
This code has not flown.