MVP of a Learning Management System built with remix + vite, drizzle + better-sqlite3, and tailwindcss + daisyui.
Admin | Teacher | Student |
- primary keys with randomUUID + on delete cascade
- Session storage (cookies)
- Authentication + Authorization (RBAC) middleware
- Schema validations with Zod
- Responsive tables with filters + search box + pagination
- Responsive sidebar
- Confirmation dialogs
- Logging with Pino
- e2e testing with Playwright
- Toast with sooner
- Optimistic UI (update assignment status)
- Dark mode
- Assignments have status (
) and type (HOMEWORK
) - Users have roles (
) - User login with multiple roles
- Admin role should CRUD users and assignments
- Teacher role should CRUD only their own assignments
- Student role should list all assignments
- Admin, Teacher, Student should be able to view and edit their profiles
- Courses: Teachers and Admins can perform CRUD operations on courses and create assignments for each course.
- Courses: Teachers and Admins can assign users to courses.
- Courses: Students can only see assignments in their assigned courses.
- Courses: Students can belong to multiple courses.
- Assignment Submissions: Students can submit assignments.
- Assignment Submissions: Students can filter assignments (submitted, open).
- Assignment Submissions: Students can view the history of their submissions (by assignment).
- Assignment Submissions: Teachers can grade submissions.
- Assignment Submissions: Students can see their submission grades.
- Statistics page: Display the total number of users, courses, assignments, and assignment submissions.
Deploy with dokku
dokku apps:create remix-dashboard
dokku storage:ensure-directory remix-dashboard-sqlite
dokku storage:mount remix-dashboard /var/lib/dokku/data/storage/remix-dashboard-sqlite:/usr/src/app/sqlite/
dokku config:set remix-dashboard DATABASE_URL=./sqlite/db.sqlite SECRET_KEY={YOUR_SECRET}
dokku ports:add remix-dashboard http:80:3333
dokku ports:add remix-dashboard https:443:3333
dokku run remix-dashboard bun run db:push
dokku run remix-dashboard bun run db:seed all